
Humanity Unchained

Getting another chance at life, Shiras travels back in time in the Wizarding World and helps shape the world a bit, while also keeping to himself. As the Ultimate Human, he will learn and progress and maybe even create his own school. He will travel through the Omniverse and prove to everyone, the potential and power of humanity. This is a multiverse and Essence fanfic. World to visit: - Harry Potter - One Piece - Black Clover - Bleach - Star Wars - Invincible - Marvel - (ASOIAF) - (Warhammer 40k)

Vincent_0580 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
39 Chs


For those of you who won't like this, I am sorry. But romance is not something I am good at writing. Besides, the MC is an Emperor, so, naturally, he will see romance differently. There will be other non-OC Female Leads


(Neoth POV)

I held my twins in my arms after they were just born, a boy and a girl. Nuna and I have gotten closer over the centuries and even though I offered her to gain eternal youth, she refused. She refused because our children didn't inherit my immortality, not even in a weaker form. They would live for much longer than normal, about 300 years, but they weren't immortal. Due to that, Nuna refused to become immortal in any form. She said that she wanted to see our children grow up normally.

I accepted her view of things. I could see that living that long started to get to her slowly. Her mind wasn't made for this. She was a normal human after all. My mindset had changed over the years. I didn't bother with things that couldn't be changed. Admittedly there hadn't been anything like that yet, but it was Nuna's choice.

I was very happy now that I had children. My two rays of sunshine would make me proud, I was sure of it. But Nuna was beyond exhausted. It seems that the strength of the children caused her to spend much more energy during the delivery than normal. I'll give her some potions to regain her stamina and health quickly. 


My children were born in the year 300 AD. Throughout the time of the Roman Empire, Cadia stood strong and defended itself against any attacks. The biggest attempt at our lands and resources was made by the good Julius Ceasar during the Gallic Wars in 58 BCE. Our meeting on the battlefield was an embarrassment for the Romans and for Julius himself, which almost resulted in the Gallic Wars being lost. The exact details are something that belongs in a history book, but when we both met on the battlefield and talked about his foolishness, he was rather angry. It was a hard blow to his ego and pride. 

The funny thing is, that I took control of good ol' Julius during our meeting using my magic and practically made him into a spy and a slave under my full control. I knew what would happen in the future, and having someone in his position under my control would be the beginning of my secret Empire. 

Now, 350 years later, I have a much better way to take someone under my control. I have combined magic with microbiology and have created something truly dark. I call it the blood, parasite. This parasite has only one purpose. To infect the erythrocytes, the red blood cells of someone and slowly take all of them under control. It doesn't only infect the erythrocytes, but the specific genome that creates the bloodline of someone. With this, the parasite essentially takes control over a person's bloodline. 

(A/N This is pure BS, don't think too much about it. That's not how biology works)


I watched my children grow up. I usually spend my time either researching more about genetic engineering and improving the templates of my Adeptus, advancing technology, looking after the growing villages in Cadia, or spending time with Nuna and the children. Both of my children are a wizard and a witch, Alexander and Evangeline. I took my time teaching them from an early age about the world, values, and all sorts of academics. I wanted them to decide for themselves what they would do in the future, but the groundwork had to be laid.

Nuna had decided that she wanted to raise her children and therefore, she didn't want to spend too much time in the home dimension. This meant, that she started to age normally now. Over the centuries, she had grown into a young woman of 20 years old. So after giving birth, she stopped staying in the home dimension, to raise our children and see them grow. 

I took my children everywhere they wished. There was almost nothing they weren't allowed to see. And in the future, they would know almost everything that was going on in Cadia and the entire world. I was surprised that both Alexander and Evangeline seemed to like the Adeptus Terranes, which is the name I had for the equivalent of the Adeptus Astartes. But we aren't going to space and across the Multiverse just yet, so the name has changed. 

What I was surprised about wasn't that both of my children liked the Adeptus Terranes, but Evangeline liked them a lot more than Alexander. Alexander was much more of a magic enthusiast. However ... while Evangeline loved the Adeptus and wanted to train like them, she was not a brute and when sparring against Alexander in their magic duels, she preferred to use variety and subtlety. This was the complete opposite of Alexander. He didn't like to train his body and preferred to go 100% the magic route. In turn, he liked to use the most powerful spells he could use and simply blast all his problems away. 


"Can I see them today, Dad?", the 13-year-old Evangeline asks me. I promised to show her the training of the newly established Battle Sisters. 

"We can. Are you finished with everything I gave you?", I usually would give both of them some homework, which means they have to do some research on their own and then practice what they learned.

"Yes! Let's go, let's go!", she began to pull my hand ... which didn't work at all. I have continued to train myself over the centuries and have grown both taller and much stronger. I had the Custodes build except for my height which has surpassed 2 meters now (6'6''). I don't really want to grow any larger now. This is more than enough. 


