
HP - The Metamorphmagus

Siamese Twins. The Brother, a natural Clairvoyant and Occlumense with no magic. The sister, a natural Metamorphmagus and the one to contain magic. What occurs when these four qualities are in one body for two separate entities? Time will tell us first.

Daoistk8PSYl · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
16 Chs

Shopping Spree!

Before you start reading, look up the song 'Serpent Song - Riff Kitten' and play it when '<(*_*)>' shows up.


The trio stood outside of Gringotts, and looked at their surroundings. Adrian looked at the list and said, "We need to get you school robes first, because we need to get your specific measurements. While people would usually go to Madam Malkin's, we should go to Twilfitt & Tattings, as they have quality over quantity."

The twins walked with him as he spoke, noting the Madams' store along the way and noticing the small, humble storefront with stylish robes and dress in the window, unlike the gaudy store behind them, with multitudes of people crowding it. As they walked in, a seamstress walked up to them.

Said seamstress was measuring them with her eyes, looking to see whether or not they were from a pureblood family, and either way, if they had the coin needed to pay for their apparel. She was at their side in moments and greeted them, "Welcome to Twilfitt and Tattings, how may I help you today?" She smelled coin, but also danger as well, and decided to dance in the safest way possible, respect.

The twins responded, as Adrian was still thinking about what was on the list, "Yes, we would like to get three different sets of clothes and robes, in these designs miss." Oriana pulled out some pictures from her bag, and showed them to the seamstress, who looked at the designs with interest. They were hand sketched from the twins themselves, and showed french designs with middle eastern influences and Asian twists. There were five designs in total, each one catering to a different form the twins could shift into.

"You may call me Jennifer, would you like your house emblem to be embroidered on?"

Adrian stiffened visibly, Oriana noticed, and thought up something on the spot. "Is it allowed? It's our first year, and we'd rather not get in trouble."

"I do not know that." Jennifer responded, and much to Oriana's delight, did not hear and notice Adrian's sigh of relief.

"I'd rather not then, don't want to think I'm right when I'm actually wrong."

"Very well then. If you do not mind my asking, why you are ordering these designs specifically?"

The twins looked at each other and then said, "[It's not a problem]""{But we would like you to keep your silence on this matter.}""Miss Jennifer." Jennifer stiffened slightly at this, as that meant they could be either the best customer, the worst, or the most troublesome. She nodded after a second, and relaxed.

"If you could follow me into a measuring room, we'll be able to discuss this matter in privacy."

The twins nodded and followed her into a room, where they heard her ask, "What matter requires such secrecy when simply asking for clothes?"

The twins looked at each other and nodded, before unbuttoning their sweaters, and showing light clothes on both of the twins bodies. Jennifer looked at them, confused, until she noticed that their hands seemed melded together.

"We, Miss Jennifer, are slightly different from regular wizards. Might you know the term 'Metamorphmagus'?"

Jennifer then looked up from the twins' hands and nodded at their serious expressions. She then saw the arms connected to the melded hands slowly meld back to back with each other, and their light, gauzy clothing break apart and fuse with the other, until the twins were back to back with each other, with their arms facing their respective directions, and leaving the twins in her sight.

"[We are slightly different.] We are able to do this, {But we need clothes that we are able to use while in our different forms.}"

Jennifer watched, stupefied, as the twins changed once again, into their 'Shiva' form. "We want to trust someone to do this, as this spreading before the time is right would leave us with a lot of problems."

They then held out both of their right hands out in her direction, one in a pleading motion and the other in a motion for a handshake. Jennifer, was mute from the shock she felt, she came to her senses when their hands reached out to her. She shook herself, and slapped her cheeks, before reaching out with one hand and shaking theirs. "Since you're showing me this, I assume you need these unorthodox designs due to your, 'temperamental' physique?"

"Yes, the designs are for us when together, as we just exhibited," the twins said, motioning to their 'Shiva' body, "While two of them are for us to use whenever we are separated, such as when we first came into the shop."

Jennifer nodded at that knowledge, and picked up the designs which she dropped on the floor while in her stupor, and looked through them again. She then mumbled, more to herself, "In order to get this done, I would need measurements first." She then turned to a cabinet on the side of the room and pulled out a roll of measuring tape, a quick notes quill, a parchment, and a bottle of ink.

