

Leonardo Benjamin is a young, honest, powerful, tough, and cold-hearted businessman who had a rough childhood but never gave up, on the contrary, he even became stronger with every obstacle. He started his life from the bottom and became very wealthy. All he has in his world is a family that he has to take care of after his father's death. He also closed his heart to all feelings a long time ago, he does not trust women. He is Lucas’s uncle. After his brother passes away, Leonardo considers himself a custodian of Lucas. Ava is a young, strong, caring, beautiful girl living with her father. The life of Ava turns upside down when her sister passes away. Ava gets devastated. Her nephew becomes all alone after his parents pass away. Little Lucas is now stuck in a mansion full of vicious people and he desperately lacks affection and love. Lucas is very well protected in his uncle's care, he craves sympathy and love. But Ava has a mission of protecting her nephew. Ava tries her best to take her nephew from the mansion to her home. but her every struggle gets wasted then she realizes that it's not so easy. Leonardo is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. He is determined not to leave his nephew in Ava's hands alone. Both sides were strong as they were Lucas' uncle and aunt. Ava takes her courage from her innocence and patience. Ava has nothing to do she lives in Benjamin's house in order to protect Lucas. This adventure will arise the long-hidden secrets of the Benjamin mansion, while a whole, another beam of love will start to grow in Ava and Leonardo’s hearts. Will Leonardo and Ava give up fighting and start collaborating while raising little Lucas? Will Leonardo manage to trust Ava? Will the bridge in between hate and love reside in both?

Lubaba_Ejaz · Realistic
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55 Chs


Ava came back to her room. She cried loudly. She had flashbacks of getting arrested and the way Leonardo showed his sympathies to her. She reminded all the bad happened at the police station. She cleaned her tears and started packing. She decided to go out of the mansion in the morning. Leonardo was worried about her next decision. He tried to talk to her but he was not getting her. After breakfast, Lucas insisted Ava play archery on the ground. They both went out. Leonardo came outside his room. He checked Ava's and Lucas's rooms. He found they both were absent. He reminded himself of Ava's words. He thought Ava may have gone with Lucas. He quickly went downstairs. He saw Ava and Lucas playing while he thought he should go and search for her. He calmed down and walked toward Ava.

Can we talk, please? Leonardo asked

Ava's facial expressions were so bad. She quickly moved a stone hit her feet.

Let me help you. Leonardo move forward and said

Ava waved her hand as she didn't want him to get closer. She excused Lucas and went inside the mansion. Leonardo looked at Ava. After lunch, she went into her room. Leonardo followed her and came to her room. She quickly went out. Leonardo held her hand tightly.

You are not going anywhere. We have to talk now. Leonardo said

Ava released her hand forcibly and moved outside. Leonardo quickly shut the door and locked it.

You cannot go anywhere without talking. Leonardo said

If you think you will solve this problem by bullying or the ways you used to get people on your required track. So you are wrong.

The old Leonardo no longer exists. Leonardo said

Ava looked at him curiously.

What I did was wrong. I made a ridiculous plan because I couldn't see you as you are. Leonardo said

The only reason I am staying in this mansion is for my nephew only. Isn't that what you also care about? Look I am not leaving. I did as you want. What else do you want from me? You want me to suffer more? You are the biggest disappointment I ever had. I thought you have changed. But you fooled me. Behind this wall, there is no fine man. You are just a stone wall. I have nothing to talk to you about. I am tired!! Did you listen to me? I am tired!!! You tried to convince me. You are saying you made a mistake. You are saying you didn't understand. Don't tire yourself out in vain. To this day, you did everything, said everything, I didn't care about anything you wanted to say. I just believed that you are right in my heart. But now you lost all my faith in the same place. You are gone for me now!! Ava said with tearful eyes and turned towards the dressing room.

Leonardo was unable to say anything that he thought about saying to her. He opened the lock of the door and looked at her for a moment and then went into his room. He was aggressive in the act he done with her. Ava's words were continuously shaking his mind and heart. He took the glass and cracked it on the wall. he was unable to control his anger. Meanwhile frank came inside.

