
Heroes of Celestia

In a country called Celestia, a child named Akira Mokoro is the descendant of a family that uses the well know "Infernal Style" that was created by his ancestor. It was his first day at Celestia Academy.

Marc626 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: First Day

It was 7:00 in the morning, the town Flame Star was quite lively since it was the first day of School for Celestia Academy where students are trained to be Swordsmen, Magicians, etc.


Yelled Akira Mokoro as he realized he woke up too late since class starts at 7:30. Akira dashes outside without saying goodbye to his parents.

"Good... luck."

Said Sumire as she saw him dashed through the door.

"He sure is energetic today."

Denji being unfazed by Akira's sudden leave.

"Do you think he's gonna be fine? I'm worried that we might be pressuring him since out of all the generations, I'm the only one who've never mastered the "Infernal Style."

Sumire said in a very sad expression. Akira was a descendant of the Mokoro family, known to have used the powerful "Inferno Style" created by their ancestor. However his mother was the only one to never master it since she wasn't mentally strong enough and due to her being easily giving up.

"Don't worry, he's gonna be fine. I'm sure he can handle himself pretty well."

As Akira rushes to school he saw his friend Sora running as well.

"Sora!? I didn't expect you to be late as well."

"Well I was helping out 100 elderly that had trouble with their groceries."

"Hahahaha! That's definitely like you!"

Luckily they manage to arrive 10 minutes before 7:30.

"Huh, hey Akira are you ok?"

Said Sora as he noticed Akira was shaking.

"Do you think I can master it? I honestly don't might be able to learn it."

Akira worryingly replied. He always admired his ancestors history and when realized his mother never mastered it, he became extremely doubtful if he could ever learn it.

"Don't worry about it!"

Sora said as he slapped Akira in the back.

"Just because your mother never learned it doesn't mean you can't. Don't be so doubtful of yourself. I mean you did manage to learn how to use a sword at a young age."

Sora added just to make sure he doesn't get negative.

"Haha, yeah you're right I shouldn't worry about that. I'm certain I can learn even if it means learning it slowly!"

"That's the spirit!"

As they enter the academy they see a bunch of boys surrounding a girl.




Were some of the word they heard.

"What the heck is even going on there?"

Akira asked, being confused by the situation that is happening.

"Ahh that's Ninako Monoko. She's quite popular even in her younger days due to her being beautiful.

Sora explained.

"Huh, that's quite something. I'm surprised you know about that stuff."

Akira saying in a sarcastic romantic way.

"I- I only heard about those stuff when I was enrolling. I heard some of the boys were saying those stuff when they saw her enrolling as well. To be honest I never expected her to enroll here since her parents are quite restrictive."

Sora awkwardly replied. Suddenly Akira remembered something.

"Oh yeah, her family are the Monoko family. I heard through some of the neighbors I'm friends with. They're quite known to be one of the best magicians ever here, and they were taught by the family of "Legendary Magicians" which my dad was a part of."

Akira remembering after hearing her last name.

"I didn't know that."

Sora being surprised.

"Umm... Are you Akira and Sora?"

A girl suddenly came to them nervously.

"Oh uh, Yep that's us, and you are?'

Akira responded.

"My name's Hazuka Yasashi, were actually part of a 5 person group."

Hazuka replied.

"Wait there was a grouping?"

Akira confused by what she said.

"Oh yeah, I remembered everyone was told that we're actually going to be put into a group in order to emphasize teamwork."

Sora mentioned.

"I wasn't even fully aware of it."

Akira said feeling left out.

"Can't blame you, it was just mentioned at the last moment yesterday without everyone's notice. Only a few including me knew about it. Most saw via the bulletin board in the Town Hall."

"Well I get the reason, but why they decided to say it in the last minute is what I wanna know."

Akira furiously asked.

"Because they supposed to tell us that a week before school but they were busy with something important."

She answered Akira.

"Wonder what was so important that made them forget it?"

He wondered.

"Wait if you said that were a team of five, then who are the other two?"

Sora realising.

"The forth member is the girl being surrounded by the boys."

Pointing at Ninako.

"Oh great we're gonna get surrounded by jealous boys every time aren't we?"

Akira and Sora being a bit concerned. Then Sora noticed something.

"And let me guess the other one is behind you?"

Sora pointing at the edgy boy behind Hazuka.


Hazuka was so shocked that she slipped. Luckily Sora manage to catch her.

"You ok?"

Hazuka lightly blushes but manages to stand up.

"Erm, yeah thanks."

Hazuka being slightly embarrassed.

"Ah so you noticed me."

Said the mysterious girl.

"You're quite good for managing to get unnoticed by us. What's your name?"

Sora asked being completely unfazed.

"Yumi Kosori."

Yumi said. A few seconds later the bell rang, telling the students to go to their respective classes.

Each classes is based on each individuals choosing during their enrolment which were Blades class, Magic class, and Ranged class.

Blades class focuses on the three sword types: Short Swords, Rapiers, and Longswords.

Magic class focuses on using offensive and supportive spells which they can either learn one or both at the same time.

Ranged class like Magic on two types: Bow and Firearms. Bow focuses on perfect accuracy, while firearms use different type of guns for different uses.

Each student's are required to choose one class they want to go for, but if they think they're choosing was difficult for them, they can change class.

Sora went for Blades class, Hazuka and Ninako went for the Magic class, Kage went for the Ranged class.

"By the way Akira what class did you go for?"

Sora asking Akira before entering the classroom.

"Blades class obviously. I mean I learned swordfighting at a young age."

Akira said passionately.

"Hahaha, guess I should have seen that coming."

"By the way Hazuka said were part of a 5 person team, wonder when that will happen since we're taking a class we chose?"

Sora said wondering.

"This bulletin board might give us the answer."

