
Chapter 1- part 1

Hikari Origin: Hitaku Quest

_The Second Step_

Chapter 1

-The New Step-

Just when did Hikari wake up the next day, He got a message from Sabu-sama that told them to get ready for a move. Hikari accepted it and took a bath.

Neu already woke up, He was sitting in the cafeteria there while watching some memes on his phone. Then there was a notification that tells him about what did Sabu-sama told them to do. So, he just goes to the location that Sabu-sama tells him and meets up with them. But when he arrives there, he just the only person who was there. He asks Sabu-sama about the others and Sabu-sama tells him that they were in their way. Neu was so weird because Nimura should not be late, but he wasn't there. Neu asks Sabu-sama if there was anyone that has arrived there before him. Sabu-sama tells him was the first one who was there. It was early in the morning, so maybe that it was true. Since it takes a long time for Hikari and Nimura to arrive there, Sabu-sama talks with Neu about with will they do next.

"The reason why I call all of you here is to tell you that you will live in another place today. You need to live there until the end of this competition. But if all of you make it a good result, then you will go more forward in this."

"Does it mean that we need to become like professional mangaka?"

"Of course, that's right. It would be fun if we can make it an anime. There was someone who looked after three of you and that person says that he was thinking that maybe three of you can go more towards in these things. I know that all of you know about our goal as Hitaku."

Neu nodded his head telling Sabu-sama that he understands it. Then Sabu-sama says to Neu that he got something to do and there will be someone who will take them to that place. When Sabu-sama going to leave, suddenly Nimura calls them from afar and says "Sorry, I'm late!" Neu looking at it and was hoping that Hikari was there too. But it was not. Just when did Sabu-sama saw it just Neu and Nimura who were there, he says to them that he got something to say and makes sure that they will not tell the person who he was talking about will not know it. It sounds like it was a serious thing, so they ask Sabu-sama about it and Sabu-sama just tells them right away "Actually, I want both of you to watch after Hikari. I don't know why, but it seems like he got something that he was hiding from us." Neu and Nimura didn't take that seriously since they know about how weird Hikari is. Sabu-sama just leaves the place after that. Neu says to Nimura that he got something that he wants to talk about with them. But he was thinking that it's better if Hikari was there too. Maybe Hikari will arrive at any time, so They just wait for Hikari while watching some memes together.

Just when did Hikari walked to the location, he meets with Ageru. Ageru seems like she was got a job to do. When she saw Hikari, she quickly asks Hikari about the news that she just heard "Is it true that you and your team will proceed to the next step? It seems like it was different this time." Hikari nodded his head. He says to Ageru that he didn't sure about it, but it seems like it was true. Ageru smiled and Hikari and says "Well, I never expected that you will face all of this again. But this time, it was a different way for you to reach that light." Hikari didn't understand what does Ageru means by 'Light' he says to Ageru that he maybe didn't have any time. Because He got something to do with Neu and Nimura. Ageru accepted it and let him go before something worst happens.

When Hikari walked away, Ageru just looked at him and wondering "Well, back then he does not have a confident level like how he did are now. I wonder how he will face his dream at this time. I bet that nothing would happen. Because everyone was on his back." Ageru closed her eyes and says, "I will never let him feel the same things that he has face before." Ageru just goes away from there after saying that.

It was a long time they were waiting for Hikari. Neu says to Nimura "Do you think that he got a new problem?" Nimura disagrees with it and says "Of course, No. He just had a problem with himself." Neu agreed with what did Nimura says because he was thinking it maybe was the truth. By all of the sudden, Neu got a message from Sabu-sama. Sabu-sama says to him that He told Hikari to do some other things first. They do not need to worry about it and just wait for someone to pick them up. But Neu was so weird sometimes because Hikari always does some other things without them. Is it because Sabu-sama gives him the other task to do? He talked to Nimura about it, but it seems like Nimura was thinking the other way. Because depends on what did they see, Hikari just got a problem with his business. Even they can predict it that far, Hikari is still a weird guy for them. They didn't know more about Hikari, so they can't say anything about it.

Hikari was near to the location on where did Sabu-sama told them to go. But suddenly he got a message from Sabu-sama "Hey, Hikari. I think you just left something at my place. How if you go and get it now?" Hikari was so weird with those words. He asks Sabu-sama what it is. Because if it was not important maybe he can take it later. But Sabu-sama says to him that it's better if he takes it now because they maybe will not be going to return any soon. Because Sabu-sama says that so, Hikari just goes for it.

