
Someone Needs You

Meanwhile in country H ..

Namjoon sneezed again as he stood in front of a certain hotel room .

He raised his hand to knock but hesitated more than three times . Well, Namjoon was still in a great dilemma . Thinking about all the things that had happened last night was making him feel a bit restless .

"Boss, are you going to knock or not . The sun is already pretty high . I think you should enter now and check if she's alright . " His driver said and Namjoon turned towards him .

"Who told you to follow me?" He asked with cold gaze and the driver flinched .

"Er... I thought boss will need my help . I'll go wait in the car . " The driver said and immediately ran away .

After the man left, Namjoon sighed and finally knocked on the door as he sneezed once more .

However, his brows slowly creased when no one was opening the door even though he was knocking for quite a while now .

Namjoon felt very uneasy so he immediately called his driver to get the room's key .

In no time, a hotel staff and his driver arrived and they hastily gave the key to Namjoon as he was beginning to feel quite troubled .

He immediately opened the door and upon seeing that there was no one on the bed, Namjoon dashed towards the bathroom .

The bathroom's door was closed and he heard no sound of flowing water nor shadow of a person from the tinted glass .

That moment, Namjoon didn't know why but his heartbeat accelerated as if something bad had happened . All he could think of was that she might have fallen on the floor and she might have lost consciousness or something .

Thinking about the worse case scenario made NamJoon's heart go uncontrollably wild .

Thus, without knocking or saying a word, Namjoon hastily grabbed the door knob and forced it open as he loudly called out her name .

"Diya!" He loudly said .

However, as soon as the door opened, Namjoon's eyes narrowed but at the same time, he somehow felt relieved . It was because the girl wasn't there and the scenario in his head a moment ago was just him overthinking .

Namjoon then stepped out of the bathroom and calmly scanned the room before his face darkened . The worry in his eyes disappeared as he slipped his hand in his pocket and made a quick call .

"Find her . " He ordered before he hastily left the room .

"You actually dared ditching me, huh . " Namjoon murmured with a mischievous evil smile on his face .

He can't believe that this Diya actually managed to escape from his grasp .

. . .

Diya looked like a drained old woman as she tumbled on her bed . Well, she decided to run away because she didn't know how to face her fiancé .

Diya was actually the type who remembered most of the things that happened to her no matter how drunk she was . That was why she felt like she was doomed the moment she woke up as the memories from last night came flashing back to her .

Her face just didn't stop burning red and her heart was racing uncontrollably as she thought about everything that happened . And no matter how much she thought about it, she just couldn't gather enough courage to face him .

If only there was a huge hole that could swallow her whole, she would gladly take the plunge right now .

She also began feeling something growing as she thought about him and it drove her crazy . She didn't know how to react once Namjoon will be face to face with her . That was why she escaped and hid herself in this house that was meant to be her hideout .

She wanted to clear up her mind and calm down her nerves before facing him .

However, after spending an hour rolling on the bed, tugging her hair and hitting her head with pillows like crazy, Diya's world seemed to fall into a halt the moment she suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out her name .

She immediately lifted her face that was buried on her large pillow . Her eyes turned wide, but after a moment, she just buried her face again as her feet violently moved as though she was swimming on the bed .

Well, Diya thought that there was no way her fiancé would be here . This place was her hideout for many years now and she was confident that no one will find her if she hid in this place simply because even her most vicious enemy, her step mother never managed to discover this place .

Thus, Diya could only think that she was just hallucinating . However, in a flick of an eye, for the second time around, she heard the voice again .

"Diya . . . you . . . "

Diya instantly rose and as soon as she turned towards the source of the voice, she felt like lightning struck her hard .

"W-w-why . . . H-h-how did you even get in?" Diya couldn't even speak properly due to shock .

She couldn't believe that this man was here and that he was already inside her room . However, as she looked at him, he could only bite her lip hard .

It was because she finally remembered that this man was never ordinary . She was aware that he was the definition of super human .

"This is your fault for running away . " He said and Diya fixed her posture .

She tried her very best to keep her composure in front of this man . She didn't want to show him how embarrassed and awkward she felt, she didn't want to show him how affected she was right now just by him being here .

"R-run away? What are you talking about?" She asked, feigning innocence and Namjoon narrowed his eyes .

He moved towards her and he suddenly pinned her down on the bed, causing Diya to gasp .

