
Happy Family

Y/n's brain started swirling and she couldn't think straight due to Jin's shameless advances.

She could have easily stopped him even if he was attacking her using his shamelessness and cuteness right now, but because she can't stop imagining him in his chibi self wearing pink cat ears headband as he licked her hand like he was a real cat, Y/n could feel blood almost bursting out of her nose.

At the same time, feeling Jin's warm tongue brushing against her skin was giving Y/n tingly sensations that she couldn't help but blush intensely and got tongue-tied for a long while before she could manage to speak.

"Ji-jin, it's alright now. Little Yoon might come back " Y/n uttered apprehensively and thankfully, Jin immediately stopped.

He looked up and when he let go of her wrist, Y/n hastily lifted her ice cream and licked it fast as she could as she was afraid that it would melt again.

However, Y/n slowed down the moment she noticed that Jin didn't move at all. He remained rooted on the ground and looked up at her, quietly watching her lick the ice cream.

His line of sight was locked onto the ice cream in her mouth, and it made Y/n feel bad that she was the only one eating. Not knowing that Jin wasn't craving any food at all but desiring only her lips.

"I'll go buy something for you to eat. " Y/n said, as she was about to stand when Jin stood up to stop her.

"No need, I'm fine. This park doesn't sell what I want. " Jin said and Y/n was speechless as Jin continued talking.

"What I want is warm ice cream. " He added and Y/n blinked.

And before Y/n could begin to process what he just said, Jin held her hand which was holding the ice cream before he suddenly brushed the ice cream on her lips.

Y/n's eyes widened at what he just said and done, making her instantly remember the memories from five years ago. And as she was about to reminisce, Jin's lips were already on hers.

The kiss was deep and sweet like warm ice cream. It was so passionate that it made Y/n forget about the ice cream in her hand. The level of Jin's kissing skill, the way he moves his tongue with hers, and the way he delved into her mouth were just a bit too high level for her to cope with and it overwhelmed her. She was completely mesmerized and under his control.

By the time their lips parted, the two of them breathed heavily as they were lovingly gazing at each other when the magical moment was interrupted. Little Yoon's voice suddenly rang, causing Y/n to jolt and immediately pushed Jin.

"Mommy. "

Like a flash, Y/n stepped away from Jin and she immediately looked at her son running towards her. She quickly moved and bent down as her son reached her as though nothing had happened.

"I'm back. I bought this for you, mommy. " The sweet little guy said happily as he showed her a cute yellow hair clip.

Y/n wowed and she embraced her cute and super-sweet son tightly.

"Thank you . . . my baby is so sweet. " Y/n replied and little Yoon immediately asked her to wear the hair clip. While the little guy was putting the clip on her hair, a certain man at the back nonchalantly walked closer to them.

"Mommy, it looks cute on you!" Little Yoon exclaimed and Y/n could only say 'thanks' as she hugged her son again when Jin spoke.

"The ice cream is melting. " Jin said and the mother and son both looked at the liquified ice cream in Y/n's hand.

"Ahh, mommy! Your hand!" Little Yoon exclaimed when Y/n patted his head.

"It's fine. I'll go wash okay? Wait for me. I'll be right back. " Y/n said and when little Yoon nodded, Y/n immediately walked away.

"I'll go follow her. You wait with your uncle Shawn, okay?" Jin said when Little Yoon stopped him. The little guy tugged his shirt and Jin halted.

"What is it?" Jin asked and little  Yoon smiled.

"Dad, the sun is about to set. I want to ride that huge Ferris wheel, so my uncle and I will go there first. Go get mommy. We will wait for you there. " The little guy said and Jin nodded as he ruffled his son's hair before he hastily followed suit.

Time passed and the couple wearing cute cat ears finally reached the infamous tallest Ferris wheel in the country. Little Yoon was waving his hand so Y/n immediately spotted him.

Upon reaching them, Y/n took little Yoon from Shawn's arms.

"Mommy, let's ride this one. " The boy said and Y/n of course agreed.

However, when it was their turn to enter a cabin, little Yoon spoke.

