
HP: The Secret Heir.

I get transported into the world of Harry Potter I am going to become the most powerful and influential wizard of the time.

confused4you · ภาพยนตร์
59 Chs

Draft of chapter one.

The full moon rises in the sky, and the creatures of night are coming out of the woods. The Castle that stands on top of the hill overlooking a serene lake and its creatures. In an office that is lit by candles that are suspended in the air and under the light of those candles is an old man with a long white beard who is scribbling on papers.

He seems quite happy, yet a little concerned about the coming events of the future. An old bird beside him saw his friend, and it made a sound which was a mix of a whistle and a coo. It was trying to comfort his old friend.

The old man saw this, and he gently roamed his fingers around the bird's head. As he was playing with his bird. A woman entered his office. She had an ostrich green cloak and was wearing a black robe and a big pointy hat. She had a dumbfounded look on her face and in her hand was a parchment, and there was a name written on it.

The old man saw her friend in distress, or was it something else entirely? She showed the parchment to him and as he read the name. He was flabbergasted. He looked at her and she smiled and had tears in her eyes and she said, "He is not a squib."

The old man didn't have words for what he had done. He got up from his throne and he walked to the window and she said, "Albus, he is a wizard. I can't believe it, her son. I can't wait to meet him."

The old man nodded and words came out of his dry mouth and he put on a smile and said, "Yes, minny. I want to meet the child as well."

Even though the old man put up a happy front, his heart was in turmoil. He then turned to her friend and said, "Minny, I need you to remove his last name from the letter."

She looked at him and she was perplexed and she refuted, "Why? He would want to know who he is? It's his right."

He looked at her friend, who was enraged, and he put on a calm front and said, "Minny, I understand what you are saying, but we need to remember why we put him there in the first place. If he uses it, they will scorn him, not to mention he will be in great danger from them. I am asking this for his safety. You can tell him yourself once he is ready to know."

She wanted to refuse, but she understood why it was necessary and she reluctantly agreed and nodded in agreement. But she didn't stay long she left the office in a hurry.

The old man was thinking how his one decision would again influence the wizarding world. Has the darkness already consumed him? Or the light had finally reached him? Granting him asylum. Only time will tell what will become of him.


Life as we know it ends after we die. That's what I always believed. I don't believe that once we die; we are judged for our deeds by a guy who sits on a golden throne or any of the various ideologies that people had. I don't believe it. I believe that once we die, that's it. You are dead, all your accomplishments, your dreams, they are buried with you in the dirt. I believed it with my whole heart, but all that changed when I woke up from my slumber.

My heavy eyes opened and heard someone praying. I looked to my side, and it was a nun. She was praying with a cross in her hands. The room I was in looked bright, yet dull. The rays of sun illuminated the room, but the drab walls ruined the room. She looked at me and was relieved. She tried to say something to me but I couldn't understand her, her voice couldn't reach me. Suddenly my mind became heavy and there was a sudden jolt of pain and I fell unconscious.

I was in a deep sleep and I felt a little cold and I tried to shuffle and turn around to get a better position, but all that happened was that I fell on the ground. I was woken up from my sleep. I unwrapped myself from the coarse and stiff blanket and I rubbed my eyes and I got up and I felt a little weird.

I looked at my hands and even though the room was not lit, the full moon aided my eyes and I saw two small hands like that of a child. As I saw this, I was perplexed and out of words. I quickly checked my surroundings, and I saw a small room with a bed that was so small that you could fall off if you turned too much.

The walls were a dull cream colour and there was a light bulb in the room, but I didn't need to switch it on. The light from the moon was enough. I turned my head, and I saw that there was a window in the room from which the light was coming from and next to it was a small desk. There was a letter placed on the desk.

I tried to walk to the desk, and I felt uncomfortable walking in this body. It felt like there was a disconnect between the body and the mind. As I touched the letter, a sudden rush of memories hit my head and I remembered what was happening.

I had fallen sick yesterday, and I had died, or rather that the owner of this body had died at night. And I had taken his place. I had been sleeping for two days. The nuns were a little worried, but I would pop my eyes open here and there so they thought I was fine and besides, as time passed, the fever also came down.

I picked up the letter and opened the letter. I put the letter under the light of the moon and the contents of the letter shocked me to my core.

