
Hogwarts: The Grey Wizard

“I’ve gone through a lot of hardships to sit in the bright classrooms of Hogwarts.” Anton’s eyes were blurred, as if he recalled something bad. “So, Professor Snape, how could I go to Forbidden Forest to kill spiders in the middle of the night? This is a groundless accusation!” Anton grabbed the collar of his wizard robe tightly to avoid revealing the blood-stained shirt inside, and said loudly, “I’m innocent!". ================= This is an edited and translated mtl work with 1000+ chapters. This fanfic will be updated daily at anytime. (Credits to the original author of this Chinese novel)

NotyourAngel · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

CH: 46 Just a Little

No one could comprehend the runic symbols he was drawing, as they appeared irregular and resembled random doodles made by a child with crayons of various colors.

Fiennes was equally puzzled. As a ghost, he couldn't acquire any additional knowledge to decipher the meaning. Even after staring at the drawing for a prolonged period, he couldn't recall or understand its significance.

"Attention, everyone!" Anton proclaimed, his voice firm yet filled with an air of anticipation. He smoothly removed his coat and rolled up his shirt sleeves with a sense of purpose. With a gentle motion, he retrieved his wand from within the folds of his coat, firmly grasping it in his right hand.

A surge of excitement flickered in the air as Anton's declaration echoed throughout the room. "The next moment will be witness to a miracle!" he declared, his words carrying a touch of mystique.

He waved his wand gracefully, making numerous intricate gestures with his arms and murmuring incantations. It didn't resemble conventional magic; instead, it appeared more like a dance.

Amidst the excitement that filled the room, Fiennes couldn't contain his anticipation, a gleeful smile spreading across his face. "Ah, the second Avis charm!" he exclaimed, his voice bubbling with excitement. "I wonder what demonstration will it be this time?"

Meanwhile, Anna stood by in quiet admiration, her gaze fixed upon Anton's graceful figure. Thoughts swirled in her mind as she observed his every movement. 'He has always been so talented.' she mused inwardly, her voice silent but brimming with admiration and pride.

Suddenly, Anton's body leaned backwards, displaying remarkable flexibility in his waist.

His upper body swiftly descended, forming an arch as his stomach turned upwards.

Continuing his movement, he bent further until his head was tucked between his feet, creating an O-shape.

Amidst the collective awestruck silence, Pedro's exuberant laughter reverberated through the room. "Impeccable flexibility, flawless spine," he exclaimed, his voice reflecting sheer amusement. "Anton, you should have pursued dancing instead of becoming a wizard. Dance...dancing...Merlin's soggy socks!"

His mouth gaped wide enough to fit a cat inside.

To everyone's astonishment, Anton's head emerged from between his legs, but it had transformed into the head of a snake!

With a triangular head covered in scales and light blue vertical pupils, the creature emerging from Anton's body was a viper.

The snake's head continued to propel forward, and bit by bit, the long body of the viper extended from Anton's upper body.

His body remained firmly entrenched on the ground, and eventually, even his feet transformed into snake tails.

The viper measured twelve feet in length, with a width comparable to that of a truck tire at its widest point.

Raising its neck high, the large snake lowered its head to Anna's level, hissing out snake-like sounds. However, to everyone's surprise, it began to speak in human words.

The snake, undulating its body with a gleeful expression, chimed in with excitement. "Oh, my dear little witch, do you know?" it exclaimed, its scales shimmering with delight. "Being a snake feels absolutely marvelous!"

The sight before her was so unexpectedly comical that Anna, swept up in the infectious joy, could no longer contain her laughter. Her initial sadness momentarily forgotten, she burst into giggles, a radiant smile illuminating her face. In her mirth, she reached out and tenderly touched the cold cheek of the snake with her small, delicate hand. "Really?" she responded, her voice filled with playful curiosity.

Anton let out a contented sigh, the weight of his worries melting away. "Yeesss~" he murmured, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "I have never felt more comfortable in my life."

As the anticipation grew, Anton urged Anna with a sense of urgency. "Hurry!" he urged, his excitement palpable. "You are about to become a snake as well. I can't wait to go to the castle with you and have some fun."

"Yes!" Anna nodded eagerly, her body starting to transform. Ever since her first experience of accidental magic, she had gained the ability to change her shape. This was the second time in a month that she transformed into a serpent.