They look at the bulletin board and saw that each class takes 2 hours to finish and after that a short break and then Team Activities.

"This is gonna be interesting to see."

Sora said quite curious how the team activity will work out. As they entered their class a person with an eye patch and scar entered as well. Everyone was rather scared because of his face.

"Morning everyone my name's Kai, pleasure to meet you."

Everyone was rather surprised by his kind demeanor considering his face contradicts it.

"There's actually two more instructors that will arrive here soon but they were busy with other stuff so we'll have to wait for a while unfortunately."

Few minutes later one of the two remaining instructors arrived.

"Morning everyone."

Said the man who entered.

"HUH!? Uncle Rengoku!? I didn't know you were gonna be one of our instructors! You said you were busy supervising the-"

Before he could finish his sentence Rengoku laughed.

"GAHAHAHAHA, if it isn't you kiddo, also yeah I was supposed to be supervising them but luckily they assigned someone else so I can finally do what I wanted to do for a long time after I retire: teach."

"Even though you aren't really yet retired and I highly doubt you'll be, considering you're still kicking at 60 years old."

Both of them laughed. After that the last instructor arrived.

"Sorry I'm late, I was busy organizing the training ground for us to use."

Everyone was shocked to see a beautiful lady arriving in their classroom.

"Ah, she's Mieru, the famous Rapier Demon.

Akira realizing who she is.

"Rapier... Demon!?"

Sora terrifyingly whispered to him.

"Yeah, she always kills without hesitation and can see through your skin in order to spot your weak points."

Akira explained.

"S-she can WHAT!?"

Sora internally yelled. Just then they both felt chills in their spine because Mieru was watching both them.

"My, my so this the Akira Mokoro, I better hope you're strong like Rengoku said here, considering your pathetic mother never learned how to use a sword!"

Mieru mocked. Akira was angry and was ready to punch her but managed to stop himself. All of a sudden.

"Take. That. Back."

Rengoku said calmly. His eyes turned red, expression turned to anger and Mieru and the students except for Kai felt a very threating aura like they were stared down by the devil himself. Suddenly Mieru went down to her knees.

"Y-yes. I-I'm sorry R-rengoku sensei."

Mieru still shaking from what happened.

"W-woah, what just happened earlier?"

Sora shaking from the shock.

"Bloodlust. A type of aura that releases anger that can be felt to people who aren't strong to withstand it."

Rengoku explained after he calmed himself down.

"That was terrifying. I don't want to get on his bad side."

Sora still visibly shaken.

"So this the troublesome student that Uncle Rengoku trained back then. He wasn't kidding when he told me she had very foul mouth."

Akira looking at her with anger.

"Ahem, anyways so we're your instructors, Kai Raiki , Rengoku Mokoro, and Mieru Kuma. Let's go to the specialized training grounds and pick which sword you'll choose. But before that can you please tell us your names."

Akira stood up first.

"My name is Akira Mokoro, looking forward to your teachings!"

"Name's Sora, pleased to meet you."

"U-uh my name is Yudo Shuke, nice to meet you!"

In total 15 student introduced themselves. After that they went into there specialized training ground only for them.

"On that table are the three types of weapons you'll pick for the entire year. Choose wisely everyone."

Everyone picked their respective swords, with Sora choosing a Short Sword, Akira with Short sword as well, and Yudo choosing a Rapier. After that they were taught the basics of using their respective swords and after two hours it finally ended.

"Okay that's all for the today, unfortunately the Group Activity will not happen today because, instead it will continue tomorrow."

Rengoku mentioned. After that they exited they school and meet up with their other three teammates.

"Wonder what group activities we'll do tomorrow?"

Sora being excited.

"You really are excited for it huh?"

Yumi replied.

"Can't blame him he always tend to like these type of stuff considering his past."

Akira added.

"Well I'm quite excited for it as well."

Hazuka added. Ninako kept quiet during the entire conversation.

"What's with her not talking to us. If we're gonna be working together we need to communicate."

Sora wondering why she's quiet the entire time. They waved goodbye to each other and Rengoku approaches Akira.

"So those is your teammates Akira? I see that a nobility is in your team as well."

Rengoku said.

"Yeah, but Ninako kept quiet when we were talking. As if she didn't wanna accept that we're her teammates.

Akira being very worried. As they we're nearing to Akira's home he stopped for a moment.

"Hey uncle, do you really think I can master Infernal Style?"

Akira began to doubt again.

"Huh, what makes you say that? You're a Mokoro so there's no doubt right?"

Rengoku confused by what he meant.

"I mean my sister manage to learn it from you quite easily yet I never managed to. And plus she supposed to be the one to master the Infernal Style not me, since she was gifted by it-"

Rengoku put his hands on Akira's shoulders and stops him from talking.

"Listen to me Akira, DON'T say that again. It doesn't matter if you're gifted or not if you try hard enough you can achieve anything. Plus you also trained with your sister and manage to beat her from time to time so you have the talent. I understand that you're feeling pressured ever since your sister was taken away, but don't forget what you said to me three years ago."

Akira then remembered the time her sister was taken three years ago, where he was filled with rage swearing to find her.


Akira starts crying down on his knees with Rengoku hugging him.

"There, there kiddo let it all out."

After a few seconds Akira stops crying and finally stands up.

"Y-yeah your right, I shouldn't doubt that I can't learn Infernal Style. I'm a Mokoro I can do it!"

"That's the spirit kiddo!"

They arrived at Akira's house with Sumire shocked to see his father with him.

"Father!? I didn't expect you to come here as well!"

"Hahahaha, well a lot of things happened and I'm teaching Akira at Celestia Academy."

"I see. Well that's good since that means he can improve his swordsmanship more."

Akira decides to relax the whole day in order to keep his mind calm with Rengoku's words glued into his head.