

Leonardo Benjamin is a young, honest, powerful, tough, and cold-hearted businessman who had a rough childhood but never gave up, on the contrary, he even became stronger with every obstacle. He started his life from the bottom and became very wealthy. All he has in his world is a family that he has to take care of after his father's death. He also closed his heart to all feelings a long time ago, he does not trust women. He is Lucas’s uncle. After his brother passes away, Leonardo considers himself a custodian of Lucas. Ava is a young, strong, caring, beautiful girl living with her father. The life of Ava turns upside down when her sister passes away. Ava gets devastated. Her nephew becomes all alone after his parents pass away. Little Lucas is now stuck in a mansion full of vicious people and he desperately lacks affection and love. Lucas is very well protected in his uncle's care, he craves sympathy and love. But Ava has a mission of protecting her nephew. Ava tries her best to take her nephew from the mansion to her home. but her every struggle gets wasted then she realizes that it's not so easy. Leonardo is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. He is determined not to leave his nephew in Ava's hands alone. Both sides were strong as they were Lucas' uncle and aunt. Ava takes her courage from her innocence and patience. Ava has nothing to do she lives in Benjamin's house in order to protect Lucas. This adventure will arise the long-hidden secrets of the Benjamin mansion, while a whole, another beam of love will start to grow in Ava and Leonardo’s hearts. Will Leonardo and Ava give up fighting and start collaborating while raising little Lucas? Will Leonardo manage to trust Ava? Will the bridge in between hate and love reside in both?

Lubaba_Ejaz · สมจริง
55 Chs


Ava decided to hire a tutor for Lucas at the mansion. Leonardo was puzzled to hire him as he was a friend of Aiden. Leonardo was not known for his feeling when he saw a strange man around Ava. He got into the fire. Time was going smoothly. Ava sometimes took Lucas to her studio. A new bad story was generated in the mansion when Lucas's tutor Mr Gill joined. Leonardo was suspecting him as he was not as he showed himself. He interrogated him personally. Everything was fine regarding him. The main thing Leonardo was not known about him was that he was getting treatment for severe antisocial personality disorder. When Gill saw Ava, he thought she was his girlfriend Alexa who cheated on him. He thought he will take revenge and kill her. He also thought that Lucas was Ava's boy. No one was known to his attention. He tried to kill Lucas but he changed his mind on time to show himself as good as he could. One day he called Ava to his house. Ava went there. She felt strange as it was a horrifying house. Gill quickly took her belongings and tied her up with iron chains on her feet. The day passed and sunset began. Frank came to Leonardo's study room.

It's a piece of bad news. He is a psychopath. Fire him right now. Frank said

What? Leonardo wondered.

Ask Lucas's aunt to come to your room. Tell her everything. I brought proof of his continuous treatment. Frank said

Leonardo called her instead of asking a servant but she didn't respond. He called Watson.

Ask Lucas's aunt to come to my room immediately. Leonardo said

But she is not at home. Watson said

Where is she? Leonardo asked

I don't know sir. Watson replied.

Where this girl has gone? Ask guards to check Aiden's studio. Leonardo ordered

This is the location of Ava. Her phone switched off an hour before. Frank showed him.

What is this place? Leonardo asked

Unknown. Frank replied.

Leonardo quickly went out of the mansion.

What's wrong will you Mr Gill? Ava got scared.

Alexa, you cheated me. Then you made a baby with that idiot. How dare you cheat on me? Gill shouted

I am not Alexa. Are you mad? I am Ava. Please leave me. Ava shouted

Ava felt helpless. Gill started cracking things in anger. Leonardo went to Aiden's studio

You were known for your friend's disease!! Although you know that you give that man to Lucas's aunt who just melts her heart in softening the tone of anybody. Where is his house? Ava went there. He is a psychopath and a crazy man. If something bad happened to her I will not leave you alive. Just come with me.

But he is not like that. I knew him. Aiden was surprised. He couldn't believe Leonardo's words.

You will see it later. Come hurry up. Leonardo shouted

They reached his home. Leonardo opened the door with a gunshot as it was locked inside and no one was opening it on bell ringing. He checked his entire house. There was not one. Broken pieces of glass were on the floor. He found a writing pad. He read the words and screamed. Aiden was not known for the reason.