"Hahaha, come and chase me!" Anton exclaimed laughter filled the air, his excitement evident as he swiftly maneuvered along the ground, making his way out of the room with remarkable agility.

Not one to back down, Anna chased after him with determination.

A complex expression etched itself onto Fiennes' face, a mixture of surprise, admiration, and concern. His lips parted as he murmured incredulously, "Merlin's moldy pants! He actually did it!"

The words slipped from his mouth with a sense of disbelief, quickly followed by a wave of realization. "He really did it!" Fiennes exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and excitement. "He actually accomplished it!!"

At one point, Fiennes had cautioned Anton not to give Lupin and Anna false hope too soon. If Anton couldn't succeed or gave up due to the difficulty, it would bring immense despair to those who held onto hope.

Yet, against all odds, Anton took another step towards his goal!

Pedro, the goblin whose expertise and sharp senses were renowned, couldn't contain his astonishment. His eyes widened as he exclaimed, "This is not Animagus! I can't even detect any traces of Transfiguration at all!"

Confident in his assessment, Pedro added, "This isn't a blood curse, I'm certain of it!"

Another gasp of surprise escaped him as he continued, "And this isn't the goblin magic he stole from my memories!"

In response to Pedro's astonishment, Fiennes couldn't help but beam with unabashed pride. His smile radiated both joy and a sense of accomplishment. "Hahaha," he chuckled, his voice filled with triumph. "Ignorant teacher, what do you know? This is Anton's 'Avis charm,' he independently developed it based on my lessons!"

Pedro couldn't help but express his admiration, his voice filled with genuine praise. "My goodness," he commended, his voice filled with awe, "Your apprentice is far superior to mine."

Fiennes accepted the compliment with a simple nod, his smile reflecting a deep sense of pride. "That's true." he acknowledged, his voice tinged with a mix of satisfaction and affection.

Outside the door, Anna's joyful laughter filled the air.

Fiennes shook his head, his hand coming to rest upon his forehead as if grappling with the weight of it all. "To have such a terrible teacher, to endure such a difficult life, and yet still maintain a kind heart... that is truly remarkable." he mused, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and disbelief.

But Pedro, the goblin, disagreed, his expression contorted into a sneer. "Kindness? You have no idea what he was learning in my memory. He was secretly studying goblin magic!" he retorted, his voice filled with disdain. "This shameless thief, taking knowledge without permission, is just as detestable as his teacher."

Fiennes couldn't help but burst into laughter at Pedro's displeasure, his laughter echoing merrily through the room. "Hahaha!" he exclaimed, amusement dancing in his eyes.

However, Fiennes held a different perspective. He composed himself and spoke earnestly, defending Anton's character. "Indeed, at times, he can be quite mischievous," he conceded. "Yet at other times, he can save Lupin, save you, and even save Nagini without expecting anything in return. I believe he is a good person."

As Fiennes spoke, a hint of melancholy washed over him, his eyes growing misty with the weight of his own existence. "I don't know how much longer I can hold on to my will. I can feel that the winds of this world are slowly eroding away the essence of my ghostly existence." he confided, his voice soft and tinged with subtle sadness.

Pedro's expression softened, a hint of regret coloring his features. "It is a pity," he mused. "I wonder if I'll have the opportunity to witness his moment of brilliance."

Fiennes turned his gaze towards Pedro, pride flickering in his eyes. "He will be the most brilliant individual of this era, just like Dumbledore and Grindelwald," he proclaimed with unwavering conviction. "No matter how remarkable and talented others may be, his brilliance will outshine them all."

Pedro smiled, acknowledging the possibility. "Perhaps he will live up to your words, but he may also meet his end in a moment of great peril. This little rascal is not one to embrace a life of solitude."

Fiennes shrugged and fell silent.

Hehe, it would be a waste of his precious ghostly existence to engage in conversation with such an old goblin.

So he floats aside.


As Anna grew more cheerful with each passing day, an important moment approached silently.

It is the day when Nagini transforms into a serpent, loses all consciousness, and begins to attack her own daughter.

Then, she was killed by her beloved husband.

Of course, she eventually emerged from the grave, but it was evident how much of the woman's memory, emotions, and will remained in the body of the serpent that crawled out.

