
Hogwarts: The Grey Wizard

“I’ve gone through a lot of hardships to sit in the bright classrooms of Hogwarts.” Anton’s eyes were blurred, as if he recalled something bad. “So, Professor Snape, how could I go to Forbidden Forest to kill spiders in the middle of the night? This is a groundless accusation!” Anton grabbed the collar of his wizard robe tightly to avoid revealing the blood-stained shirt inside, and said loudly, “I’m innocent!". ================= This is an edited and translated mtl work with 1000+ chapters. This fanfic will be updated daily at anytime. (Credits to the original author of this Chinese novel)

NotyourAngel · Movies
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50 Chs

CH: 45 The Tough Boy

Anna didn't get far before she stumbled and fell in the corridor.

But everything around her began to shake.

The very fabric of the room quivered under an invisible force, cascading through every corner and crevice. Picture frames rattled upon the walls, oil lamps swayed precariously, draperies danced in a wild frenzy, and statues teetered upon their pedestals as if caught in the throes of an ethereal symphony.

"Aaah...!" Anna released a cry of anguish, her tender voice reverberating through the trembling air. The objects around her responded to the surges of her distress, as objects around her began hovering weightlessly in mid-air.

"Accidental Magic..." Anton uttered, his lips pursed in a mixture of concern and contemplation. He recognized the telltale signs, the unmistakable display of uncontrolled and unintentional magic. His steps faltered, each movement marked by a sense of caution.

The phenomenon known as Accidental Magic was a common occurrence as young wizards and witches matured. As their emotions fluctuated with intensity, their innate magic would surge forth, materializing in unpredictable and often extraordinary ways.

This phenomenon appears fascinating, but it also signifies that the magic within the young wizard's body is starting to become uncontrollable.

This lack of control automatically triggers the corresponding magical effect based on the young wizard's emotions. The effect is very similar to Fiennes's theory—that a wizard is akin to a god.

If the young wizard doesn't learn magic spells to regulate and harness their magical powers, deliberately suppressing or indulging them, it could lead to the young wizard becoming a dangerous individual.

Magic is incredibly powerful, but, like Nagini, it is merely a force devoid of consciousness.

Of course, there are other possibilities, but none of them are favorable.

The effect of the 'Oculus' potion persisted. The air beside Anton gradually illuminated with small specks of light, and countless lines and color intertwined.

He was sketching runic images of Accidental Magic.

The preparation of the 'Oculus' potion is incredibly difficult, and the cost is alarmingly high. Upon consumption, every passing second becomes precious.

Gradually, Anna began to float, and under the vision of Anton's 'Oculus' eyes, her chaotic magic stabilized.

It formed a mysterious and wondrous pattern.

Levitation charm, Flying charm, Imperious curse...

Anton discovered the essence of countless spells as the magic surged.

Undoubtedly, this effect was immensely powerful.

Furthermore, the magical image he drew was even more intricate than the image of the 'Oculum Mutatio' spell.

In that moment, everything descended, including Anna, who fell heavily to the ground.

Anton was about to step forward to help her up when he witnessed Anna's body contorting and changing on the ground. Eventually, she transformed bit by bit into a large snake.

It was still the Viper species, but its texture appeared deeper, and its dark brown color allowed it to blend almost seamlessly into the wooden wall background of the cabin.

Only a pair of dark blue vertical pupils emitted a faint glow in the dimly lit corridor.

The snake looked around with a hint of confusion in its eyes, slithered over, raised its head high, and gazed at Anton with uncertainty.

In Anton's eyes, she saw her own reflection—a snake.

The snake underwent a drastic transformation once again, reverting back into Anna before eyes rolled in exhaustion and losing consciousness.

Anton, acting with remarkable swiftness, caught Anna's limp form in his arms. He glanced helplessly at Pedro and Fiennes, an air of urgency permeating the room. "It seems I need to study your 'Oculum Mutatio' spell as soon as possible," Anton declared, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and concern. "I must discover the means to extract the method to remove the blood curse from your memories."