"I met Alexa in a mansion, she got married to a wealthy man. They both made a baby. His name is Lucas. I will kill all of them. She will get punished for cheating me and hurting me. She didn't care for my love"

Leonardo went out of the house and went to the address which was shown in the tracker. It was an hour far away from that house. Leonardo loaded his gun and went inside. He saw Ava was wounded and laid on the floor. Her hands were bleeding. He didn't find Gill there. Meanwhile, he felt someone hit his head with solid stuff. He got fainted. When he opened his eyes he found himself in front of Ava. He managed to open the chains tied up to his legs. His hands were injured while opening that. Gill came and opened the poisonous gas. Ava started coughing. He targeted his pistol on Ava. But Leonardo quickly came in front of her and a bullet passed on his shoulder. Ava got fainted due to a gas reaction. Aiden came there he saw that crazy Gill was about to shoot again. He hit his head with wood. Gill fell down. Aiden tried to release Ava. He had an asthma problem in childhood. He couldn't breathe in that gaseous room. He forcibly came out of the room. Leonardo managed to release Ava from the iron chains. Her ankle was badly injured. As Ava tried to escape from that place. Leonardo's stamina was also getting down. His hands were bleeding badly. His shoulder was also not allowing her to move. He just aimed to take her out. As he brought her out. He fall down along Ava and got fainted. Aiden saw Leonardo was covered in blood. He was unable to do anything he was getting dizzy. He called the police and an ambulance. He reported everything. Police took Gill to the hospital by putting him in handcuffs. Ambulances took Ava and Leonardo to the city hospital. Leonardo's condition was very bad. Leonardo was shifted to the intensive care unit after the operation. His bone was saved and muscle was ruptured. The next day Leonardo opened his eyes.

Oh. I was here as frank informed us. How are you now? Emma asked

Leonardo quickly got up. He removed his canola. And stood up.

Where are you going let me help you. Emma raised her hand.

I dint need anyone's help. Stick with your work. Leonardo said rudely. He reminded himself of the last time he was with Ava. He was worried about her condition as Ava was very sensitive. A nurse stopped him in the way. But he ignored her by saying

I probably came with a lady patient tell me her room number.

Come with me. But you cannot go inside her room. You can observe her from the window. Nurse said.

Leonardo went to her room. He was sad over Ava's act.

You never understand me, girl. I told you many times that I didn't like Gill. He was suspicious. You argue with me. You went to his place without informing me. Alas! What he made you. Leonardo was talking to sleeping beauty outside her room from the window. Visitors were not allowed to attend to patients.

Aiden was punching the wall with anger. A policeman who was a friend of Aiden quickly ran toward him.

What are you doing? Are you crazy? A policeman asked and stopped him

Why? Why I did mistake? I couldn't save Ava from Gill. Why I was not known about his mental condition? I didn't escape her. Tell me, Sigmund. Am I so weak to not protect my love?? Why Leonardo became her hero? How I will forgive myself. Aiden shouted

Calm down, brother. Calm down. She will be fine. It doesn't matter who saved her. What matter is it's her life. Please relax. Sigmund said

Leonardo was sitting in his ward. His mind was lost in Mr Francis's words

"Sometimes your steps slow down. The world is clouded in your eyes. You cannot realize the day when you think you are lost. Like wanting to cling to a rope. You put a seed of your heart in the soil of your own way. You call it hope. Call it love. You will wait for it to sprout. But while you wait with hope, you see that life has dried up your soil. As your love sprouts, it becomes weak. But sometimes you sow a seed in soil and you gave it water for years. You call it love. You wait for that tree to produce fruit. As you prepare to gather fruit, you see that life cut down your tree. Also, its roots are still there. Love is hurt now. You are the indicated one who walks to hurt the soul, to the body, to the one who looks, the one who stops and breathes. Even if the path is bumpy or sunny, it is you who appreciate your breath at the end of the road with your past that you had collected, with your present and the future, you are the one who resists that you will live. You want to break all the rules so that death doesn't find your loved ones. You can't know when you never expected, death and love are rooted together deep down."

"You died when you said that you are in love. You fell in love when you say I would die. Love is like death. You don't know when both will arrive. When they come you have no choice except to surrender to both. Both are like light and darkness you cannot understand when it gets up and when it gets down."

Gill is under police custody. Frank said

What about Lucas's aunt? Leonardo asked

Unfortunately not yet. Frank said

Leonardo went into Ava's room where it was prohibited.

Open your eyes. Wake up. You can't do this. You can heal. Open your eyes. Leonardo said he stood there for an hour. He was staring at the grass on the lawn outside Ava's room.

Are you Alive? Ava opened her eyes and asked

He turned and took a deep breath. He steps forward towards Ava. Ava removed her oxygen mask. She was crying.

I thought he killed you. I listened to the shot when my eyes got closed. Ava said

We both are alive. Get well soon. Leonardo held her hand unintentionally. Then he realized it and leave her hand.

Lucas is impatient. He is waiting for you. He wants to hear your fairytales and lullabies. Leonardo said. He didn't let Ava know of his desperation for her recovery.

