Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation :
$*$= Parseltongue
( Combat Chamber )
" I will be conducting your lesson as soon as I know you have the the gift,$*$ Speak to me Harry$*$" Said Jivin
"$*$ Come on man$*$, huh!" said Harry
" Good than I will be teaching you in mastering the power you posses as well as parselhealing a genre of magic I created. I have somethings when you quite you disappear due to the atmosphere in the room so I will help you cultivate that skill. I will also train you in using the art of Dagger combat. But first your skill" said Jivin
(6 months later)
Harry created a new branch in his skill tree utilizing His lack of presence. With Surprized Jivin with how quickly Harry created those skills. But they could still be perfected.
" You keep on surprizing me Harry, Where on earth did you come up with this vanishing step of yours?" said Jivin
" Black family magic" said Harry
" enough said, Let continue with training " said Jivin
( 1 year 6 months later)
" I have taught you all I can, everything else lays on your hands young Slytherin. Go on...Before you forget Slytherin's are not so big on Goodbyes" Said Jivin while smiling
" Hadrian my branch of healing through Paselmagic is different as we are not channelling your own magic and your families magic but the magic of the entity that gifted us magic. While I do call it purifying and curing magic it's should be named Holy Magic as we are basically Channelling the power of an entity basically a God.
Think of it this way you magic is the Lightbulb, your family magic is the Switch and the entity is electricity. What we are doing is bypassing the Switch with is as dangerous if not deadly but has a butt load of power.
I will be training you to wield this power responsibly and respectfully. As I train you to wield parseldefence magic, we will also be creating a ritual which will include and empower the true aspect of purifying and curing. Now get ready, For here I come..." said Roger
( 2 years later)
Harry passed with flying colours in Roger's training as well as Create and improve his ritual but the disadvantage of his ritual needed a celestial event which prove to be a bitch when Harry tried to change the specifics as the ritual would always collapse.
" Harry you know before Sal to Magical Britannia we never actual had Family magic we just channelled our Ancestors it's due to Merlin and Sal coming here did we gain Familia Magic. That is the reason like many other we use Latin for spells only the intense do we truly use our gifted tongue. When you call our Familia magic guardian than you will understand." said Roger
" So that's why, I just thought you guys were just lazy. I guess this is a lesson never assume before you know all the facts" said Harry
" Good Harry now off you go, Times are wasting" said Roger
" Master Amar, Where are you?" asked Harry looking around
"$*$ CUT>STING>MINOR PAIN$*$" Casted Amar
" Holy Shit, What you doing?" Asked Harry will dodging Amar's spells
" Defend Harry, Defend Use Magic, My boy Magic only" said Amar
( 30 min later)
" You have Good Stamina and beyond excellent awareness. This will make Teaching you worth the time. I for the remainder of your time here will be your teacher. I specialise in Defence and Ritual, so much so I created many spells utilizing the gifted Tongue. The other will be Charm and not just spell work in that department and well as Potions which will also help you in handling Knives more proper.( Sal could've reached great heights if not for his ego. I hope this student won't disappoint. Amar thought) Come Father time has a busy schedule." Said Amar
" YES MASTER AMAR" shouted Harry
" No need to shout, Now come..." said Amar
( 1 1/2 year later)
Harry could possibly make potions in his sleep due to the intense drilling of Amar. As Amar Potion making is any art, To master true art it takes time and consistent measuring to be truly able to perfect it.
Harrys training wield many desired Results as of now Harry could say with Confidence he Was Cool, Calm and Collected. He stood In front of the entire Slytherin Bloodline.
" I will be taking the headship ring at dusk today. I will see you all there when I summon Familia Magic and lay my case to be appointed as Head of House." Said Harry before leaving to practice to combine all his Knowledge to form his own chain of spells and Combat stances.
" Te invocamus sancta mater familiae meae custos coram nobis. Testimonium hoc ius passagii te rogamus, sicut ius meum in utero vendico. Dico ergo festucam esse " Harry chanted in the Hall. (Holy mother I call on thee present my family's guardian before us. We ask you witness this right of passage as I claim my right by birth. So I say mote it be.)
So a Heavy presence could be felt by both Harry and the Ghosts. Soon A huge Snake with 3 heads appeared and Looked at Harry. Than it began to move towards Harry and each head tasted the density of Harry magic in the air next to him. After it was done it looked at each head as the nodded.
$*$ We Find you Worthy Lord Slytherin, our magic is yours
My healing is yours,
My Purification and curing is yours
My defence arts are yours
To command $*$" As The heads spoke together to finish off before entering Harry.
" Son of a bitch, So that's what Amar meant when He said I'll know." said Harry
" Lords You have been dubbed witnesses to what just happened, I bring before you all Hadrian Son of Lily Evans daughter of the House of Slytherin. Due to the house being Patriarchal she could not claim but her heir can. Family Magic dubbed him worthy who are we to disagree. Go on my lord, Claim what is yours." said Jivin
Harry seat on the chair and the bowl appear just like last time but with the Slytherin Family ring. He slipped it on and Felt connected to all that had Slytherin magic in it. He felt 7 pieces of the same soul split apart while using Slytherin magic to sustain themselves. What scared Harry more was that he had a piece of this soul in his forehead. Which pushed Harry to look for the closest event he could find. As if the Gods were listening to him The convergence was to make an appearance later that week so harry had to prepare. When The panic was Over He show himself in an empty Hall.
" A Slytherin never says Goodbye, Indeed you old Fart." Said Harry