"We're running out of time." He solemnly conveyed, his voice dripping with urgency.

Pedro's expression grew increasingly complex, a myriad of emotions playing across his face. Heaving a heavy sigh laden with the weight of their predicament



Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, a month had gone by.

The flowers in the garden outside the manor had withered only to bloom again under Andre's spell, and Nagini appeared visibly pleased.

Throughout the month, Andre had been searching for Pedro tirelessly across the world.

Feeling a pang of sympathy for her father's dedication, Anna watched as Andre beamed with joy. With one arm around his daughter and the other around his wife's waist, he smiled so widely that his gums were visible. "For you, it's all worth it. I'm nearly finding Pedro." He expressed, his voice brimming with a sense of purpose and determination.

Anna curled up in front of the large window of the manor, her expression filled with sadness as she observed the scene.

She wanted to rush down, desperate to tell this man not to leave his wife and daughter behind, as it might be their final farewell.

But she knew she couldn't.

Pedro, with his wealth of experience, had told her that history could not be changed, and her recklessness would only hasten her mother's transformation into a snake.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only gaze longingly at her mother.

Even if it was just one more look.

That was the belief that compelled her to stay in that moment.

"Fuck...!" Anton let out a suppressed cry of pain as he clutched the edge of the table for support, he staggered away, rushing towards the nearby bathroom. The sound of retching echoing through the room as he emptied his stomach.

After a short while, Anton emerged from the bathroom, his face washed clean. His once-pained expression gave way to a smile, his gaze meeting Pedro's with a sense of awe and admiration. "Old goblin, your spell is truly powerful!" He remarked, genuine appreciation glistening in his eyes.

He sat back down, fixing his gaze on the goblin before him. Ripples spread in front of him, and within the ripples, eyes blinked before ultimately shattering.

Anton chuckled softly, a flicker of lightheartedness gracing his expression. "Ah, I missed it," He admitted with a touch of playfulness. "Let's start over. Just wait a moment."

Anton twisted his neck for a moment, and the ripples once again spread before him.

Pedro regarded him with a sense of admiration. He couldn't fathom the strength of will this young child possessed to be so persistent.

Then, he felt a searing gaze penetrate the depths of his mind, sifting through his memories bit by bit.

"Huff, huff, huff..."

Anton's labored breaths filled the room, the toll of his efforts evident in his exhausted state. After half an hour of relentless effort, his energy depleted, causing him to pant heavily. With a sudden thud, he rolled off the chair and collapsed onto the floor, his body unable to withstand the strain any longer.

Concern etched across her face, Anna rushed forward to lend a helping hand, eager to offer assistance. However, Anton waved her away, determined to push through the exhaustion. Summoning what little strength remained within him, he rose to his feet and hurriedly made his way towards the bathroom once again.

Concern etched upon her face, Anna spoke with a gentle urgency, her voice threaded with caution. "Please, take a moment to rest!" she pleaded, her worry palpable as she gazed at Anton, who had rushed back. "I know I can't stop you, but you also need to take care of yourself. Take your time, okay?"

Anton maintained his cheerful demeanor, his resolve undeterred. "It's alright, no need to worry," he assured her with a hearty laugh, an infectious mirth shining within his eyes.

"I think something is wrong," Pedro noted, his brow furrowing with deep concern as he observed Anton's condition. "Young wizard, you are pushing yourself to the limit. If you continue to torture yourself like this, you will eventually collapse."

Anton sighed, acknowledging the weight of Pedro's words. "Very well," He relented, his voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and acceptance. "We shall continue tomorrow."

With unwavering focus, Anton approached the table, retrieving parchment and a quill, his attention on a runic image hanging on the wall. He began writing and drawing, each stroke a testament to his unwavering determination, as he resumed his research.

