
Royal Family

Jin was thinking about the conversation between him and his son and he couldn't help but feel proud. His son performed beyond expectations.

"Jin, were you the one who taught him that line?" Namjoon, who was the designated driver asked and Jin glanced at him before replying.

"I just told him to try his best and make her come with us. " Jin answered and the man inside the car chuckled.

"Pfft! Hey, Jin. Don't you think your son is a natural-born Casanova? Don't you realize that their pickup line of his and his choice of words was such a breath of fresh air? If he's not such a little child, anyone would think that he's trying to hit on her, asking her out for a romantic date or something. "

Namjoon said as he laughs softly and as Jin contemplated about it, somehow, he felt like his son had indeed gone a bit overboard. He didn't expect him to call his mother 'lady' so naturally like that.


Speechless, Jin's brows knitted a bit as he stared at his son.

Meanwhile, after talking with the adorably smart little child, the commander thought about approaching Jin when he received an emergency call, forcing him to leave, missing the opportunity to meet the most sought-after man.

As soon as Little Yoon and Y/n were left alone, Little Yoon faced his mother once again.

"Mommy, today is our school's family day. Here's the invitation. " He said, looking at his mother with cute gazes as though imploring her to come.

Y/n kneeled and took the invitation but instead of reading it, she embraced her son once again She buried her face in her son's shoulder, holding him, inhaling his scents, and afraid of letting him go.

Looking at the mother and son, Jin felt heaviness in his chest. He could see the guilt in her eyes. The guilt of leaving her dearest son for a long time.

Jin then stepped closer to them. He doesn't want her to feel like this anymore. He wanted to tell her that there's no reason for her to carry the heavy burden, although, he understands her He knew it was never easy to relegate aside the negative emotions she has right now. Thus, he didn't utter a word He just raised his hand and gently landed it on her head. As though telling her that everything is alright now

Y/n on the other hand felt the warm hand that caressed her head. She didn't raise her head but the familiar warmth of his hand, which appeased her heart as though he was trying to share the pain she was experiencing, was more than enough for her

"Mommy, are you alright?" Little Yoon suddenly said.

It was because he felt that his mother seemed to be depressed.

"I'm sorry Can you let me hug you a bit longer?" She asked.

Her voice was so soft that little Yoon can't help but look at his dad.

Seeing his daddy encouraging him to comfort her, little Yoon raised his little hand and gently caressed his mother's back

"Mm. You can hug me as long as you want mom. "

The boy replied and Y/n could only grip him tight as she could.

After that, the family of three was now boarded inside the Maybach Exelero. Y/n continued to hold on to her son even for an added minute.

Leaving Jin unable to do any move on her at all. However, Jin didn't feel disheartened, because his main plan for this day haven't even started yet.

Time passed and before they knew it, the three finally arrived at school.

For the family day event, the school required the parents to wear a matching costume with their child so everyone was wearing all kinds of getup, colorful, funny, and some even cosplayed some marvel characters. The event already started when the Kim family arrived. Their presence caused everyone around to gasp and the crowd fell into commotion

"Oh my gosh? Who are they?"

"The only ones who haven't arrived yet were Little Yoon and his parents so I think it's them. "

"Really? Have you seen Little Yoon's parents before?"

"Nope, they never came to school before "

"But anyway, look at those costumes. They look so cool and all three of them are mysteriously beautiful God, I want to see their faces. "

"His parents looked young, especially the girl Even with those masks, I could already tell that they are damn good-looking. They are the gorgeous and majestic Little Yoon's parents after all. "

The parents started murmuring, talking about the family who just arrived. The school wasn't informed about the arrival of Mr . Kim and they were even clueless about the kidnapping that happened yesterday.

Moreover, they haven't even realized that their student, Kim Yoojin, was the son of the infamous powerful tycoon, Kim Seokjin .

Jin, Y/n, and Little Yoon were wearing matching black masks. It was the same design as Jin's mask five years ago The two men were wearing a matching black tailored suit while Y/n was wearing an exquisite white dress. They exactly look like an elegant royal family attending a masquerade party and everyone's gaze was locked on them.