"In order to get this done, I will need your measurements, when I say up your arms go straight out in front of you, and then after the measurement is taken, they go straight out to the sides, and then down next to your sides. Understood?" The twins nodded silently. "Let's start with this," Jennifer continued, motioning to their body, "Then we go to that form before that, and move on to the other three designs."

The twins complied, and went from Shiva, to Siamese (Back-to-Back), then two heads, and then H&G (Hansel and Gretel). Jennifer was a whirlwind, she called out numbers, sides, and words, every time she did, the quill would write in the background on the parchment, copying down what she said, and scribbling her every word and muttered thoughts.

Half an hour later, the measurements were taken, and extra measurements for their Spirit Forms were included. "Alright so I should be done with your clothes within two to three hours, would you like any enchantments on your clothes?"

The twins stood up from their respective seats and shook their heads as they responded, "No, we'll add our own enchantments at home. Use the finest fiber you wish to use, we'll come back after we're done getting our items for school. We'd also like dragon hide gloves and a winter set of what we ordered as well."

Jennifer nodded as the twins took their leave. She watched as the twins and their chaperone faded behind a group of red-headed people wandering to their boisterous neighboring storefront. 'I hope that this doesn't end up to be more troublesome than usual,' she thought to herself as she went to fetch her supplies.

The twins kept walking along and they stopped at Flourish and Blotts, where the name was shown as if being written on the book-shaped sign with a quill. Adrian walked in, and handed the twins a list after they found a quiet corner in the moderately crowded store. "These are the books you need for this school year, while you go look for them, I'll look for others that won't leave you bored out of your mind when you're done with them." Adrian playfully glared at Oriana, who was sheepishly looking away.

"[Okay Uncle Adrian, we'll get what we need!]"

"Okay, just remember the buddy system." Adrian replied, poking fun at the twins as they can't separate.

John just huffed and turned, taking Oriana with him as they left to go get the books needed. The twins looked at the list alternatively, one looking around and leading, while the other would look and study the list. They then started conversing on what they saw.

[Thankfully the books here are ordered alphabetically, so it won't take us too long.]

{Thank the Queen's saggy tits, I would've gone insane if they were just hodge podge mashed together on the shelves.}

(A/N: 1. They don't know of Merlin just yet, and 2. I needed something similar, and there are many memes of how the queen has seen better fireworks (i.e. the dinosaurs) so i figured this might work.)

[Hey! Profanity!]

{Calm down MOM, we just need to find the books. Speaking of which, we're too short to see what's on the top shelves.}

John looked around, and noticed how Oriana was right.

[I would say we ask for help,]

{But we're not in Mundane London John}

[Exactly, so why not help ourselves?]

{What do you mean?}

[Cover me for a minute.]

Oriana walked around in front of John and put her hands on his shoulders, as he moved one arm in front of his stomach, and the other petting the air above it. A small cat^(3) formed in his arms and mewled at John. John mewled back and started a conversation with the small being in his arms, with the two of them mewling at each other. Oriana watched with only one thought, 'Adorable'.

After a lengthy conversation, John grabbed the list out of a pocket and showed it to the kitten. It looked at the list and studied it and then meowed a response of affirmation to John. John smiled and turned to the shelf, and Oriana let go of one of his shoulders. John asked, "Ready Florence?", and when the cat meowed in agreement, he tossed the Kitten to the top shelf where she caught herself, and climbed on.

"Remember Florence the books are in alphabetical order." John told the cat as he looked up. "Let's look for 'A History of Magic' first, its by Bathilda Bagshot since we're already near section-B."

Florence meowed and lead the twins to the section they mentioned. Florence then turned and meowed once again, telling John they were there already. John nodded to Oriana, who started to look around for the book, along with the duo. As they looked around, they heard a meow from further down the aisle, and walked to it, to find Florence sitting on top of a toppled over book that was about to fall off the shelf.

"Thanks Florence! You can let it fall now!" John called, as they made their way under the shelf. Florence took the paw that was holding the book off, and it fell where John and Oriana caught it and put it down. "We need another one Florence!"