With a sigh, Anna's voice carried a tinge of wistfulness as she softly spoke, "Let's go back," Her words hung in the air, casting a nostalgic gaze at the wooden cabin outside the manor's window and the beautiful woman within.

Her small hand reached into the void, as if grasping the handle of a certain machine.

Pedro sighed, Fiennes shook his head, and the large snake spit out it's core.

Only Anton, amidst the swirling thoughts and emotions, remained seated behind the table stacked with parchment. The weight of his impending words mirrored in his serious expression as he lifted his head, signaling that he had reached a definitive conclusion.

Breaking the silence, Anton's voice resonated with a firm resolve. "Everyone, I have a proposal," He declared, his words carrying a sense of gravity that captured the attention of all those present.

Suspicion filled the gazes of everyone present. Sensing her faltering courage, Anna quickly withdrew her hand from the void.

Anton's voice carried a tone of authority as he addressed Pedro, recognizing the goblin's unique expertise. "Mr. Pedro, you are a 'memory collector and time traveler' of the goblin family," Anton began, acknowledging Pedro's distinguished role.

Pedro nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of respect emanating from him.

Seizing the opportunity, Anton continued, diving into the heart of the matter. "I came across a theoretical question in your memory, Mr. Pedro," he explained. He posed the problem with thoughtful consideration. "If a person travels back in time and, on the day when their wife was conceived in history, replaces their past self and impregnates their wife, will their child still be the same as the original? The child that was supposed to exist?"

Pedro's displeasure was evident, his expression revealing a sense of caution. "What else did you see in my memory?" he questioned, his voice tinged with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

Anton shrugged dismissively, diverting Pedro's attention back to the matter at hand. "That's not the point," he insisted, his focus unwavering. "Let's focus on this theoretical question."

Indignant, Pedro muttered a curse in ancient Goblin language, his frustration growing as he realized Anton's understood it. With a huff, he finally responded, "There is no definitive answer to this kind of question, and time manipulation belongs to the realm of gods. Among the goblins, there are various schools of thought on this issue."

His agitation palpable, Pedro continued, his voice tinged with disdain. "There is even a group of lunatics who conducted a similar experiment, but no one knows the outcome because subsequent history remained unchanged!"

Anton's face lit up as he listened intently. "Really? During this time, I have been concocting a secret potion that belongs to the goblins." he shared, excitement pulsating through his words.

Pedro's anger flared, his curiosity transitioning into concern and caution. He rushed over to the table where a cauldron rested, his brow furrowing as he sniffed the air. "Sealing potion? What are you up to?" he demanded, his tone laced with suspicion.

Anton's smile held a spark of mischievous anticipation. "Imagine this scenario, if you will." he began, his voice rich with intrigue. "What if this Nagini, who cannot be restored, is replaced by the past Nagini who was still salvageable 52 years ago?"

He continued, building upon his proposition. "What if she is attacked by Andre, and we feed the Nagini from 52 years ago a 'Sealing potion' to seal her consciousness, and bring her back as the future Nagini? Wouldn't that be akin to obtaining a Nagini whom we can still save?" Anton's voice brimmed with hope and possibility.

A wave of astonishment washed over Pedro, Fiennes, and Anna, their minds racing with the implications of Anton's proposition.

Anna's eyes sparkled with newfound excitement, and she eagerly grasped onto Pedro's suit, a surge of hope coursing through her. "Is this possible?" she questioned, her voice filled with anticipation.

Pedro furrowed his brow, his gaze distant as he contemplated the complexities of Anton's plan. "It's a bold assumption," he finally replied, his voice measured and cautious "If we were to fail, we would just bring back a Nagini who cannot be altered at all."

Fiennes, his confusion evident, interjected with a puzzled expression. "Why did you administer the 'Sealing potion' to the Nagini we brought back, rather than to the past Nagini who was destined to endure those additional 52 years?"

Pedro pondered the question for a moment, his mind grappling with the intricacies of time correction. Impatiently, he replied, "Due to the complex nature of time correction, it is a theory I cannot fully explain within a matter of days."

Suddenly, Pedro's gaze snapped back to Anton, a look of shock gracing his features. "How much did you see in my memories?!" he demanded, his voice laced with apprehension.

Anton's smile held a glimmer of mischief as he subtly gestured with his thumb and index finger. "I didn't mean to see much," he reassured, his eyes sparkling with subtle excitement. "Just a little, nothing more."