But when Hikari was walking away, he started thinking about why did Sabu-sama suddenly told him to go there. He started to think something worst but maybe it wasn't it. Because Sabu-sama is not a person who will do something like that for him. Hikari just tries to forget everything that he just thinking and just goes there without saying anything. He was just surprised when he saw something there. There was a girl that was holding a single flower there. It was Aimi. Hikari asks Aimi "Just what are you doing here with that flower, Aimi?" Aimi was expecting some dramatic words from Hikari. But it didn't go as what did she wants. Aimi just smiled and says "It's just I'm here to wish good luck for you there. I know that no one knows what will happen tomorrow. That's why I am doing this." Then Hikari looked at the flower that Aimi holds in her hand. It was a yellow flower, and it reminds him of something. He then asks Aimi about what is that flower for.

Aimi just looked at that flower and says "I don't know why. But, I meet with Ageru before, and she told me to do this kind of thing. Then she gives me this yellow flower and told me to hold it until you come." Hikari just started to remind of something. But he just keeps smiling and says to Aimi "Thanks, for this. But have Sabu-sama told you about something that I forgot to bring at here?" Aimi just smiled at Hikari and says "I do meet with him. But he didn't tell me anything about it. He was the one who told me to wait for you here. Why, did you lost something?" Hikari says to Aimi that he didn't sure about it. But Sabu-sama tells him that. So, he just takes a look for it.

When Aimi heard that she suddenly gets an idea of it and says to Hikari "Maybe the things that they told you that you forgot about it is me."

Hikari shook his head just when did he hear that. He got a feeling that maybe it was true since they know about Aimi. So, Sabu-sama maybe trying to tell him that it's okay to brings Aimi together. But Hikari didn't think that he should. He says to Aimi "Thanks for being my friends. But I don't want to give a burden to you. Maybe it's okay if you just support me from the back." Aimi just smiled and hugs Hikari. Aimi asks Hikari "Like this?" There were a people around them that were watching them, and it causes Hikari face to turn red all of the sudden. Hikari says to Aimi "Hey, D-Dumb! Everyone is watching us!! Let me off!!! They will-"

"You know, Onii-chan. Thanks for helping me back then. I don't know what I can do to pay you back. So, I was thinking that maybe this was enough. Did you have any wish that you want me to do?"

Just when did Yami hear that He says to Hikari "It's your chance!" Hikari just ignores Yami and says to Aimi "Then, Just be yourself. Be yourself for me and find it who is the true you." Aimi releases Hikari and says "I got it. So, goodbye." Hikari just smiled and Aimi after that. Hikari looked at the flower that Aimi was holding and says to her "I will never forget about you. Because you're a precious part of me." Aimi nodded her head and says "So, that makes me that I'm more important to you right?" Hikari just blushed when he heard that. He says to Aimi that it was not it and told her to stop talking about that. But Aimi saw something wrong about Hikari when he saw she was holding that flower. So, she asks Hikari "Hey, is there was something that makes you reminded of something just when did you saw me with this flower?"

Hikari just looked down and says "It's nothing. You do not need to worry about it." Aimi didn't think that she should believe in those words. Maybe there was something personal that Hikari didn't want to tell her. Then she gives that flower to Hikari and says "As long as this flower is with you. Then, I will always be with you." Hikari was just shocked when he heard that. Because it was similar to the things that Syurihata has says to him. Hikari just takes that flower and says, "I will take care of it." Just when did Hikari was going to get away from there, suddenly Aimi asks him "Hey, is it okay for me to have a sleepover with Ageru?" Hikari was so shocked when he heard that. Hikari didn't know what he can says about that. He didn't know about Ageru's life. But he asks Aimi "Why did you want to do that? I mean, for what reason do you want to a sleepover with her?" Aimi then tells Hikari about what she just thought about back then. "Hm..hm... I don't know why. But I think that maybe she knows something about you. So, I just think that maybe I can ask her everything that I want to know."

Hikari just didn't know what he should say just when did he hear that. maybe Ageru will tell Aimi about it. But he didn't think that Ageru will accept Aimi's request. Then he just goes away and goes to where did Sabu-sama told him to go.