
We both Are Victims

Jin curiously asked and Little Yoon just tilted his head as he looked at his father who seemed to be somewhat bewildered.

"That? Ahh... the rose and the kiss? Uncle Namjoon told me before that mom once gave you a rose and a peck on your cheek, so I thought I'd do it to her too. "

The boy honestly replied and somehow, the veins in Jin's forehead couldn't help but be a bulge

So this is Namjoon's doing...

"Why would you decide to do that?"

The father asked again, maintaining his usual cool and calm demeanor as if he was just asking some common question to his son.

"Because I heard it was a mother who courted you, even though you as the man should be the one doing that. Somehow, I felt bad for my mother so I will work hard to court her to make her come back home. "

The little guy answered without any second thoughts and Jin was speechless. He didn't know what to even feel after hearing his son say those words to him.


"And dad, I'm sure you have your reason why you wanted to take it slow but I'm scared... what if mother disappears again?" The boy continued.

Worries and uncertainties were flashing across his face and Jin could only raise his hand and messed his son's hair.

"You... when did you stop trusting your father?"

Jin replied as he looked at his son coldly. But Little Yoon who was used to his father's temper and occasional coldness was unaffected at all.

"It's not like that... It's just that, uncle Namjoon told me you're like a computer lagging down and turning slow like a turtle when dealing with anything concerning mom. That was why he asked me to lend you a hand and do something to help you fast-track it. "

Little Yoon innocently but wisely answered and Jin's veins were about to pop.

Namjoon ...

Jin was about to speak to redeem himself when Y/n arrived, prompting the two to be quiet like nothing had happened.

After a while, Y/n and Little Yoon entered a room. It was an art event involving one parent and one child so Jin went outside the building. And as soon as he saw Namjoon waiting in the car, the man glared at him sharply. Of course, Namjoon felt those icy daggers that were pointed at his neck and he could only deduce that Little Yoon might have done something.

"Why are you here? Don't tell me you walked out because you can't contain your jealousy of your very own son. "

Namjoon said, grinning mischievously.

"I admit I'm feeling jealous but for the sake of my plan, I'm allowing Little Yoon to monopolize her today. " Jin replied smoothly, causing Namjoon to raise a brow.

"Ohh?" He could only utter.

"Namjoon, Shawn already arrived. You can now leave tonight. My wife is already here so from now on, you'll be free to do what you wanted. You should start focusing on your own life now. " Jin suddenly said.

His voice was serious and Namjoon knew why he was telling him this again.

However, Namjoon just leaned blankly at the Maybach as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, I'll leave tonight and bring her with me when I come back. "

"Mm. Also, go ask her to marry you already. If you need help, you can always ask me. "

"Why would I ask you for help?! You can't even take your wife home yet. "


For a moment, Jin fell speechless. Without missing a beat, he raised his head and gazed at the sky as he uttered the words with strong conviction.

"I will make sure to bring her home tonight. "

Just after the event ended, Y/n visited the comfort room. She was still inside the cubicle when she heard voices gossiping about her.

"You know what? I wonder what's wrong with little Yoon's mother. "

"Yeah, you noticed too? Even though her upper face was covered with a mask, I know she never smiled. Am wondering what's wrong with her. She never even smiled once the entire day. "

"That's what I'm telling you. Her son was such an adorable genius and yet, well she kept embracing him but she won't smile at all?"

"Yeah, if I were her, I would have been beaming with pride and smiling the entire day for having such a genius kid like that. "

"I agree, I agree. No matter what's her reason, as a mother, she should at least smile and show her son that she's happy. "

"Yeah, right. She looks flawless and gorgeous even with those masks on but... sigh... I wonder if her son wasn't bothered by it at all. "

"I'm sure he is bothered. He's a genius after all. He's not like our clueless children who think like a child. "

"That's for sure. "

Upon hearing those words, Y/n felt her heart ripping apart. She gritted her teeth as she clenched the front of her dress in her fist. They were right, there's no way Little Yoon wouldn't notice it. And then stating the truth made her eyes burn with hatred towards herself. As his mother, she shouldn't be like this. She should show her son how happy she was, she should show him a bright smile as she embraced him, and she should smile and laugh together with him.