"Mommy, me, and uncle Shawn will wait here. " Little Yoon said and Y/n was surprised.

Jin, on the other hand, could only smile secretly.

'So this is your plan, huh? As expected with my son. '

Jin uttered to himself, feeling extremely proud. He already anticipated this when little Yoon told him to come to the Ferris wheel so he wasn't surprised anymore.

After the little boy convinced his mother, Y/n finally gave Little Yoon to Jin and kissed his forehead before Jin carried Little Yoon towards Shawn.

"Daddy, you should kiss mommy when you reach the top, okay? Remember, only when you reach the very top, okay?!" The little guy said firmly.

His eyes were strict as though he was ready to punish his father if he will not listen to him. Causing Jin to only chuckle softly.

"Mm. Rest assured. " Jin replied and kissed his son's forehead before giving him to Shawn.

"Daddy, do your best!" The little guy said and the father and son bumped their fists before Jin turned back.

As the Ferris wheel started moving,  Shawn spoke.

"Young master, where did you get this idea?" he asked and the little guy smiled.

"It's auntie Diya. When she brought me here before, she said when a girl and a boy will kiss at the very top of this Ferris wheel, they will be together forever. " The little boy explained and Shawn raised a brow.

"I am surprised that you believe it. " Shawn replied.

Well, Shawn didn't expect this little boy to believe such things because he knew how smart this boy was that he even questions every superstition he hears, saying things like 'how could that be possible?'.

"Hmm . . . I don't know if it's true or not but I can't think about anything else. Uncle, do you think this is good enough?" The boy said with a faintly worried look in his eyes and Shawn smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your mom and dad are beyond happy. This is not just good enough. This is great. " Shawn replied and the look in Yoon's eyes drastically improved.

"Anyway, I already contacted the park's manager. " Shawn added and Little Yoon's eyes sparked.

"Did they agree?!" He exclaimed and Shawn laughed.

"Is that even a question? No one will dare reject a request from the son of the king, okay?" The man reassured and the two grinned at each other victoriously.

"Little Yoon purposely didn't join us, right?" Y/n asked and Jin could only admit it.

"Mm. Why? Are you unhappy?" Jin replied and Y/n

immediately shook her head.

"It's not like that . . . I'm just . . . " Y/n paused and she gazed at Jin.

Her eyes suddenly turned emotional as though she was having mixed feelings, both extreme happiness and also a faint feeling of sadness.

Watching her, Jin's brows creased a little and he was about to ask what was wrong when Y/n suddenly wrapped her hands around his neck and gently bumped her forehead onto his.

"Jin. . . our son is very sweet and clever . . . he's so considerate and kind . . . he's extremely adorable and the cutest in the whole world . . . Jin. . . thank you . . . thank you for raising him well. He has grown up rightly even without me . . . I . . . I'm . . . " 

Y/n paused again and she bit her lip hard, as though she was having a hard time voicing out what she felt. Her eyes were welling with intense emotions and Jin couldn't help but cuddle her in his embrace.

Her words and voice just now were sweet yet a bit of a sad melody in Jin's ears and he understood why she was feeling that way.

"He grew up sweet, clever, considerate, kind, and cute because he is your child. He inherited your qualities. " Jin gently replied but Y/n shook her head.

"No, he grew up well because he had you. You nurtured him so well. That's why I'm so thankful . . . very much relieved that you are his father. You don't know how glad am I, Jin. " Y/n said as she gripped him hard and Jin could only caress her head down to her back.

Truth be told, Jin didn't realize that Little Yoon grew up like this in his care. Jin was busy and he barely had time to spend an entire day with him. He was always anxious that he was lacking too much as his father. That was why it was such an amazing feeling for him to hear what she said even though he honestly believes that it was all because of her genes.

"Thank you. I'm really glad to hear that. " Jin replied with a smile and Y/n pulled away from his embrace.

"For me, you are the best father in the world. " She said as she looked at him with twinkling stars in her eyes and Jin smiled proudly.

Well, every affirmation from his wife will always be the greatest achievement for him.