(3rd Person Limited POV)


People had started to turn and look where they heard a book fall, only to see two children catch it, and looked up to see a cat looking down as they caught it. As they heard the boy talk to the cat, they thought that it was stupid, as they couldn't understand humans and we couldn't understand them. Yet they heard the cat meow a few times in response, only for the boy to say, "Yes but they require EVERY student to have their own materials."

The gawkers were stunned and started watching with interest as the cat meowed back once again. They then looked to the boy, and he replied once more, "Yes, Oriana also finds it stupid considering our situation, but I'd rather not get in trouble." They looked to the cat as it grumbled and started to paw a book to the edge and then meow down to the boy who then prepared to catch the book. The cat pushed it off, and the boy and his sister caught the book. They put the book on top of the other book, and looked at a list the sister had pulled out of her pocket.

The boy then looked up to the cat and said, "We need to find 'The Standard Book of Spells: Grade One' now. It's by Miranda Goshawk so we need to go to section-G okay?" The peanut gallery started to follow the small trio as they went to the section mentioned. The cat meowed once again after it stopped at another shelf. Then they noticed the siblings looking around for the book, and that sent them into a flurry to look busy. The siblings found the book they needed and continued to find the rest, with the occasional two books falling off the shelves and a crowd following all the way down interested in how the boy and his cat communicated.

The boy stopped after getting Magic Theory, where the cat they had come to learn was Florence, had to jump across, but could not reach the other shelf. The boy and girl just raised their hands to make a platform, and the crowd watched as the cat jumped off the shelf, onto their hands, and then jumped across to the shelf, where the books fell once again.

The children picked up the books and left to go to the front of the store, with the cat jumping to the boy's outstretched arm, and curling around his neck. They then walked to the front of the store waiting near the register. A man walked up to them, holding a few more books in hand. A conversation between the three started, with the man asking about the cat, the kids explaining, then paying for their books and walking out under the astonished gazes of the crowd.


(Back to hovering over the twins) <(*_*)>


"Quite a crowd you drew there." Adrian said as they headed to an apothecary to gather the brass scales, vials and cauldrons.

"[I found it hilarious, they know the concept of familiars, yet don't expect to see someone talking to one they can consider their familiar.]"

"{I wanted to set Monty on them.}"

"[No! We are not setting your damned crocodile on them! That would raise too many questions, and that's if you don't count the fact that, WE WOULD GET IN TROUBLE!]"

"{What's wrong with having a little fun~?}"

Adrian and John just sighed at this, while Florence just pawed at his ears. They arrived at the apothecary and bought the things they needed, before heading out to get the last things.

"Alright we need to get you two something to hold your items, then you'll be set and after that we'll get you both your individual focus, most likely a wand, as that's all that Mr. Ollivander sells."

The twins responded with a cheerful, "Okay!" and followed Adrian to a store that held an assortment of bags, chests, suitcases, purses, and pockets shown in the windows with different designs shown. As Adrian walked inside, he led the twins to a countertop that held a catalogue of the items that could be made inside the store. As the children started to look through it, a man that wasn't busy with the rest of the customers came and asked, "How may I help you today?"

Adrian nodded to the man to acknowledge him, and then tilted his head to the twins showing him that they were the ones ordering. The man slightly grimaced, and nodded to Adrian. The man was thinking of all the past times that children had ordered things from the store. It usually ended with the child yelling at the manager for not having what they want, said child would also call their father, the child would end up crying over not getting what they want, or whatever they ask for would be out of their price range.

(To the man's POV)

As he finished those thoughts, he noticed that the boy was looking at him, and when the child realized he was looking at him he looked down, with red in his cheeks. He smiled at this, only for the girl next to the boy look up as well. He looked at the girl's face and felt his bowels try to remove themselves from his body when he saw her smile. He froze, and sweat started to drip down his forehead.

He was grateful when the boy looked up in the next second, saw his face, and smacked his sister on the back of her head. "Sorry about that sir, but I was wondering if I could get a dragon stomach knapsack, with Acromantula silk on the outside."

The man nodded his thanks to the boy who blushed once more, and then leaned forward to look at what section of the catalogue he was looking at. He didn't notice the blush increasing to where the boy looked like an apple. He said, "We can do that, but it would add on half the price of an Acromantula silk knapsack to the original price of the dragon stomach knapsack."

