
Cp 8( Ritual)


Seeing Harry was done with Training, He started writing a list of what he would use for the ritual.


* Sage [ Lots of it]

* 3 Bottles of Brandy

* 3 Bottles of Gin

* 17 Huge shot glasses size 3 oz

* 4 medium metal bowls

* 12 Brown candles, 12 White candles, 12 blue candles and 12 red candles

* 12 candle holders

He called Loppy

" Loppy please come here" said Harry

" Master be calling Loppy" replied Loppy

" Please buy this things " said Harry gave him the list to collect the things on it.

" Ok, Master be going now" said Loppy with a [POP]

( Tuesday)

He sent Loppy to get him a pot filled to the brim with earth. With the earth Harry started drawing the directional compass. When he reached the middle of each directional point he draw a circle. Harry was in the middle of the Circle and the Ritual Chamber Looking North, He than placed the four metal bowls in North East and North West directions while the others in the opposite direction( South East & South West). He began placing the Sage in the the bowls and went to the north direction and Placed a bowl filled with earth, and the 4 Candle holders around the bowl. He than Placed 4 brown candles and the 4 3 oz shot glasses there and the 5th in the middle with him. He opened a Bottle of Brandy and poured out some for his ancestors and than filled the 4 glasses. Harry than sit and took a deep breath when he released it he willed his magic to spark a small flame to light both the sage and the candles. He took a shot of the Brandy and left. Amar Taught Harry the way to summon the spirits to bear witness to any ritual, to fully have a blessing from nature.

( Wednesday)

When Harry got there in the morning the Bottle of Brandy was empty. The room was Clean from any prepares he had done the previous night. Harry smiled knowingly that he gained the spirits attention. He began placing the Sage in the the bowls and went to the East direction and Placed an empty bowl to symbolize air, than placed the 4 Candle holders around the bowl. He than Placed 4 White candles and the 4 3 oz shot glasses there and the 5th in the middle with him. He opened a Bottle of Gin and poured out some for his ancestors and than filled the 4 glasses. Harry than sit and took a deep breath when he released it he willed his magic to spark a small flame to light both the sage and the candles. He took a shot of the Gin and left.


When Harry got there in the morning the Bottle of Gin was empty. The room was Clean from any prepares he had done the previous night. Harry than Collected wood to build a pillage for his flames. He began placing the Sage in the the bowls and went to the South and built the pillage there and Placed 4 Candle holders around the pillage. He than Placed 4 Red candles and the 4 3 oz shot glasses there and the 5th in the middle with him. He opened a Bottle of Brandy and poured out some for his ancestors and than filled the 4 glasses. Harry than sit and took a deep breath when he released it he willed his magic to spark a small flame to light the pillage, sage and candles. He took a shot of the Brandy and left.

( Friday)

When Harry got there in the morning the Bottle of Brandy was empty. The room was Clean from any prepares he had done the previous night. He began placing the Sage in the the bowls and went to the West and placed a bowl filled with water. Placed the 4 Candle holders around the bowl. He than Placed 4 Blue candles and the 4 3 oz shot glasses there and the 5th in the middle with him. He opened a Bottle of Gin and poured out some for his ancestors and than filled the 4 glasses. Harry than sit and took a deep breath when he released it he willed his magic to spark a small flame to light the both the sage and the candles. He took a shot of the Gin and left.

( Saturday )

When Harry got there in the morning the Bottle of Gin was empty. The room was Clean from any prepares he had done the previous night. Harry knew that he completed the Preparation Ritual and gained the support of the spirits as they did not regret his offerings. Harry started preparing for the ritual he was going to conduct that very night. He made a paste that included his blood while in the process of making it.

As the hour got nearer Harry removed all clothing he had and was stark naked and began to draw runes on himself.( Check Authors thought's) Harry began chanting as the Convergence began...

"Yfelongecîgan dôð galdorcræft ðe [Te] [invocamus] [sancta] [mater] [familiae] [meae] [custos] [coram] [nobis]. [Testimonium] [hoc] [ius] [passagii] [te] [rogamus], [sicut] [ius] [meum] tô hwý [utero] [vendico]. [Dico] [ergo] [festucam] [essegoverns] dwolma norðêast sb âtýdran m¯æran. Duguð niðerscyfe un−l¯æd mægenscype êac wyrhta un−l¯æd ûser mundbyrdnes [spirits]. [

I]laðian duguð [element] râd ontimbernes. Wægn [spirits] orgilde dôð orgilde ðone as m¯ægð ðêodstefn ðe weorð−mynd ungelîc, cræftig, streccanmôd heonu ðrohtig.[

I]oncîgan ðone as [element] un−l¯æd frêot−gifu. ðone as [spirits] râd duguð êðgung werm¯ægð ðêos scencan stilnes into [freedom

I]tôclypian ðone as [element] un−l¯æd mægenspêd. Sê [spirits] of duguð swol ðêodstefn ðe self hyht, lôgian, arodscipe sifeða oððringan æt−bregdan ræfn−an [what] hîe tôs¯ælan.[

I]laðian wægn [element] orgilde wrixlan. Sê [spirits] râd sê holm lêodscipe sê canne fêgan toward hwilc−hwugu +wrixle by reason of besettan bêga ingewitnes of m¯ænnes ðe frêondlufu.Bringan æwdamann intô with sê ðâ ðe [ritual] of cl¯ænsung [one's] lybcræft. ðætte [ritual] râd cl¯ænsung [one's] fl¯æsccofa witodlic [curing] [one's] [soul

So] yfel tôg¯ænan cyrnel sê cûðe". (I call upon the magic that governs chaos and create order. The origin of power and maker of our guardian spirits.

I call upon the element of substance. The spirits of the of the earth tribe who are diverse, strong, persistent and enduring.

I call upon the element of freedom. The spirits of the air tribe who found peace in freedom

I call upon the element of power. The spirits of the fire tribe who have desire, will, energy and drive to achieve what they want.

I call upon the element of change. The spirits of the water tribe who can adapt to any change and have a sense of community and love. To bear witness to this ritual of cleansing one's magic. This ritual of purifying one's body and curing one's soul

So I say mote it be).The room shook as the runes on Harry began to glow so brightly especially the one that was curved by Lily. 2 Ghostly forms began to appear. Harry began to cry upon seeing his parents James and Lily who were both happy to see the rune finally full power. They each kissed the rune on Harry's forehead and The spirit that was trapped the was Purified and it's magic returned back to the Slytherin family. Harry fell unconscious. As Harry's parents Disappeared the Family magical Guardians appeared. The Griffin of House Potter, The Crows Of House Black and The Runespoor of Slytherin as the Bowed and absorbed more magic from the atmosphere supercharging themselves as well as the well of power of each family. When they were done they thanked magic and magic started healing Harry's body, Purifying his magic and curing any remaining dark magic in him.

Harry was in for a huge surprize when he woke up.

Rune list:

FE = wealth

Styrkur = Strength

Vernd = Protection

Heilsa = Good Health

Uppskera = Success

Barattuglodi = Fighting Spirit

Proski = Growth

Hugrekki = Bravery

Sigur = Victory

Frjoserni = Fertility

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