
Heroes of Celestia

In a country called Celestia, a child named Akira Mokoro is the descendant of a family that uses the well know "Infernal Style" that was created by his ancestor. It was his first day at Celestia Academy.

Marc626 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Familiar Person

Akira goes to the academy earlier than Rengoku and Denji due to how energetic he is today.

Yumi: "Morning Akira, you seem quite energetic today."

Akira: "Morning Yumi. I had a good sleep last night so that's why I'm quite energetic today."

Yumi: "Well I doubt you can bring that energy to the Group Activities cause Rengoku Sensei said that he won't be coming later since he said he's doing something important."

Akira: "Wait really?"

Yumi: "Yep."

Akira: "That must've explained why I didn't see him in my house today. Wonder what he's doing that's very important?"

Ninako: "Morning Akira, morning Yumi."

Yumi: "Morning Ninako, and you're actually talking to someone other than Akira."

Ninako: "W-well after Akira's words of encouragement yesterday, I decided to talk more so I can contribute to the team."

Yumi gives a warm smile.

Yumi: "Well I hope we can get along then."

Three of them went to their respective classrooms, with the other two arriving shortly.

At Ranged Class.

Tomoe: "Yumi can I talk to you for a second?"

Yumi: "Hmm? What is it sensei?"

Tomoe: "It's about Kuro. He's harassing the other female students again. It's been three days since class started and he's already causing trouble. Think you can stop him? Sorry if I'm bothering you."

Yumi: "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Yumi approaches Kuro who is harassing a girl 3 years younger than him.

Yumi: "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

Kuro: "Oh, another beautiful lady."

Kuro pushes the girl aside which makes Yumi visibly angry.

Yumi: "Do you have any idea that what you're doing is very inappropriate!?"

Kuro just scoffs at it.

Kuro: "What the heck are you talking about? These girls aren't even doing anything to stop me, so it's fine."

Yumi: "That's because you're taking advantage of your weapon!"

Yumi pulls out her Double-Barreled Shotgun "Hunter" while Kuro pulls out his Gunblade "Slayer", pointing their gun at each other.

Kuro: "My, my you're quite feisty huh? You know how to fight back."

Yumi: "School started three days ago and you think that you're okay harassing women because you're nobility!?"

Kuro: "Hehe, you really think you can beat me? You must be joking! Ok then, since you're so confident, let's make a deal."

Yumi: "Deal?"

Kuro: "If you win I'll stop my harassment. But if I win, I'll keep continuing my harassment. Deal?"

Yumi stares at Kuro dead on for a few seconds and finally gives her answer.

Yumi: "Deal."

Kuro: "You really think you can beat me huh? Alright fine, we'll start our battle in the forest after break."

Kuro walks away very smug with Yumi being agitated by what he said.

Yumi: "Sorry Tomoe sensei, I let my emotions get to me."

Tomoe: "Yumi. Please beat him."

Yumi was surprised by what she said but was encouraged by it.

Yumi: "Yes sensei!"

During break Yumi explains her situation.


Hazuka: "Yumi, are you sure you know what you're doing!?"

Yumi: "It's either he's going to stop harassing women or he's gonna continue it. Look I don't care if he's nobility, I'm going to defeat him."

Akira puts his hand on Yumi's shoulder reassuring her that he's cheering for her.

Ninako suddenly hugs Yumi and starts tearing up.

Yumi: "N-Ninako?"

Ninako: "J-just don't get hurt okay?" She was understandably worried for her, since she seeing some getting hurt.

Yumi smiles and pats Ninako's head.

Yumi: "Don't worry, I won't."

Sora sighs and laughs.

Sora: "I always tend to have a grudge against types of people like him, honestly if you feel like you can't beat him, then I can take your place and beat him to a pulp."

Hazuka: "If that jerk ever comes near me, I'll kick his sorry ass!"

Yumi giggles.

Yumi: "Thanks guys, but I can handle this. I'll beat him so hard that he'll never create more of himself!"

All of them laughed by what she said.

Kuro: "Tch, that girl really thinks she can beat me. I'll show her some manners!"

After the break ended Kuro and Yumi then went into the forest with Akira and the others coming along to spectate. Ninako notices Akira's worried expression.

Ninako: "Akira, you alright?"

Akira: "Honestly, I'm quite worried. Do you think she beat him?"