He then looked up at the boy and noticed how colored and close his face was and quickly pulled back to apologize, "Sorry! I didn't know I was so close, are you alright?"

The boys apple coloring went down to a light sunset peach as he breathed in and out. "[Yes I'm fine, thank you. What is your name sir?]"

"Don't call me sir, I find it weird when younger people call me sir or mister. I'm only 18." He didn't notice the child make a small, nearly indiscernible 'Oh' of surprise. "Call me Andrei."

The child stuck his hand out and spoke, "Very well then, if I can call you Andrei, call me John." Andrei smiled at him and shook the offered hand, enjoying the interaction with this small junior. Oriana coughed, and that took them out of the small world they created. John turned into an apple once more and Andrei rubbed the back of his neck, finally noticing that Adrian had walked away to look at something else.

"[Can I get the bag in a light orange, almost tomato-ish color?]" (#FF6647)

"Sure, now what can I do for you little miss?" Andrei said, looking towards the girl. She was looking at him with intense scrutiny, as if she could tell something was wrong with him.

He started to sweat a little bit before she turned to face her brother, who started to look away, with the cat that Andrei finally noticed sitting on the shoulder between the two. "Yes, I would like the same bag, but some shade of green and without you flirting with my brother."(#4A5D23)

John suddenly choked on his spit while Andrei froze, seemingly considering his life decisions.

"Th-that can be done, is there anything else you might want."

"Yes, we would like a chest made of a dark-blue colored leather (#00094B), and greenish blue accents (#004B41), with all three things containing the highest level extension charm that can be placed on it."

"Yes ma'am, would you like anything else?" Andrei asked, wanting to crawl into a hole.

"{No, that will be all.}"

"Your order will cost 768 Galleons, 10 Sickels, and 3 Knuts. It will be done in 30 minutes."

"{One second.}" Andrei watched as the girl pulled out a small black sack, she then turned it upside-down, and said again, "768 Galleons, twenty-four stacks, 10 Sickels, one stack, 3 Knuts." She then shook the bag slightly and slowly moved it up, then down, and when she moved it up, there was a stack of Galleons there, and she continued doing this until there were 24 stacks of Galleons sitting on his counter and one stack of Sickels. She then reached into the bag after turning it right side up, and pulled out three knuts, "The change."

This snapped Andrei out of his reverie, and he counted one of the stacks, and after some quick calculations, he said, "I was going to say you can pay in installments, but this works too." He slid each and every one of the stacks to the edge of the counter, then let them fall inside a pocket that had the store's emblem on it.

"{When can we get our bags and trunk?}"

"You can get them in about 30 minutes. Is there anything that you would like to put in them?"

"{Yes, can you put these,}" Oriana placed the shrunken items that were in her pockets on the table in front of Andrei, who promptly set them aside, "{In them when you're done. We'll be back in about half an hour.}" "[See you then.]"

Andrei nodded at her, and smiled at the one he nicknamed 'cireașă', cherry. As they walked out of the store, he realized why he called him that. He was small, and cute, and in the small interaction he had with him, he realized he would be incredible company should they meet during a relaxed time. As he took a sip of his tomato juice, he realized he looked forward to seeing him again.


(Back to the twins - Once again)


{What the hell was that?}

[What was what?]

The twins were on their way to Ollivanders, with Adrian walking ahead of them as he lead the way.

{You flirting with that guy, what was that?}

[I have no idea what you mean by that~.]

{You godforsaken mother-ughzsjhcdbvljzsbfvsjhsdjhfvb AAAAAHHH!}

[Calm your tits, I know you'll find one of yours soon, after all, we both need two, and I only found one.]

{No shit?}

[Again, language. Otherwise, yeah, he's one of them, but thankfully 'That' won't start until around 4th year, so I'll be able to at least get him used to me before it occurs.]

{Lucky Basta-ahhhhh, that hurts!}

[I told you watch your tongue, no?]

{Yes ma'am.}

Throughout this interaction, they finally arrived at a store with an old sign of a wand drawing an O, starting the name of the shop,


Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 B.C.'



Author's Thought of the Day: Now that I think about it, we (Me and you readers) have a symbiotic relationship. I provide chapters for you to read and enjoy, while you provide emotional support and make me feel better about this.

- Dao of the Pine Forest