
Sword fight or seduction class?

Ivan finally raised his head and sighted Daffany. He glanced back down at Alexia "What is she doing here?" he asked angrily.

Alexia smiled mischievously "Well she came here to tell me to leave since you like her so much that you kissed her." she was satisfied with what she said. Daffany would know never to cross her again.

Ivan turned to glare at Daffany coldly "Are you going to leave or should I get the guards to escort you out?".

Daffany gulped. She felt a chill run down her spine "I was just leaving." she smiled sweetly "You and your wife should take care. " she walked towards the door defeatedly but she swore to herself that she was only defeated just this once. She was going to get Ivan one way or another whether it was by hook or by crook. She walked out of the throne room with head held high at this thought.

Ivan watched Alexia keenly "Did she say anything to you?" he asked faintly

Alexia nodded "She did but I learnt my lesson before so I won't make the same mistake again and I trust you." she was obviously not going to repeat the same mistake and by the way, who would be foolish enough to believe the same scheming person twice?

Ivan smiled and patted her head "That's good." he was very happy that she believed him this time. He sighed in relief and finally relaxed. He had heard from her maids that Daffany was here and he was pretty anxious that she would not trust him and they would have a misunderstanding again.

Alexia smiled and looked up to have a good look at Ivan's face. Her smiled quickly turned into a frown when she saw the eyebags under his eyes. "Didn't you sleep?" she asked worriedly.

"I did" he lied unhesitatingly. He didn't want to worry her. Alexia glared at him "I know you are lying. I won't repeat it again" she said sternly "Did you sleep?". She knew he was lying because his eyebags were evidence.

Ivan sighed "I didn't because I wanted to hurriedly finish what I had to do to come back here because I was missing you." he smirked dangerously "But since you are the cause of my lack of sleep, won't you take responsibility?" he asked teasingly.

Alexia replied "Sure I will take responsibility. You have to sleep anyways so I will just sleep with you anyway." she didn't realize that her words were so vague. Ivan was in a daze as she dragged him to their room. He groaned inwardly. Did this girl know she was torturing him? He snapped out of it when he heard her saying "Lie down". He finally realized they were already in their room. He rested on the bed and pulled Alexia down with him.

Alexia gave out a loud yell when she felt herself being pulled down. She blushed when she landed right on Ivan's chest. She remembered what she wanted to ask him "Ivan, can you teach me sword fight? In the palace, I learnt martial arts to protect myself but I want to learn a little about sword fighting too." she had wanted to ask him before he left but she totally forgot later on.

Ivan nodded "Hmmm...I am feeling sleepy now. Maybe when I wake up later in the afternoon, I will teach you a little bit about it." he acknowledged. He gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Alexia watched Ivan sleep with tender eyes. This was the first time she was able to look at his features closely. She caressed his face tenderly "I didn't know I could like you so soon despite us being married for few days. But it's not strong enough to be classified as love yet. I think if you continue being nice to me, I might fall in love with you soon. This is something I already accepted during the time you were not around". she thought pleasantly before falling asleep.

Few hours later, Ivan woke up to see Alexia sleeping soundly. He walked into the bathroom to have a shower. He walked out few minutes later to see Alexia sitting on the bed yawning. He laughed inwardly "I guess it is not only me that didn't have a good sleep during the time I was gone." he reasoned out.

Alexia looked down embarrassed. It was true she didn't really get a good sleep while he was gone but she wasn't going to accept it. She ignored his comment "I am ready. Should we go to the courtyard now?" she asked excitedly.

Ivan nodded and they walked out to the courtyard. There were already two swords prepared for them. Alexia grabbed one and commented "It's pretty heavy. How would I swing this around? It looks easy when I see people practicing through my window" she thought handling a sword was easy but judging by the weight of the sword, she was already being proved wrong.

Ivan nodded and walked behind her. He placed his hand on her waist and placed his head on her shoulder. He removed one hand from her waist and instructed "Hold it vertically when you want to strike and don't hold it with two hands, it won't strike as hard".

Alexia pouted "But it's heavy." she complained. How was she going to hold it with one hand? She wanted to give up now. Why did she ask him to teach her when she didn't even know the basics?

Ivan shook his head "You can't give up at the beginning right? Release one hand and don't worry, I will help you". He put his hand on hers after she removed one hand. He asked "Is it still heavy? But you have to learn how to hold it yourself".

Alexia stiffened. She could feel his every breath on her neck and his palm on hers warmed her hand and heart. Her heart shook with trepidation at what he was doing to her. Was he seducing her or what? Now she was confused. Was this a sword fight or a seduction class?