
HP - The Metamorphmagus

Siamese Twins. The Brother, a natural Clairvoyant and Occlumense with no magic. The sister, a natural Metamorphmagus and the one to contain magic. What occurs when these four qualities are in one body for two separate entities? Time will tell us first.

Daoistk8PSYl · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Your Blood, My Blood Red Blood, Blue Blood

A/N: I know I do these a lot, but this is important. I'm going to be updating every Saturday, once a week. There's a catch though, when I write enough chapters, I will update on the Saturday and update once daily until the next Saturday. So It'll allow me enough time to write chapters, and will allow you to get chapters to satisfy your pulsing, aching need to read another chapter.

( •_•)>⌐■-■



P.s.: It took me like three hours to figure this part out, cut me some slack.



Adrian and the twins turned around to see a Goblin dressed in chainmail armor that was so fine and was colored to where it looked like a suit, making the term, 'Suit of Armor' a reality. The goblin had kicked the doors to the room open, and after he entered, they slammed shut behind him. As the goblin marched they heard a clunking sound, and looked to see a metallic leg. The goblin marched around to the side where Daggertooth sat, and took their place on the chair.

The goblin then introduced himself, "My name is Shatterfist, and I heard you imbeciles have come to get a bloodline test done." Shatterfist looked at the twins and then finally noticed the animals behind them, "Ah, great. Some idiot let some animals loose in our office. Don't worry, I'll clean them up." He then pulled out a sword with runes and got up from his seat and started heading toward the animals.

All this time the twins had been studying his leg. It wasn't until they heard the sword being pulled out of said leg did they come back to their senses and notice him wave it at their friends. When the goblin swung his sword, all he heard was his blade, along with "{Protego Maxima}""[Terra Militus]".

Shatterfist's sword and body stopped moving, only for his arms to go to his sides, and his sword to go back to his leg, all to be covered in a pale white clay, that hardened and turned into stone around his body, leaving him immobile. A transparent cerulean shield appeared in front of the animals, preventing any further attack.

"Touch them, and you will die." Shatterfist heard both twins' voices as one, and it was as if he was submerged in ice, from how cold and unforgiving both were. Shatterfist gulped, having a primal fear overcome him, as he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. "Yes, distinguished guest."

He felt their presence approach his side, and pass him. He was unable to look at them, as the |Terra Militus| spell effectively turns him into a terracotta soldier. All he could see was them pass his short figure and through the |Protego|, and hear them call out, "Come home, we have trouble." The animals didn't move as one, yet moved in an order only known to them, and moved into a position around the twins. He saw the animals' shadow disappear one by one, and the shadow of the twins' slowly increase to a fourteen year old's size.

The |Protego| fizzled out, and the twins' figure moved toward him. He saw them slowly crouch down to his height, and saw a pair of pitch black, and milky white eyes stare at him,. "{Do that again little creature of gold,}""[And I won't be nice enough to restrain you again, you will have forfeit your life,]""Understood?" Shatterfist felt like his very being was being inspected, picked through and cleaned, and his soul felt like a spider was pouring pure ice into it. "Understood."

"Glad we could come to an agreement, |Finite Incantem|." The twins' eyes turned to their respective colors as the stone around Shatterfist seemed to turn into dust. He shook himself as the icy feeling disappeared. He walked back to his seat silently, as did the twins. Adrian had sat there silently, waiting to intervene, only to relax as the confrontation ended.

"Well now, I would like to apologize for my actions, they were very rash and not thought through." Shatterfist started a proper conversation this time, beginning with an apology. The twins and Adrian only nodded slightly, making Shatterfist anxious. He realized that their magic before they assimilated the animals was calm, like a river, yet when he moved to kill them, he felt the river turn into an ocean, capable of mass destruction, and now he realized it was like a storm, threatening to rain.

Adrian coughed, visibly causing the goblin to jump, and said, "We are here for a blood test."

"Ah, yes. Let me get the tools." Shatterfist reached into the desk, and pulled out two more bowls and two pieces of parchment with rune structures on them, and with shaking hands, set them on the table. "I-if you would please pour some of your blood in here." He started to pull out another ceremonial knife, only to be stopped by the twins when they held up two vials of blood. "That will work."

The twins poured the blood into the bowls, which held a clear liquid inside. Shatterfist unrolled the parchment, and held down both ends of the parchments with different weights. He then grabbed the two bowls, and poured his magic into them. The liquid glowed faintly, and the blood glowed red, before mixing together and forming a cloudy gray substance, which he then poured onto the parchments.

The parchments' runes glowed, then rearranged themselves into scribbles and symbols that somewhat resembled writing. As they were twins there was no need to read the other, as they shared the same blood. Shatterfist looked over the scribbles and symbols, reading them, when his eyes suddenly widened.

"From what this parchment is telling me, you have relations to the Ancient Wizarding Houses of Black and Gaunt, of which the latter is nearly extinct. You have an eighth of blood shared with both houses. This means that either your Great-Grandfathers and/or Great-Grandmothers were part of these houses."

The twins were ecstatic at the news, while Adrian was shocked. He knew that an estranged member of the Black family had a Metamorphmagus child, though he never knew who. He also knew that while the twins could speak to snakes, he never thought it weird, as they could also speak to all animals. Adrian thought it over for a second as the twins' talked about the possibilities of meeting family members. Adrian then had a revelation, 'What if . . . The reason they,' as he looked to the twins, 'Are able to speak to any animal, is because of both the Metamorphmagus blood, and parseltounge blood, mixed together to allow them to talk to all animals and absorb them.'

"Who are we related to?" The twins' excited question snapped Adrian out of his thoughts as he also looked toward the goblin, with hesitance and curiosity.

