
Chapter 1- part 2

Sabu-send told Hikari to sent him about his location. So, Hikari just sent it to Sabu-sama and Sabu-sama told him to wait there for a while and wait for someone to pick him up. Hikari says to Sabu-sama that he does not need to do something like that because he can just walk there. But Sabu-sama tells him that they already go. Hikari just can't believe that they will do something like that because it was too mean for him. Maybe it was acceptable for him because Sabu-sama sent someone to pick him up. So, he didn't say anything about it. Hikari was thinking that maybe he will meet with a lot of people there since it was a tournament. But he just didn't know what he should do to greet a people there and at that time, Yami says to him "You do not need to worry about it. Leave everything to me!" Hikari knows that he can't believe in Yami just like that. But for some reason, maybe there were things that Yami was useful for. He can't confirm anything yet. So, he needs to get ready for a new problem for them to face.

When Hikari was waiting for the people that will pick him, suddenly an unknown number messaged him. Hikari was thinking that maybe a girl that he meets before.

"Hey... Are you free?"

"Why with that? Don't you didn't plan to do anything to me, right?"

"Of course, not. Just what in your mind?"

When Hikari was going to reply to it, the people who have been told by Sabu-sama to take him has arrived. So, he gets inside the car and going to continues his chat. The driver asks Hikari "So you just returned from your job?" Hikari was so weird that the driver suddenly asks him that kind of question. But he just talks normally with the driver since there got nothing that looks weird on the driver.

Sabu-sama along with Neu and Nimura were taking a train to the location that they want to go to since it was the fastest route for them to there. Sabu-sama tells Neu and Nimura that they will meet with Hikari once they arrive there. Neu and Nimura accepted it. Neu asks Sabu-sama "Just why don't you tell us about this earlier?"

Sabu-sama explains to them about it. "It just because, it comes by all of the sudden. I never planned for this. But there was someone who offering this to me. So, without any other, though I just accept it right away." Maybe it was good for them because they can go more forward. But the problem is they just haven't prepared for anything yet. They tell Sabu-sama about it. But Sabu-sama reminded them of what did Akaru said before and says, "All of you will be alright!" They just make a face and just stay silent for a while.

Neu opens his phone and trying to do some research. He got a feeling that maybe they didn't have any time to waste when they're doing their new job. He found some good memes, but he just needs to hold it on for a while. In the time he was browsing, he found an artist that was good at drawing. So, he just contacts that person and going to ask some advice from him about improving his skills in drawing. But it seems like that person was not active. So, he just waits for it. He asks Sabu-sama "Other than drawing a manga, is there have anything that we need to do?" Sabu-sama tells Neu that there maybe will have some other things that they need to do but it depends on what did will happen. By those words, Neu and Nimura know that there must be a weird thing that they need to face again. But maybe this time it was not all about Hikari. They were thinking that it maybe was fascinating this time.

Nimura got something that he just wondering in his mind about what kind of place that they will live in and because it was a tournament. He asks Sabu-sama about it "Sorry, but did we live in the same building with all of our rivals?" Sabu-sama didn't know about it. But maybe there will be a possibility for them to live in the same building as the others. Sabu-sama didn't get any information about where they did will live. But he has chosen the location that closes at where the event will hold on. So, it easy for them. Just when hearing that, Nimura was thinking that the majority of the people who joined the event will live where did they live. However, he just hoping that there will be nothing that will happen to any of them. Maybe there was a problem that will happen, but he was hoping that it just a little problem that can be solved in a short time.

There will be a lot of stations that they need to pass before arrives at the location. Suddenly Neu got a message from Hikari that says "Hey, why did all of you leave me just like that!?!" Neu was just frustrated when he read that because he is the one who late. So, Neu says to Hikari "You're the one who late! Just what make you think we will wait for you?" Without taking any longer. Hikari quickly sent a reply to Neu "asks the one who suddenly gives me an order to go to his place." Just when did Neu read that he looked at Sabu-sama and asks him "Hey, don't tell me that he was late because of you?" Sabu-sama saw that Neu was looking at him. He just looked to another side and says "Well, the human mind is unpredictable.."

"You Scum, You're the one who makes him late. Just why don't you tell us about it!?"

"No, No. It was not me. It just...."

"Just what!?"

"You know that he has an Onii-chan harem, right? That girl, she was the one who wants to meet him to say goodbye."

Neu asks Sabu-sama about how will Hikari go to the location that they need to go. Did they need to wait for Hikari to take another train or what? Sabu-sama tells Neu that he does not need to worry about it.

