
Heroes of Celestia

In a country called Celestia, a child named Akira Mokoro is the descendant of a family that uses the well know "Infernal Style" that was created by his ancestor. It was his first day at Celestia Academy.

Marc626 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Unknown Dream

Akira found himself in a dark place having no idea how he got there.

Akira: "Huh? Where am I? Why is everything so dark? A sword? Why am I holding one?"

Suddenly he sees a woman with a sword just standing and looking at him.

Akira: "Uhh, hi there, do you have any idea where we are?"

However she didn't say anything and just stood still. Suddenly she sprints near Akira ready to strike, with Akira managing to avoid the slash just barely.

Akira: "What the!? Why is she suddenly attacking me now? What did I do?"

The mysterious woman kept attacking with Akira barely dodging every attack.

Akira: "This isn't good, if this keeps up I'm gonna get tired from dodging all her attacks. I need to fight back as well!"

Akira having no choice decides to attack as well. Their swords clash but Akira gets blown away due to how strong her attack was.

Akira: "That was too strong, and she wasn't even trying. Who in the world is she!?"

???: Akira don't give up, you can master it one day."

Akira: "Huh!? How do you know my name!? WHO ARE YOU!?"

Akira tries to catch up to her to get answers but she disappears and he falls down into the darkness. Suddenly finds himself in his bedroom as he noticed he fell down his bed.

Akira: "A dream? Wonder what was that about? Who was that woman I saw and how did she know my name?"

Akira looks at the clock and notices it's 6 o'clock, an hour and 30 minutes before class.

Akira: "Guess I better head downstairs for breakfast."

Akira heads downstairs and sees his mother, Sumire and his uncle, Rengoku but his father nowhere in sight.

Rengoku: "Morning kiddo, you're up quite early today."

Akira: "Morning uncle, morning mom. By the way, where's father?"

Sumire: "Morning sweetie, and father is actually going to your academy to teach magic to the Magic Class students."

Akira: "Isn't he a little bit too early though going to school?"

Denji: "What do you mean by that?"

Akira was startled by his father suddenly appearing behind him, almost falling down the stairs, but manages to jump and land safely.

Sumire: "Honey, I thought I told you stop using your teleportation magic to troll around!" She was annoyed by Denji's antics

Denji: Hahahaha, I know, I know. I was just worried when I saw Akira fell down his bed earlier."

Sumire: "He what!?"

She goes to her son looking to see if he's okay looking all worried.

Akira: "Mom, I'm okay, really. I wasn't hurt at all. I just... Had a dream."

Sumire: "Dream?"

Akira explained what happened in his dream. Rengoku and Sumire were shocked by what they heard.

Sumire: "I-I didn't think you would actually get that dream."

Rengoku: "Who would have thought."

Akira: "Err... What are you two talking about?"

Rengoku: "I'll talk about it to you later, but for now let's eat breakfast and take a bath after this.

Akira, Rengoku, and Denji arrived at the academy with the Akira's other teammates waiting for except for Ninako.

Sora: "Akira you're here, and I see you arrived with your uncle and dad as well."

Hazuka: "If I remembered correctly your father's gonna teach us magic next, right?"

Akira: "Yep. He told me earlier. By the way, where's Ninako?"

Yumi: "She seems to be late today."

Unaware to all of them Ninako was looking at them behind a tree.

Ninako: "Huh, why is Akira so close to him? Does he know him? Maybe I'll ask later."

Everyone went to their class with Denji arriving in the Magic Class.

Denji: "Hello everyone my name is Denji Mokoro, and I'm gonna be your one of your instructors for the whole school year, and also sorry if I didn't arrive yesterday."

Ninako was shocked when she heard what he said and decided to ask him something.

Ninako: "Umm... Are you in anyway related to Akira?"

Hazuka: "She actually talked?" She was rather shocked by what happened.

Denji: "Ah, I see your one of his teammates. And yes, I'm his son.

Ninako: "I-I see."

In the Blade Class.

Akira: "..."

Sora: "Akira?"

Akira: "..." No response

Sora: "Earth to Akira."

Akira: "..."

Still no response coming from him. Sora snaps his fingers in order to get his attention.

Akira: "HUH!?"

Sora: "Finally you're back. Are you alright you seem spaced out lately."

Akira: "Sorry about that. I was just wondering about the dream I had this morning."

Sora: "Dream?"

Akira explains his dream.

Sora: "That's crazy. Wonder what that dream means? Anyways let's focus on our practice for now."

Rengoku notices Akira spacing out and decides to talk to him.

Rengoku: "Akira, you alright?"

Akira: "Honestly I'm not. That dream still bothers me to the point I can't focus."