He wants to listen to stories in my voice. But you are the hero of his every fairytale. It's a giant guardian who is you. Ava said

Anyways, if you want to see Lucas happy. Get well as soon as possible. Leonardo said

Leonardo was walking anxiously outside her room. While Frank interrupted him

Leonardo, are you okay?

He didn't reply to him and went outside the hospital.

I am sorry Ava. It was my mistake. Aiden apologized her

You saved my life. And risked yours. I am thankful to you. If you didn't reach there I wouldn't be able to open my eyes again. Ava said

Aiden didn't tell her about that time when Leonardo saved her life. meanwhile, a nurse came into her room.

Uncle, I am scared. First time in my life. Leonardo Benjamin is scared who is not afraid of anything is today scared. I am having emotions for the past few days. But what I felt when I held her hand. I don't want to feel it again I am afraid. Leonardo said

Man is afraid of what he does not know. You have taken the way you never thought, you never knew, you never saw. It's normal for you to feel this way. Mr Francis said

But I can't walk that way uncle. Because I don't know how to walk on it. Leonardo said

You will walk on it. You will break your shells first. You will not afraid of your feelings. You will run away. You will not hide. There is no more way to take off from that way anymore. Otherwise, you will be burning in it. Even your hard armourer cannot protect you. My question is if you are going to walk on that road you will make a fire a friend of yours until you reach the border. Are you ready for this? Mr Francis asked.

You haven't answered yourself yet. Will you walk through this fire zone my son or just you will sit there? Mr Francis asked

Leonardo nodded his head and stood up.

Leonardo went to Ava's room. She tried to take her medicine but she was unable to hold the glass. Leonardo looked at her and helped her by putting his hand back on her. She took medicine and drank water. Leonardo was lost in beauteous Ava. While she held his arm. He closed his eyes and smelled her fine fragranced hair.

Thank you. As Ava said. Leonardo came back to his senses.

When will you come back home? Lucas is missing you a lot. Leonardo changed his way. He felt the touch of her hand on his arm for hours.

Ava came back home with Leonardo. Everyone greeted her. She went into her room and was ready.

Mr Leonardo ordered you to prepare your room. Whenever you feel your breath disturbed please use an oxygen mask. Mrs Rosa instructed her.

Thank you, aunt. Ava said and laid on the bed. Meanwhile, Leonardo entered the room

You made these preparations. I gave you a lot of problems. You made me feel ashamed. I have many debts on you and Aiden. All this help from you and the way he saved me. I really owe both of you. Ava said.

Leonardo didn't let her know that he escaped her from there. He asked her to take a rest and guided her to use of oxygen mask. And then went outside.

'Sky got dark'

Leonardo was not known for his strange feeling.

Why I am concerned too much? Why I am having this feeling again and again? Leonardo mumbled. Meanwhile, he listened to Ava screaming. He ran to her room barefooted. He hugged her tightly.

Calm down. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened.

I.. I saw he was sitting with me. He was about to kill me with a knife. Ava told him with broken words

Her breath was upset. He quickly put the mask on her mouth and practised her deep breathing. She was crying and breathing.

I will send Mrs Rosa to see you until you fall asleep. Leonardo said but suddenly he reminded himself of Uncle Francis's question that he asked about his feeling for Ava.

I am here with you. I am not going anywhere until you fall asleep. Leonardo said. He dragged a chair close to Ava and sat there. He was looking at sleeping beauty. She opened her eyes.

For how long you are here? Ava asked

Till the dawn. Leonardo said

Then I don't need a mask. Ava said

She tried to remove the mask but she was not able to do so due to canola.

Let me help you. He sat with Ava and took a mask. Her hair waved on her face. Leonardo controlled his hand that was about to be aside. He quickly sat on the chair.

Laid down. Close your eyes. I am sitting here. Don't be afraid. Leonardo said

Both were looking at each other. Ava fell asleep. She was mumbling

There is something different about you. You are not like you were always. Something happened to you. Something happened to you I think.

Leonardo looked at the sleeping beauty admiring him. He didn't blink his eyes till morning.

You didn't sleep? Ava opened her eyes. She found Leonardo was looking at him

Don't worry. I will ask Mrs Rosa to serve you breakfast here. You have to take your medicines in time. Leonardo said and went out. Meanwhile, Aiden entered her room.

How are you now? Aiden asked

I am good. Thank you. If you haven't rescued me. I wouldn't be able to see my Lucas again. You also went through gasses. How are you feeling now? Ava asked.

There is something important you should know. I couldn't stop there. I didn't save you. Leonardo did it. Aiden said. He was unable to match his eyes with her. Ava wondered about it and was lost in thoughts.