Hikari got a message from the girl that he meets before. So, he just chats with that girl.

"Hey, Is this the right person? Hikari, right?"

Hikari says that it was true. But before he talks more forward with that girl, he asks that girl first.

"Before we're going more forward and talking like a friend. Let me ask you. You are not going to put me in your problem with your friend or anything, right?"

"Of course, not. Just what in your mind?"

Hikari was so relieved when he heard that. When Hikari was going to reply to it, the people who have been told by Sabu-sama to take him has arrived. So he gets inside the car and going to continues his chat. The driver asks Hikari "So you just returned from your job?" Hikari was so weird that the driver suddenly asks him that kind of question. But he just talks normally with the driver since there got nothing that looks weird on the driver.

Sabu-sama along with Neu and Nimura were taking a train to the location that they want to go to since it was the fastest route for them to there. Sabu-sama tells Neu and Nimura that they will meet with Hikari once they arrive there. Neu and Nimura accepted it. Neu asks Sabu-sama "Just why don't you tell us about this earlier?" Then Sabu-sama tells Neu and Nimura that because it happens all of the sudden. The answer from Sabu-sama was not clear for him. Neu was thinking that maybe it was a part of the task or mission that they need to do that has been planned for a long time ago. Neu has something that he needs to talk about with Nimura, but he can't because they're inside the train.

Neu was looking outside the window and suddenly the train stopped at the station. It was not their destination. So they just stay inside. Neu started talking bt himself "Just how long will it takes for us to there?" There was a guy that just entered the train and sit beside him. That guy was bringing a travel bag. It seems like it was heavy for him. That guy looked at Neu and says "Hey, what are you doing?" That voice sounds like it was someone that he knows. So, he quickly takes a look at it. That guy was shocked when he saw Neu and Neu make the same reaction as him. That guy asks Neu "You're... Nyu?" Then Neu answered it "Yes, it's me. Just what in the world are you doing here?!" Neu was never expected that they will meet there. Even it just on the train. They talked to each other after that. The way that Neu's friend talk, it was distracted the other people in there. Nimura wants to tell them about it but he just didn't want to disturb them.

Neu told his friend to low down his voice, but his friend just didn't hear it. Maybe he was just too excited after a year that they haven't met. Neu was thinking that it was normal, but the way that his friend was talking just not normal. Then his friend asks him a question "Hey, what did you do all this time? I mean after we ended our education." His friend stays silent just when did he asked a question, so Neu takes that chance to tell his friend about it right away "Hey, I know that- No, it was not that long. But can you keep your voice down? Plus, what are you doing here with that bag?" Then his friend just explains to him about what did just happen "You know, I just have an event that I was just interested in, and I think that I should take a look. Here it is." His friend takes out his phone and showed it to him "Here it is."

Neu just can't believe what did he just looked at. The location that his friend just showed him is the event that they're going to join. Neu didn't say anything about it. But he asks his friend "Just what did make you hyped up until you did all of this?" His friend put the phone down and says "hehe, it just because they say that they will be an artist that will make a manga by themselves. So, when thinking about it, I think that maybe their story would be great." Neu looked left and agreed with it. There was about 2 stations left they need to get through to arrives at their destination. So, they just talked with each other in a way to there.

The city was too busy, and Hikari was stuck in the crowd. He just worried that he can't arrive there at the time. The driver saw that he was worried about something, so the driver tries to talk with him to make him calm "Hey, don't you have any important person in your life? Because just when did I'm going to take you, it seems like you were chatting with someone on your phone." Hikari says that it was just his friend and Hikari asks him why he asked him that question. The driver just smiled and says "Well, I don't know who you are. But it seems like you were busy like how the adults did. You know, the kid shouldn't be worried about this kind of thing and should just enjoy their life." Hikari agreed with it. But he says to the driver that maybe all of that happiness shouldn't be given to him. The driver was so weird when he heard that. He just thought that maybe Hikari has bad memories about it. He cheers Hikari up by saying "Well, maybe the life is bad. But I know that there must be a reason why did you lived in this world until now." Hikari was just reminded of Syurihata when he heard that. He didn't sad because of it but he just smiled and agreed with what did the driver says.

"It's true that the life is bad. But it's better if we just keep living and do all of our best in something. We do not know what will happen in the future. But don't you think that it was better if we can make our dream come true and share it with everyone?"

Hikari agreed with it. Then the driver asks Hikari "Since we're talking this far, do you mind if I ask you this?" Hikari didn't care about it. So, he just hears on it.