Rengoku: "Hmm. After school, follow me somewhere."

Akira: "O-okay."

After their respective classes are finished, They arrive at the school park.

Akira: "Wonder what uncle Rengoku wants to talk to me about."

Sora: "Considering it's about your dream, he might show you something important that's probably gonna help you in the future."

Hazuka, Yumi, and Ninako arrive as well.

Hazuka: "Oh you two are here."

Sora: "I mean, where else would we be in aside from the cafeteria."

Ninako: "Umm... Akira."

Akira: "Huh? This is the first time I've heard talk."

Ninako: "I-I'm looking forward to be teaming up with you and the others."

Akira: "Oh, no problem."

Akira smiled like the sun that Ninako blushed like a tomato.

Sora & Yumi: "She actually talked!?"

After the break, Group Activities started.

Rengoku: "Seems I'm gonna be your instructor in the Group Activities. Looking forward to it."

Akira, Sora, Hazuka, Ninako, & Yumi: "Yes sir!"

Rengoku: "Now aside from Akira and Sora, what do you girls use?"

Ninako: "Offense Magic."

Hazuka: "Support Magic."

Yumi: "Double-Barrel Shotgun."

Rengoku: "Now the activity is very simple, try and hit me."

Akira: "Like that's gonna be easy considering its you."

2 hours have passed and Rengoku hasn't gotten hit at least once.

Akira: "He's too fast to even land a single hit on him."

Sora: "No kidding, he always keeps moving around and we can't even keep up."

Ninako: "My magic can't even hit him."

Hazuka: "My speed boost magic wasn't even enough."

Yumi: "I wasn't able to get near to get a max damage."

Rengoku: "You're still starting out so catching up to me will take a long time. Remember you have 6 months to at least catch me, since that's where your official mission starts."

Akira: "6 months!?"

After that they decide to finish it there and head home and try again tomorrow.

Akira: "Hey Ninako, why didn't you talk with us yesterday?"

Ninako: "Oh that, I was scared of talking with people because I never experienced having a conversation with others aside from my parents and my magic teachers. Plus I was scared because of my nobility, people will surround me which will cause me to be panic."

Akira: "So that's why you were acting like you were gonna panic yesterday. You were trying your best to avoid the people around you."

Ninako: "So you saw it as well."

Ninako looks down feeling embarrassed.

Akira: "Hey don't worry about it. Not everyone is very social. Believe me when I was 10 I couldn't even talk to anyone aside from my family, until I had the courage to do it."

Akira pats Ninako's head to make her feel comfortable. She blushes a little.

Ninako: "Haha, thanks for that."

Akira: "But what made you talk to me earlier?"

Ninako: "Well when I heard your father mentioned he was a Mokoro, I felt a little comfortable since your father and Mr. Rengoku was one of the few people that taught me magic."

Akira: "I didn't even know uncle Rengoku knows magic as well."

Ninako: "I was surprised as well because he always uses a sword. He also said this to me:

"You know you need to talk with other people aside from us right? Maybe you can try talking to my grandchild Akira." I never had the courage to try that for 5 years since I always study magic all day until today.

Akira: "Is that so? Well at least you manage to have the courage to do it today. Plus you can also talk with the other 4 teammates you have."

Ninako: "You're right. Sorry if I gave you guys the wrong impression yesterday."

They waved goodbye to each other and Akira went to follow Rengoku. They go to the library and a secret room that only someone with a key that Rengoku has.

Rengoku: "Here it is, "The History of Inferno Style", this should help you figure out who was the woman in your dream."

Akira decides to look into the book and sees the first user of the Infernal Style.

Akira: "Illya Mokoro. So she's the first user huh."

He looks at the picture and confirms that this was the same woman he saw in his dream.

Akira: "This is the same woman I saw in my dream! Illya Mokoro! Why was she attacking me though?"

Rengoku: "The same thing happened to me when I started learning Inferno Style, she also appeared in my dream saying that I'm lacking strength. That also happened to your sister as well. Guess she also saw your potential, you just don't see it."

Akira: "Guess that what she meant I can master it one day."

Akira arrives at home and talks to his parents about what he found, with both of them surprised since they were fully unaware of Illya even Sumire despite being a Mokoro. Akira goes to bed and attempts to see if she will appear again.

Akira: "I wonder what if she'll come to my dream again."

Akira sleeps and founds himself once again in the dark place with sword in hand.

Akira: "Where is she?"

He keeps looking around and sees Illya sword in hand ready to fight.

Akira: "Ready to fight huh? Bring it! I highly doubt I can land a single hit on her, but if I can clash at her sword and get blown away like before, I might be able to stand a chance even for a bit."

Akira and Illya charge at each other preparing to strike.