Ninako: "Don't worry Akira, I'm confident she can beat her!"

Akira: "She's right, I can't doubt that she can't beat him. Now that I think I feel like I've seen her before... When I was still young.

Akira then remembers something that happened to him when he was 10 years old. He got lost in the forest when he was watching his sister's training.

Akira: "Big Sis! Where are you!?"

Akira began to panic since he didn't know where to go. Suddenly he hears something in the bushes.

Akira: "Huh!?" Who's there!?"

Suddenly a monster appears from the bush. It was about to jump towards Akira until he heard a loud shotgun sound and saw the monster dead.

Yumi: "Hmm. That's the fifth monster today."

Yumi sees a young Akira startled and terrified.

Yumi: "You alright kid?"

Akira didn't say anything as he was still processing the events that happened.

Yumi: "Seems that this kid is terrified."

She approaches Akira. Akira moves backwards fearing he might get harmed. Yumi smiles and gives her hand to him. Akira felt scared for a second but reached out to her hand.

Yumi: "There's nothing to be afraid of. Come, I'll help you get out of this forest."

Akira nods and both get out of the forest with his mom seeing them.

Sumire: "Akira! You're alright! Please don't do that again!"

Akira cries while hugging his mother.

Akira: "I promise!"

Sumire: "Thank you for finding my son, err..."

Yumi: "Yumi."

Sumire: "Thank you Yumi."

Yumi goes to the forest again, but as she's about to enter Akira says something to her.

Akira: "Are we gonna see each other again Yuyu?"

Yumi despite being taken aback by what he said smiled back.

Yumi: "Maybe."

Yumi returned to the forest with Akira being happy that he was able to talk to someone outside his family. Akira tears up a little after realising that he finally saw the person that made him stand up for himself.

Akira: "Good luck Yuyu!"

Yumi and the others were shocked by what he said.

Yumi: "Yuyu? Was I called like that before?"

Yumi then looks at Akira and sees a younger version of himself, then realizes that it was the same kid she saved 6 years ago. She then gave a warm gentle smile.

Yumi: "Don't worry crybaby, I'll be fine."

Yumi enters the forest with Kuro waiting for her.

Kuro: "Thought you decided to back out. You're really that stupid huh?"

Kuro smugly said.

Yumi: "Don't give me that look. And there's no way I'm backing out.

Kuro: "Stubborn bitch. But before we start we're only gonna use rubber bullets so that none of us would get hurt."

Yumi: "Fine by me."

Both ready their weapons and after an intense stare down fired their guns which both nearly missed their face and both dash away further to the forest.

Yumi: "I need to use the trees as cover should he find me. But where's he hiding?"

Kuro: "Tch, that bitch is gonna regret it. I'll show her that she shouldn't mess with me."

Both hide in the trees and from time to time spot each other trying to land a shot with each missing.

Yumi: "I need to get close for a huge hit, but with that blade, its definitely gonna be a problem."

She then sees Kuro hiding in a tree and was preparing to shoot but as she approaches the tree he is gone.

Yumi: "Huh, where did he go?"

Suddenly Kuro attempts to strike Yumi at the back.

Kuro: "Gotcha!"

Yumi: "Behind me!?"

Yumi barely dodges his blade with only her sleeve being cut.

Kuro: "Argh! You're really getting on my nerves!

Yumi: "Heh, try again loser!"

Kuro: "WHY YOU!!!"

Kuro keeps attacking Yumi with his Gunblade with each slash Yumi managing to dodge with ease.

Yumi: "He's swinging his blade so randomly, it's gonna be tricky to land a perfect hit.

Kuro tries to stab Yumi in the heart but she manages to jump while kicking his head as well and get behind him.

Yumi: "Game over, jerk!"

Kuro unleashes a painful scream as he is hit by the rubber bullets which Akira and the others hear.

Akira: "What the!?"

Ninako: "Who won!?"

Yumi then exits the forest with the others coming to her hugging her.

Sora: "You actually beat him!"

Hazuka: "You're so awesome!"

Kuro then exits the forest with his team being disappointed.

???: "You lost against a non-nobility! You're an embarrassment! Let's go, team!"

Kuro look at Akira's team one more time with rage and leaves with his team.

Akira: "Well that means he won't be harassing any more women then."

Yumi: "Hopefully. But if he continues it, I'll kick his ass again!"

The five laughed as they exited the academy.