
I Love You Mommy

A Series of events passed and the time for Little Yoon to shine had finally arrived The gorgeous masked young man went to the stage to play a piano piece and Jin heaved a sigh of relief. Well, it was because his son monopolized his wife the entire time and he was treated like some bodyguard on the sideline

At last, he could be with her alone. Jin was very careful, he didn't want to do anything that could disrupt her current pleasant mood. She was seated just beside him but the girl's attention was completely focused on the young man on stage. Her eyes were locked onto him that she almost didn't blink at all She was practically afraid to even blink for fear that the little boy might vanish once her eyes flickered.

At that instant, Jin was trying to grab her attention He called out her name but the girl seemed to have placed an invisible barrier around her as if telling him the words,

'Please don't disturb me. My dear son was about to start playing the piano. I want to give him the 100% of my attention '

Making Jin feel a bit dejected once again

And the moment Little Yoon started playing, Y/n became immersed in her world as if she and her son were the only ones in the world obliterating everyone As the melody drifted in the room, her eyes started brimming with happiness and at the same time throwing him loving gazes as she cheered him on inwardly She had not felt happiness since five years ago and a little anxiousness was also visible in her eyes.

Jin rested his face on his knuckles as his gaze was glued onto her. The longer he watched her the more his desire to hold her became stronger He badly wanted to be intimate with her again, kiss those lips again, hold her hands and embrace her just like the way they were five years ago.

The song little Yoon was playing was Liebesleid's love sorrow and it made everyone in the hall feel emotional and at the same time bewildered with this genius talent at such a young age.

Y/n in her heart began to feel the emotion of the song. She knew it was exactly the feeling she was experiencing right now, the so-called love's sorrow. Her heart was bouncing with happiness but at the same time, sorrow seemed to be stuck in her heart.

However, as she continued listening to the song her son was playing, the pain and sorrow in her heart were being mended slowly by the warmth and love he was trying to convey. It was as if he was playing that particular song to free the anguish and emptiness they all felt because of their separation time, and she couldn't help but held her breath

In a flash, Jin noticed the blazing emotion from her. He could see her holding her breath, causing Jin to instinctively move and hold her hand. Jin hesitated a bit, checking Y/n's reaction but he didn't withdraw his hand.

Instead, he pressed her hand, conveying to her that everything will be alright and to his delight, his wife also gripped his hand.

Even though Y/n was still engrossed with her son and might be unaware that she was holding Jin's hand, Jin's heart is still somersaulting while holding her hand again, His love within his grasp after all these long agonizing years. And what surprised him was that he still actually felt the same way as he did five years ago, that her every simple touch put his heart into chaos.

With their palms embracing each other's, Jin's heart was jumping with happiness and his world seemed to finally brighten again. His eyes were glimmering with intense emotion as if saying the words,

'Ahh... It's been five years when I last felt like these . '

In Jin's inner world, the only one in his eyes was only her. But his blissful moment ended when Y/n pulled her hand from him and she began to clap. Pride and happiness were flooding her eyes. He could tell she was really happy even though she wasn't smiling.

Just then, Jin immediately recovered. However, the next thing that happened made his cool gone disarrayed. It was because as soon as Little Yoon approached them, while the crowd was still clapping incessantly, full of admiration, the young man reached out a single red rose towards his mother.

Jin's eyes bulged. But the show didn't end there. As soon as Y/n took the rose from his hand, the little man stepped closer to her and uttered the words "I love you, mommy" before he gave a peck on her cheek.

Like a flash of lightning, Jin's world seemed to halt in place. He couldn't believe what was happening.

W-when did Little Yoon plan all this? Is he purposely doing this to compete with me or something?

Y/n was so touched and impressed with all the things her son has done. Her heart was overwhelmed with ecstasy and she couldn't help but embrace him tight and kissed his adorable cheeks as her gratitude.

"I love you too. I love you so much. Please forgive mommy for leaving you. " She softly whispered in his ear.

Her heart was a mixture of both happiness and pain and she felt like it was about to burst. She deeply wanted to cry, but still, no tears fell from her eyes.

"Mommy, I understand why you left. I was sad but the only thing that matters to me is you're here with me now. "

The little boy replied and Y/n just tightened her embrace again. Her son was such an adorably sweet boy. His every word was fresh morning dew slowly watering her withered heart. Holding him like this and hearing his heartwarming assurance made Y/n feel that after all the agony and pain she went through in this life, the world is still beautiful and life is worth living.

Meanwhile, the big man beside the mother and son was starting to exude an aura freezing enough to make the people close to him feel a chilling pressure, except of course for the two who were completely unaffected. He seemed to have lost his cool temporarily but after taking deep breaths, the man's darkened aura returned to normal.

Time passed and after the family's lunch, Y/n excused herself to go to the comfort room, leaving the father and son sitting quietly across from each other.

"When did you plan to do that?"