
Chibi Jin

Country C...

A luxurious Maybach Exelero car was heading towards an amusement park halted in front of a store and a cute little boy stepped out of it. He was accompanied by a man that appeared to be a bodyguard until they both entered a store.

Inside the store, the little boy was holding something in his hands as if he was having a hard time choosing which one was better.

"Uncle Shawn, which do you think is cuter? Is this one or the other one?" he asked and the big man beside him cleared his throat.

"Young master, I think you should have asked your mother to accompany you rather than me. I am bad with this kind of thing. I don't think I can be of any help to you when it comes to choosing things like these. " The man replied and the boy didn't even glance at him.

"This is supposed to be a surprise to them so I can't bring mom or dad to accompany me. " Little Yoon replied before he showed him the one he chose.

"Do you think this pink one suits daddy?" He asked again and the man almost choked.

Well, Shawn couldn't even begin to imagine his cold boss, Jin, wearing such a thing and in that color.

"Er . . . young master, I don't think your father will even wear that even if you bought that for him. He will never agree to wear such things. H-how about this black one? I think this one suits him best. "

The man suggested but to his surprise, little Yoon just shook his head.

"No, I think this one is the cutest. I'll buy this one. " The little guy said decisively as he looked at him.

Looking at how serious the boy was, Shawn could only swallow air as he took the things little Yoon selected and paid for them.

After some moments, Little Yoon and Shawn stepped out of the store and returned to the car.

"Have you bought the things you need?" Y/n asked and little Yoon nodded.

"Yes, mommy. " He replied as he sat beside his mother.

"What did you buy?" Jin asked as the car started accelerating and little Yoon started putting his little hand inside the paper bag.

His mother and father's eyes were locked onto him, obviously curious about what their son had bought.

Little Yoon paused in place as he raised his face towards his dad as though he was purposely trying to tease him by taking such a long pause.

Causing Jin to only avert his gaze away as though he was telling little Jin that he was not interested.

However, as soon as Jin looked away, Little Yoon called his attention.

"Dad, can you put this on mom's head?" He asked and Jin turned to him in a flash.

He looked at the thing in his hand and he was surprised. He never thought that the reason his son refused to be accompanied by his mother a while ago was that he went and bought a certain furry white cat ear headband.

Jin was speechless for a while before he took the headband in his hand. He was puzzled about his son's real purpose but he still went along with him.

Jin then looked at Y/n and the girl slightly moved her head close to him. Causing Jin to slowly raise his hands and carefully put the cat ear headband on her head.

"Is this fine?" He asked and Y/n nodded.

"Mm. " She uttered as she raised her face and the moment Jin saw her wearing big and cute furry white cat ears, he couldn't help but feel like his heart was suddenly being stabbed by countless lovely cupid's arrows.

She was so cute he could hardly restrain himself from kissing her and squeezing her in his arms.

However, Y/n immediately turned towards Little Yoon.

"Does it look good on me?" She asked and Little Yoon's eyes sparkled.

"Mommy is super cute. " He praised her and Y/n hugged him as she uttered a sweet "thank you".

"Mom, can you put this on me?" Little Yoon asked and Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at a small yellow cat ear headband in his hand.

With extreme excitement, Y/n immediately put the headband on him and as expected, his 100% cuteness now turned 200% that Y/n couldn't help but squeeze him in her arms.

"My baby is sooooo cute. These yellow cat ears were just as cute as you. " She said as she continued staring at him and then squeezing him again.

"Mom, can you put this on dad too?" Little Yoon asked once again and both Y/n and Jin immediately looked at each other.

Y/n suddenly felt excitement bursting within that she could finally see Jin wearing cat ears while Jin himself somehow felt like his son was playing a prank on him.

The next moment, Little Yoon brought out Jin's cat ear headband, and both Y/n and Jin choked.

They both coughed as soon as they saw the pink-colored furry cat ears headband but they had different expressions on their faces.

Y/n choked due to surprise and excitement while Jin choked due to shock. He couldn't believe that the one Little Yoon chose for him was the most girlish.

"L-little Yoon, isn't this pink one supposed to be for your mom?" Jin immediately spoke but his son firmly shook his head.

"No, this one is your dad. I think this suits you best, right mom?"

Little Yoon replied and Y/n nodded like a rattle before she took the headband and moved closer to Jin as though she couldn't wait to put it on him anymore.

At that moment, for some reason, Jin's heartbeat accelerated. He somehow felt like wearing a pink cat ears headband was some kind of a great challenge to him that he anxiously moved back a bit.

Well, he, who was the most feared and renowned God of the business world and was acknowledged by the world leaders, was about to wear a pink cat ears headband and it was just . . .

"Dad, don't be shy and let mom put it on you. " Little Yoon's voice made Jin snap but the moment Y/n spoke, Jin's defense crumbled into pieces and disappeared into existence

"Mm. Don't be shy okay? Don't worry, this will look good on you. " Y/n coaxed as she gently put the headband on his head.

At that moment, Jin felt his face burning hot as he raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

Y/n on the other hand suddenly pinched her nose the moment she looked at Jin wearing a furry pink cat ear as his face went a little red.

Y/n fell into a daze as she stared at him. Jin was just so darn cute that Y/n felt like blood was about to burst out of her nose.

She couldn't believe that she was seeing a blushing Jin again and it was such a lethal blow in her heart. She can't even stop herself from turning him into a blushing and shy Chibi Jin in pink cat ears in her mind and she felt like her heart and brain were about to explode.