Ask Lucas's aunt to pack up quickly. Social services will visit her in an hour. Frank said

Why you didn't tell me before? Leonardo shouted and ran towards Lucas's room

Beetroot! Come quickly I have a surprise for you. We are going there. Leonardo said

Where are you taking him? Ava asked

Come quickly. Leonardo held her hand tightly and went downstairs.

Where are we going? Ava asked

Sit in the car. We will talk during the drive. For now, we have to leave the mansion immediately. Leonardo said

Can you please drive slowly? Lucas is getting scared.

Keep quiet for now!! Leonardo said

Come inside. He reached a place and took Lucas out.

What is this place? Ava shouted.

Leonardo grabbed her arm and took her inside.

Can you tell me why we are here? Ava shouted

Leonardo asked Lucas to get to the room which was decorated for him. Lucas went into his room and started playing with toys.

Social services will be here soon. Don't show them that I am here. Let you show them that you are living here from that assigned time. Leonardo said.

Ava looked at him with anger. She was not known to that place. She was worried about how she will manage their investigation. Leonardo hid on the rooftop. The supervisor came and visited them. She was satisfied with Ava's living style and environment for Lucas. After the supervisor went out Ava shut the door. She went into the kitchen to drink water. Meanwhile, Leonardo came to her.

Don't worry you will be notified when the officer will come here. Leonardo said

So you will drag us again without answering my questions? Is that so? Bravo Mr Leonardo Bravo!! Ava said

Thank god. She went without going into a deep investigation. You would have told me. I have gone to my place instead of coming here. I would be prepared to answer her easily. You just ignored it and went back to acting on your own. Ava shouted

There was no time left to tell either. Leonardo said

We are not your pawns. You can't go this way with us. You will order us to do without speaking without explaining even a single word. Ava shouted again.

You ignored me. You said you didn't want to talk to me. I just did what you said. For Lucas only. I didn't want you to lose Lucas's custody. For us. Leonardo said and went outside.

Emma and Sophia were surprised by Leonardo's way. They were trying to find out clues behind the situation. But they were unable to find it as Sophia's agent was not responding to her.

Ava went into the kitchen to make food. She found the refrigerator was empty. Whereas spices were available. She was thinking about to make what. Meanwhile, Leonardo came into the kitchen with grocery bags. Ava placed all things on the slab and refrigerator when she saw Leonardo's hand was scratched.

What happened to your hand? Angry Ava asked

Nothing. Leave it. Leonardo said.

Ava poured some olive oil into a bowl. She quickly held his hand and put in the oil. Leonardo was thinking about the angry girl who was taking care whereas she was angry with him. They came back to the mansion to take the necessary luggage from there. Ava packed Lucas's and her stuff. Leonardo put bags in the car. And went back to place. Ava opened the door.

Lucas, go into your room. I am coming. Ava said

Leonardo was coming inside to put bags. Ava stopped him at the door.

I have been given custody of my nephew. So I will decide when and who will come inside this house. Ava said rudely.

She took the bags from his hands and shut the door. Leonardo kept looking at her. He couldn't leave them alone. He sat in the car and waited for the sun to rise. Ava woke up she saw outside from the window, Leonardo was looking at the house as he didn't blink his eyes for a second. Day and night went the same. Leonardo had breakfast and dinner with Lucas and then he went outside the house. He continuously guarded the house like a security officer. He ordered Frank to look after the mansion. He increased the security as Leonardo was getting threats after Ava's arrest case. He was going through intense situations. Ava used to went to the studio and work there also for bonuses. Leonardo couldn't bear Aiden around her. Whenever she went to the studio Leonardo's mood swung to aggression. One day he directly went inside the studio. Aiden tried to stop him as Ava was shooting.

Don't you understand I am not in your control? I can do my work as I wish to do so. For your protector shell. Look at this chat! Which made me not trust you anymore. Don't come in my way. Isn't it enough for you that I give you permission to meet my nephew twice a day? Ava shouted at him. Leonardo looked down and quickly went out of the studio. He went to Mr Francis's hut.