"To, Mr Jonathan.

In-room 15 A

Beeston Orphanage, Nottinghamshire

Dear Mr Jhonathan,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Students shall be required to report to the chamber of reception upon arrival the dates for which shall be duly advised.

We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts Heritage.

Yours sincerely,

Professor McGonagall.

date:- 4 July 1991."

As I read the contents of the letter I was shocked to my core because if this is real then it means that I am in a fictional world that is real and something else was also odd I didn't have a last name on the letter, everyone who gets the letter has a last name why is it that I don't?

I put the letter down and I walked to the bed and I bent down and I found a suitcase. I pulled it out and put it on the bed. I opened it and in it there were some clothes and a mirror and a ring which was a black pearl and it had some engravings on it. I took the mirror and looked into it. A boy with black hair, clear white skin, and amber eyes that had a mix of green in them. My face had sharp facial features, but I had a rather lanky build.

I put the mirror down and laid on my bed thinking about why all of this happened and what would it mean if I just existed in this world and how the original story is affected. I then looked at the ring and it had an engraving of a crow on it.

I heard a rumble come from my stomach. I sighed, thinking that I may not get some food right in the middle of the night. I got up and walked towards the window. I looked out the window and took a deep breath and smiled and said to myself, "I am going to do what I want."


The next day came, and I was checked upon by the nuns of the orphanage and I was allowed to rest in my room. I was free from chores and I got some good food as well, although it was just some oatmeal and milk, but still it was very substantial. I need to improve my body. The condition I am in is just pathetic.

I was sitting at the desk, and I was writing every little detail that I could remember. I knew the story, but I was missing some details and there is no saying that it will be the same as books or movies. But I was still writing everything down I could remember.

Some events may never even happen because I exist. I decided to use my power of knowledge so that I can become the most powerful wizard that anyone has ever seen and I don't just mean in magical prowess; I mean politically as well. I will use any tactic necessary to gain more power. I will stand at the top.

After I had finished with writing the timeline and the events, I rested for the day. Even though I wanted to work on myself, I was in no condition to do so, I'll have to wait for a few days to start a light exercise routine.

As I was thinking this, someone entered my room, and I turned to see who it was and it was a pudgy kid with two other kids behind him. He looked at me and smirked and said, "So you didn't die after all?" The pudgy whale with crooked teeth was Ken. The two behind him were Charles and Adrian. They were also very fugly.

I sighed and turned my face the other way. Ken gritted his teeth, and he said, "Oye, don't ignore me."

I didn't listen, he then huffed and his goons grabbed me and pulled me down the bed and they grabbed my arms and he walked to my face and said, "It would be better if you died, you waste of space."

I chuckled, and he grunted and asked, "What's so funny?!"

I smirked and said, "You talking about being a waste of space. Have you looked at yourself? You look like an ashy white baby hippo, but that hippo would still be cute, unlike you…"

Charles and Adrian, who were holding me, were holding back their laughter and Ken gritted his teeth and was about to punch me, but I threw him a death glare and said in a cold tone, "Go ahead and do it. But remember this, I will come back to take revenge on you and whatever you do to me, I will return it a hundredfold, so be very careful what you do next." The temperature of the room suddenly dropped, and they were scared and confused.

Ken looked around the room, but he couldn't understand why suddenly he was feeling cold. Charles and Adrian, who were holding me, let go of my arms and Ken put his hand down and he put on a weak smirk and said, "I'll let go of you today but…" I glared at him and he stopped and clicked his tongue and reluctantly said, "Let's go."

They got out of my room. As I relaxed, the temperature of the room became normal. I laid down on my bed and sighed. "I could get out of it today, but I need to be strong. I need power."


So this is a draft of chapter one. Tell me if you like it and as you can see there are a lot of different things going on and we also kinda get why he doesn't have a last name in the letter now from the beginning without giving away too much details.

If you don't like it or want somethings to change you can comment them down below and I will be uploading the new reboot on this account cause I can't access the new account on my laptop for some reason.

And lastly. I have come up with some of the title names, so tell me if you like any or comment one yourself as well.

I have Hp: Spare Hero, Hp: The Outcast, Hp: The eco of the shadows. Let me know which one you like best and yeah, really do comment because I really do need help I don't want to create some "inconstancy" as people would say.