Shatterfist rummaged around in another drawer, and pulled out a slim book. He started flipping through pages, which were seemingly endless, and stopped at a page. "The last Gaunts we have on record shows one 'Tom Marvolo Riddle, Son of Tom Riddle and Merope Riddle nee. Gaunt'. The former is missing while the latter two have been confirmed deceased, with Merope to have died during childbirth at the age of 19 and Riddle Sr. passing away 17 years later at the early Muggle age of 38."

The twins excitement died down somewhat, at which Shatterfist paused, to receive a nod to continue.

"Your test shows that you are closely related to her, yet we would have had your Great-Grandparent on record before her death, leaving us with her brother, Morfin Gaunt, who was born a year before her death, and died a bachelor at the age of 18, which leaves us with the possibility of an illicit relationship."

"What of the other family, the one of Black?" Adrian asked the question, as the twins' excitement had nearly died entirely.

Shatterfist shut the book and put it back in the drawer, and ran through it again, to pull out another book, this time with a considerably thicker build, and flipped through the pages once more, and stop once again. "The closest blood is that of Orion Black, who was married to Walburga Black." Shatterfist was still tense, but was slowly relaxing as he spoke. "Of whom he married in the late 1950s, again, we would've had your Great-Grandparent on record, but another illicit relationship and we don't have them on file."

"You'll love this," Shatterfist chuckled, and the twins started to perk up somewhat, and Adrian started to pay more attention. "Your living relatives are, um, what you could call aunts and uncles, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange nee. Black, Andromeda Tonks nee. Black, and Narcissa Malfoy nee. Black. Then there's Arthur Weasley, son of Septimus Weasley and Cedrella Weasley nee. Black."

Adrian was astounded to hear this, he never knew that his quirky friend was part of a noble house other than the Weasleys. Shatterfist continued speaking during Adrian's thoughts though, "You could also say that you have some cousins as well. Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda's daughter, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa's son, and Harry Potter although he is mainly related by marriage, that also doesn't include the Weasleys that spawn like rabbits from their Burrow, You should have seven cousins from them, which include Bill, Charlie, Percy, George and Fred of which are twins, Ron, and Ginevra Weasley."

The twins were gobsmacked at the amount of relatives they had in the Black family. Compared to the desert of Gaunts, the Black family had a lot of members. The twins' asked, "Could you tell us their current conditions, because we don't want another Gaunt experience."

Shatterfist stiffened when the twins' started talking, only to relax when he heard their request, "Sirius Black is in Azkaban for betraying the Potter family to a person many call either evil or a hero in the wizarding community, he calls himself Voldemort." Adrian visibly shivered at this, earning a questioning look from the twins.

"Think Hitler, and you have an answer to how bad he was." The twins took a few seconds to process this tidbit of information, and both similarly displayed matching looks of utter disgust.

"While the wizarding world saw him betray the Potters, we goblins believe otherwise, he was a truly honorable friend to James Potter, Harry's father, and was named Godfather due to that." Oriana took in the information as did John, though both a little differently. Oriana thought it over and figured that if he was named godfather, then he must have had to have a very compelling reason to betray them. John was just relieved, because while the goblins may be cunning, they are a great judge of character.

Shatterfist smiled after he saw the relieved looks on their faces after he said that, as he truly believed that Sirius was too upstanding to betray them, as records say he was too simple to try and manipulate. "Regulus Black died with their father Orion at the age of 18. Bellatrix is in Azkaban as well for actually being proven to be a devout follower of Voldemort. Andromeda lives with her husband Edward 'Ted' Tonks, and your cousin Nymphadora works as an Auror for the Ministry."

"{What is Azkaban, and what is an Auror?}" Oriana asked Adrian.

"Azkaban is the wizarding equivalent of the Russian Gulag, while Aurors are basically America's FBI and CIA, where they say they're doing something, but are doing something else entirely or nothing at all. Fun Fact kids, Hit Wizards, while paid less, are the equivalent of MI6 in the mundane world." Adrian replied with a shiver at the mention of Azkaban, smiled deprecatingly at the Aurors, and genuinely smiled at the Hit Wizards.

"[I believe the Ministry is the wizarding governing body, right?]"

Shatterfist cut in, "Yes it is, and it's mainly controlled by the families that have a lot of money. Past that point Narcissa is married to Lucius Malfoy, an acquitted Death Eater who used his money to pay his way out of being put in Azkaban himself, along with others in order to build his own collection of subordinates."

John and Oriana frowned at this, not enjoying the actions of their uncle-in-law.

"Arthur Weasley works at the Ministry, while Charlie works at a Dragon Sanctuary in Romania." The twins' eyes brightened at this, one in wonder and the other in determination. "Bill works with us in Egypt as a curse-breaker in order to look through ancient curses and hexes. The younger generations has yet to graduate, as Percy is in his Fifth year at Hogwarts, the twins Fred and George are in their Third year, and Ginevra will attend next year, while Ron, the youngest son, is going this year, along with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy."

John was wondering, 'I wonder how my family turned out, I haven't met any blood relatives before.'

Oriana was wondering somewhat along the same lines, just a bit more sceptical of the situations of the different members.

Shatterfist coughed, bringing everyone's attention back to him, "If that is all, then we have finished with this headache of information, and you will need to pay. I believe your account was settled earlier, correct?" The twins' and Adrian nodded, with the twins holding up their money pouch. "Very well then, the money will be deducted from your account, and you may leave at your discretion. Before I leave, I would like to apologize again for my rudeness." Shatterfistraised from his chair and leaned over the desk to shake their hands, then grabbed a test and put it into a different drawer in the desk, while throwing the other one to the fireplace and let it burn. He then stood up and left the room, as did the trio, who left Gringotts in its entirety.