Well, my son is tangled somewhere. Mr Francis cleared his throat

I broke someone's heart uncle. I know it's worse than anything. I don't know how to make her forgive me. I don't know how to redeem myself. Leonardo said

A heart is like a glass. If glass it breaks. You don't know, how many pieces will break. Mr Francis said

So, there is no cure for this pain? Leonardo asked

There is no medicine. But sometimes only two words are enough to conquer a heart that is aggravated. Sometimes, it's needed to be patient and wait are good options. Mr Francis said

Leonardo came back to Ava's house. He saw a policeman who was a friend of Aiden talking to Ava.

You can tell me everything if you know about this dangerous man. No one will harm you here. Policeman said.

I know he can do anything. But I trust him he can't go so down to do this with me. He knows how Lucas is important to me. He doesn't do anything bad to me or Lucas. He is not cruel. Ava said while looking at Leonardo

You should be careful. You should know you are not alone. Your brother is always with you. Policeman said

Thank you. I owe you. Ava said and went inside.

Leonardo listened to her and watered with shame. He was unable to contact his eyes with Ava. after an hour Ava saw Leonardo talking to Mr Francis on the road. She quickly went out.

Uncle! Why you didn't come inside? Ava asked

Don't bother, please. I just saw him so I thought I should greet him. Mr Francis said

No, please. Come inside I will make tea. Ava said

They went to the lawn of the house.

Is there any problem? You look sad. Mr Francis asked

Uncle what should I do? I think I have opened an unhealed wound. You know me, I have no word like sorry in my book. I know it is difficult to talk to someone who is hurt. It is difficult to regain their trust. Leonardo said

Be Patient my son. It's not easy for anyone to settle matters with their own conscience. I didn't forget, a man grew up with his pains. The man who doesn't face his own darkness cannot come to light then. Mr Francis said

If darkness has no end then? What if some wound never heals? Leonardo asked

Be patient. Mr Francis patted his shoulder.

Leonardo was causally doing his duty outside in the car. He saw Lucas was coming to him. He quickly came out of the car.


You don't need to sleep in the car man. We are back. Lucas said like a boss.

Leonardo surprised. He tried to help Ava to put the bag in the trunk but she didn't let him do so. She put bags in the trunk and sat with Lucas in the back seat of the car. Leonardo turned toward the mansion. Emma and Sophia noticed that Ava's behaviour was still the same as Leonardo's. Both were feeling happy about their successful mission. Leonardo was suspicious of Ava's behaviour. He was busy with his work as Ava came to his study room. She came closer to him and raised her hand to shake with him. He was lost in beauteous Ava, why she was asking to shake hands. Leonardo stood up and looked at her. He was not known that Ava listened to him while he was talking to Mr Francis in the evening.

Let's end this war. I am tired of living in suspicion and doubts. After that, everything is as it should be. I am Lucas's aunt and you are his uncle. He needs both of us. He made us partners. For him let's end this war. Agree? Ava asked. She was still raising her hand.

Leonardo looked at Ava and then at her hand. He shake hands with her and smiled a bit. He was lost in her sparkling eyes.

So we agree? Ava asked

Leonardo peacefully looked at Ava.

I have terms and conditions for peace between us. From now on I will be able to comment on both of you. We will make joint decisions for Lucas. Do you accept it?

Okay. Leonardo said

Are you sure? Ava asked

I said okay. Means I agree. Leonardo said

Well. We will see then. Ava said and shake hands tightly

The next morning, Emma and Sophia were shocked and jealous to see Ava and Leonardo's behaviour. they were thinking about what happened at night. and both were calm and had fine conversations. For days Lucas was enjoying a lot at the mansion. When Leonardo came to know about the appointment and visit to Social Services. He dropped them there for two days and then took them back to the mansion after their visit and check-in. Leonardo was getting satisfied with the environment. Whereas Emma and Sophia were planning new tricks to demolish the beauty of the environment of the mansion.