"Urgh, why are you so heavy, Dad!!", Evangeline says as she tries to pull me away. She stops finally and thinks about it. This is something I encourage, if something is too hard, try another way.

She takes out her wand and points it at the cushion I am sitting on. We are having a family breakfast right now and both Nuna and Alexander are watching our interaction in amusement. 

"Windgardium Leviosa", Evangeline chants the levitation spell and I can feel the magic take effect. She hasn't targeted me, since for one she knows that I have a very high resistance to magic and two, it doesn't work on humans. I acquired that during my more brutal training. As the cushion tries to lift me up, I feel ... that it's not working. 

"I don't think it's working Eva.", Alexander says. 

"So ... heavy...", she says through gritted teeth. The doesn't give up though and pumps more magic into the spell. Finally, she manages to lift the cushion with me on top. 

"Locomotor", Evangeline says and manages to move me away from the table. I laugh when I see her pant heavily.

"I ... haaa haaa ... did it ..."

"Well done love. Come, we'll see the Battle Sisters. I'm sure they will perform something for us to witness."

"Yey ..."


The Battle Sisters is a project I spent time on after I saw Evangeline's interest in the Adeptus. The Battle Sisters were rather powerful and compared to the Adeptus Terranes, they aren't that much weaker, in the physical sense. Their intellect, their dexterity and decision-making even surpass the Adeptus. Thanks to the advancing technology, they are equally dangerous as the Adeptus are. 

After I created the Firstborn Adeptus, I didn't stop advancing and continued to improve them and the technology they had. So after continuing my research on biology, technology and magic, I managed to improve upon the Firstborn Adeptus and created the Adeptus Terranes. They were superior to the Firstborn in all aspects.

It was after creating the Adeptus Terranes, that I thought of creating a 'gene seed'. The one with which I would make adjustments and improvements, in order to make each generation of Adeptus stronger than the last. And that's what I did. I used magic and the spell 'Historiae Analysis' combined with Divination to see what would happen by changing millions and billions of things in the genome. I understood more and more about the human genome and managed to see possibilities for different units. 

I believe that the current Adeptus Terranes, which are the 3rd generation after the Firstborn, are comparable if not superior to the Primaris Space Marines. It does make sense, after all, I am using magic to help me and since I have not much else to do, I have a lot of time dedicated to improving the 'gene seed'. 

I have plans for three other units. For one, the Adeptus Custodes. In Warhammer 40k, the Adeptus Custodes were the Imperial adepta responsible for protecting the Imperial Palace and the physical body of the Emperor of Mankind, as well as serving as His most important emissaries, His companions, and the keepers of His many secrets.

The Custodes are an elite cadre of genetically-engineered transhuman warriors who are even more potent in combat than the Adeptus Astartes. They are to the Space Marines as the Emperor is to his Primarchs, and it is rumoured that each was created by the Master of Mankind personally. His might permeates them, burns in their eyes and flows through their veins as surely as their blood. As such, the Adeptus Custodes are widely regarded as the deadliest warriors in the galaxy.

My Adeptus Custodes will be similar to those from Warhammer 40k. But mine will surpass their counterparts. I will make them much greater and with more potential. The armour I have planned will be more powerful and their weapons much more deadly. It will be glorious and I will indeed create them all personally, I do that with all my soldiers.

I have something special planned for the Custodes, but that will come later on.


The second unit I have planned is my generals, the Primarchs. They will have to come and they will be just as important as they were intended in Warhammer 40k. 

The Primarchs will be bred to be perfect generals, warriors and statesmen; larger, stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal Human could ever hope to be. They will possess a potent charisma and martial prowess that make them like the mythical gods of old, untouchable by disease, old age or supposedly the petty failings of lesser men.

Each will embody an aspect of war; one was the greatest strategist ever known, another the personification of the terror of war, a third the master of magic or other powers, a fourth the greatest practitioner of the arts of fortification, and so on. Like the Emperor in Warhammer40k, I intend to raise the Primarchs to be the best military commanders and political leaders in Human history. They will serve as my generals and proconsuls.

The Primarchs will be my answer to conquering worlds for Mankind, and welcoming them into my Imperium. And one day, I will reach out to the Warhammer Universe and replace the corpse sitting on a golden throne, feeding off of human lives.


Finally, I have planned for a special unit, called the Adeptus Magicae. They will be the equivalent of the Grey Knights. But instead of using 'only' psychic energy, they will primarily use magic. Imagine the power of a superior Primaris Space Marine but with magic and other powers that I might add in the future. 

So while I have those plans, I am still a while away from reaching that stage. I am making sure to handle any and all problems that might arise. I don't want a Horus Heresy to happen to me, ever. I will take full control over the Adeptus and Primarchs I will create. I have already created millions of contingencies. And the best one ... is myself.