"Don't tell me you actually forgot how many times you attempted to r*pe me last night . " The man said as his gorgeous and handsome face showed her a mischievous yet evil smile, causing Diya's composure to immediately shatter into pieces .

Diya's brain burst out upon hearing what Namjoon said that she almost want to topple him down and just run away again in a flash .

She felt her body heating up with extreme embarrassment .

However, before her inner self's reaction will be reflected on her face, Diya still managed to restrain herself from going berserk . Well, her pride just refused to give in .

Apart from the great embarrassment and awkwardness, Diya somehow didn't want to show this man that she was completely at the losing end .

She just can't make herself willingly accept defeat against this man to give him a chance to triumph over her .

Thus, the next moment, Diya suddenly switched to her seductive aura and she smiled coquettishly .

"Oh . . . so I actually did something improper to this handsome beauty of mine, huh . Well, its not actually surprising but I think . . . me losing my mind to the point that I actually attempted to r*pe you many times is strange . I believe I only did something like that because you might have provoked me and seduced me with your beauty and magnetic appeal . No one can resist your beauty if you ask me, so I could only proclaim that I was a victim of your irresistible beauty . Your masculine appeal surely seduced a queen like me to act shamelessly, so you can't put all the blame on me, okay?"

She nonchalantly explained and Namjoon's veins could only pop one after another . Well, Namjoon didn't expect her to retort this way and immediately manage to turn the table around by twisting some facts that she even ended up putting the blame on him .

"Well, since I'm you're my fiancé, I hope that whatever I did to you is already forgiven . But of course, if you still demand compensation, then it can't be helped. If you want an eye for an eye, then, I could only abide. " She continued and Namjoon's jaws stiffened.

'I-is she seriously trying to tell me that it's okay for me to demand an eye for an eye compensation?! T-this woman, how could she talk so bold when . . .'

Namjoon somehow wanted to get pissed. However, when he realized that this girl was just someone good at acting and voicing out perverted and bold things, Namjoon heaved a sigh before he flicked Diya's forehead.

"Shut up little ppperverted youon't have to tell me that. One day, I will make you pay and compensate me, so better prepare yourself, understand?"

He replied before he immediately rose and sat at the edge of the bed.

Somehow, Namjoon was glad that she didn't seem to recall what happened last night. He thought that it was better this way because he understood that it was a bit too shameful for her.

Diya on the other hand was surprised. She thought that he will continue to tease her relentlessly and embarrass her but he didn't seem to be thinking about something like that at all. Something that struck Diya's heart once again.

Even if her mind was blurry, what happened last night made Diya discover more about him and just what kind of man he was. She remembered how he treated her last night and her heart began to pound hard like never before, thus developing quite an admiration for this handsome man. It made her realize that she will never find someone like him in this world.

"Also, If you want me to forgive you . . . you better stop acting like some old perverted lady in front of any man. You understand?" He admonished with a serious gaze and Diya just mischievously smiled as she rose and sidled towards him.

"Another man? So you're saying, I'm only allowed to act like a pervert in front of you?" She asked seductively and Namjoon raised a brow as he looked at her.

"No. I'm no exception. In short, stop your perverted games. " He answered and Diya's eyes slightly widened.

"Eh? Why can't I be a pervert in front of you as well? Isn't it all right if it's just to you?!" Diya exclaimed and Namjoon was about to shut her up with a kiss when suddenly, his sneeze stopped him.

So, without a choice, he unceremoniously swooped her up and carried her like a sack on his shoulder as he answered her.

"Because it's for your good. " He replied and Diya was puzzled.

However, because of him suddenly carrying her out of her hideout, Diya couldn't help but protest.

"Hey, what are you doing? Can't you carry me like a princess?"

"This is your punishment for running away. "

"Huh? How could you carry a lady like this?"

"I will carry you like a princess if you stop being a pervert. "

"H-huh? Wait . . . w-why are you even here?"

"I came to bring you back. "

"H-huh? Why?"

"Someone needs you. "


"You will know once we're there. "

"Can't you just tell me?"

"I can't. It's a surprise. "

"Argh! Now you're trying to kill me with curiosity. Anyways, put me down. If you won't carry me like a princess, just let me walk!"

She protested but Namjoon ignored her until he put her inside the car. And as soon as Namjoon entered, the car immediately sped up towards the airport.