On their way home, Little Yoon dozed off in Y/n's bosom. Jin could tell that there was a strange emotion in her eyes as she kept staring at her son while caressing him gently. It was as if her mind was occupied with something ever since they left the school.

When they finally reached the Kim residence. Jin offered to carry the boy but Y/n said it was okay. She then carried him and brought him inside the mansion while Jin remained there rooted on the ground, watching her walk away.

Jin lazily leaned on the Maybach Exelero behind him. His one hand was in his pocket as he lifted his face towards the dark sky. He was still wearing his mask as he stood there quietly as if he was planning to count the stars.

An hour went by and Y/n finally stepped out of the house.

Noticing her presence, Jin looked at her and when their eyes finally met, the girl stood still. She was approximately ten steps away from him yet Jin's heart began to flutter.

Her, standing there in a white dress was still like a dream to him. That familiar long dark hair and those delicate facial features that Jin missed so badly every single moment for the past five years are now standing before him and he couldn't ask for more. She was so beautiful and he just wanted to bury her in his arms again. However, Jin didn't move at all. He just lovingly gazed at her quietly. Jin is suppressing his desire to the limit not to walk over to her.

then there was nothing but silence between them. Until another long moment went by. Jin has almost surpassed his limit and was about to give in when suddenly, the girl finally moved.

As soon as he saw her take a step forward, Jin's lips finally curved up slightly. This is it. The most awaited moment for Jin.

The girl in white slowly walked towards him and Jin's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he smoothly straightened his posture, facing her as she approaches.

This is actually what Jin was waiting for all this time. The time when she finally decided to face everything again. The time when she finally chooses to rise again.

Jin never believed that she has changed for the worst, he knew she was still the same strong girl he knew and loved. From the very start, he believes in her. He knew that all she needed was a little awakening and assurance and she will rise again no matter how deep the hole she has fallen into. That was why all this time Jin didn't do a thing.

He fully believed in her 100%. He knew that just as she did to him before, she will do anything for her son. He believed that her innate maternal love and her desire to give her all as a mother will be a great force to push her up and awaken her will to rise again.

As he looked at her eyes, there seemed to be something unfathomable in theme beautiful eyes were glimmering with something Jin couldn't fully decipher. Five years ago, her eyes were always filled with strong determination and unwavering spirit no matter what happens, but this time, there seemed to be something different. It was as if the delicate angel has turned into someone fierce and more intense. Jin was sure that this was the aura that she gained serving in the military for years mixing with her original self. And he didn't know why but the intensity in her eyes was effortlessly ruining the rhythm of his heartbeat.

The girl then stood one step away before him but Jin still didn't say a word. He was waiting for her to be the first to speak. However, the next moment, the intensity in her eyes weaken and she lowered her head as though she was trying to hide her face from him.

It was as if the storm disappeared in an instant.

Jin was surprised by the sudden twist of her reactions, but before he could do a thing, Y/n raised her hands and tugged Jin's sleeves. Her head was still down as she finally talked to Jin.

"I... I have something to say. " She said. Her voice was soft and filled with sorrow.

"Mm. Please say it all. I will listen. " Jin replied. His voice was encouraging, gentle as ever.

"I... I'm sorry. " She uttered and Jin's face darkened.

He didn't expect that the first thing she tells him was 'I'm sorry, making his heart constrict.

"There's no reason for you to say sorry. " He replied.

"But I'm the one who made you suffer. " She retorted and Jin finally snapped.

He held her face and made her look at him.

"You're wrong. We are just the same, both of us are just victims. We both suffered in their hands. They were the only ones to be blamed for everything that has happened in our lives. And didn't you already sacrifice enough for me too? We both suffered for each other's sake. So please, stop blaming yourself, stop feeling guilty. Everything has never been your fault. Do you understand?" Jin stated firmly and honestly.

His voice was powerful and it pierced straight through her heart. His words were soothing and heavy and Y/n couldn't help but accept every word he uttered from the bottom of her heart, as if his words were the only thing she would believe in this world without question.

Many times before, she wrestled within herself, trying to reason out the same words Jin just told her, however, she was having a hard time believing the thoughts in her head. She felt so guilty and responsible. But now that it was Jin who told her the words for her redemption, her heart and mind instantly surrendered totally and succumbed to his words. Making her realize once again that this man still holds the key to her complete faith, devotion, and recovery.