Pedro's gaze shifted towards Fiennes, a glimmer of admiration flickering in his eyes. "Has he always been like this?" He questioned, curiosity lacing his words.

Fiennes nonchalantly shrugged, a hint of nostalgia coloring his features. "When I was still alive, he would sometimes seize the moment when I was cleaning and organizing to jot down the contents of my notes and recite them over and over again."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Pedro clicked his tongue disapprovingly, disappointment etching lines upon his face. "Your apprentice surpasses you in every aspect."


Confusion and surprise flashed in Fiennes' widened eyes, but his pride refused to waver. He sneered, vehemently defending his pride. "That's only because his teacher surpasses you in every conceivable way!"

Pedro sneered in response, and Fiennes let out a cold snort. The two of them began a new round of insults.

Immersed in the world of magic, Anton was accustomed to their noisy bickering and automatically filtered it out as he delved deeper into his research.

Anna had no intention of stopping Pedro and Fiennes' argument. Instead, she squatted in front of a massive iron cage in the corner. The large snake slithered towards her, its tongue flicking against her palm as it licked her tender hand. It tickled, and she wanted to laugh, but tears welled up in her eyes.

Approaching with a mixture of caution and concern, Pedro let out a weary sigh as he gently rested his hand upon Anna's head. "Sometimes she wants to attack you, and sometimes she wants to get close to you. It seems she still retains some memories, albeit briefly."

Anna's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. "Can I go in and hug her?" she questioned, her voice filled with longing.

Pedro's expression turned somber as he shook his head with a firm resolve. "I don't know when she will revert back to being just a snake. If you were near her, I might not have enough time to save you. She is incredibly fast, and sometimes I may not be able to react in time."

Her eyes dimmed once again.

With a pitiful look, Anna gazed at the large snake, and the snake looked back at her.

Interrupting the somber atmosphere, Anton interjected with a newfound sense of urgency, his serious expression demanding their attention. "I think we have misunderstood something!" He declared, his voice laced with a sense of urgency.

"First of all," He continued, his voice laced with conviction. "History is unchangeable, right?" He question, seeking confirmation from Pedro.

Pedro met Anton's gaze, understanding the weight of his words. "Indeed," He affirmed solemnly, confirming Anton's words. "As a time and memory collector and explorer, I can assure you that it is impossible. Otherwise, I would have gone back to a crucial point in time when humans were slaughtering goblins and altered the entire course of history."

Anton's agreement came swiftly and emphatically. "Then, in this particular moment in time, it is impossible for us to find a way to lift the blood curse!"

Anna's eyes widened with surprise, her curiosity ignited by Anton's revelation. Her gaze shifted between Pedro and Anton, her mind teeming with questions.

Deep in thought, Pedro took a moment to absorb the implications of Anton's words. "Are you suggesting..." He began, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

With a heavy sigh, Anton interjected, his voice laden with a mix of resignation and realization. "If you truly possess a method to remove the blood curse within your memories, then Nagini would never become a snake again, and she would never attack Anna. Andre wouldn't have to put Anna in an icy slumber. In fact, when Anna met me, she was already in her fifties, not a young girl. This connection would alter everything associated with me."

Such a joint effect could potentially change history, impacting numerous events in unforeseen ways.

"In other words, it is impossible for us to alter Nagini's fate in history," He continued, his voice resonating with a sense of resignation. "We can only uncover this memory by going back, but by that time, Nagini had already transformed completely into a snake."

Silence hung in the air.

Anna clasped her hands tightly together, forcing a brave smile upon her lips, though tears threatened to escape her eyes. "I should have expected this." She expressed, her voice tinged with a bittersweet acceptance.

Pedro let out a weary sigh, his hand gently patting Anna's shoulder in a gesture of comfort.

The atmosphere grew heavy.

"However," Anton spoke up once more, shaking the parchment containing the runic image in his hand. "I have stumbled upon something interesting in my research." He proclaimed, a flicker of excitement dancing within his eyes.