"Then, can I ask you for a reward?" Jin asked mischievously and Y/n's eyes slightly widened.

"Uhm . . . w-what kind of reward do you want?" She replied and Jin's lips curved up again. He pulled her and made her sit on his lap as he answered.

"I want you to reward me with the best kiss you can give. " He said and Y/n blushed intensely.

"Are you trying to test my kissing skill?! I also improved you know?" Y/n retorted as she puffed her cheeks upon seeing how mischievously he smiled and Jin chuckled.

At that moment, Y/n immediately fell into a daze as she watched this cute man chuckling before her eyes.

Noticing her reaction, Jin bit her lip sexily and pinched her cheek gently. He was about to tease her again when Y/n spoke first.

"Jin . . . are you always chuckling like this in front of everyone now?" She asked and Jin curiously looked at her before he answered.

"You're the only reason why I'm chuckling like this, so why would I do it in front of others?" he replied honestly and Y/n's face brightened.

"Jin . . . can I be greedy and . . . I want you to be this cute only in front of me and our son. " She said with a firm voice and gaze filled with intensity and Jin just chuckled again.

"I didn't know my wife tended to be possessive too. " Jin replied and his heart was struck with a strong blow as soon as he uttered the word 'wife'.

Thankfully, he manages to recover in a flick of an eye, consoling himself that it was okay since she will soon be his legal wife again.

"Don't worry, no one can make me laugh like this but you. " Jin continued and Y/n who was struck with countless of cupid's arrows held jin's face as she was about to kiss him when Jin stopped her.

"Can you wait for a bit? Our son requested that we'll only kiss when we reach the very peak. " Jin said and Y/n was surprised.

"Our Little Yoon s-said that?" she exclaimed unbelievably and Jin nodded.

"It looks like he heard some superstition. " Jin replied and Y/n gasped.

"Does that mean, we will only kiss while we're at the peak?"  Y/n asked again and Jin's forehead creased a bit.

"Err . . . I don't think . . . s---"

Jin couldn't finish his words because Y/n's lips suddenly slammed onto him.

However, it wasn't because of her haste to kiss him. It was because the Ferris wheel suddenly stopped moving the moment they reached the very peak.

"It stopped. " Y/n uttered but Jin just smiled.

"Don't worry. This is our son's doing. " Jin said and Y/n's eyes widened.

However, just as when Jin thought that this was the end of Little Yoon's plan, a loud bang caught their attention.

The next moment, a romantic firework display appeared before their eyes and Y/n fell into a daze.

She was surprised and mesmerized by the magical view that her mouth just hung open.

Watching her reaction and gazing at the reflections of fireworks in her eyes, Jin couldn't help but smile.

'Ah... my son is going overboard. ' He could only utter within him when Y/n spoke.

"Jin... is this little Yoon's doing as well?" she asked without averting her gaze from the enchanting fireworks.

"I believe it's him. " Jin replied and Y/n's grip on him tightened.

"Jin, it's so beautiful. " She uttered in a daze while Jin remained to gaze at her.

"Mm. You're so beautiful. " He said and Y/n finally turned to him.

"So, can you give me my reward now?" Jin stated with obvious impatience and Y/n reddened before she took a deep breath.

The look in her eyes turned determined. It was as if she was saying the words, 'my dearest son is doing his best so I should do my very best too', and Jin's heart could only bounce with happiness.

Y/n then raised her hands and held his face as she gazed at him. Afterward, she slowly moved her face closer as she closed her eyes until their lips finally collided.

Jin didn't move as he let Y/n take control. Her kisses were still a bit sloppy like before but he could tell she was trying her best and Jin found it very sexy and irresistible. The way she tried entangling her tongue with his was too much for Jin.

Thus, in the end, Jin could only manage to restrain himself not to return her kisses for mere few seconds. He couldn't resist her after all.

At that moment, feeling like they were on top of the world, throwing cautions in the wind, Y/n and Jin kissed wildly like never before.

Until Jin found himself pinning her down the seat, as the sparks of the fireworks kept on shining on them.

It was a kiss so passionate and seemingly endless that they both knew that from here on, this kiss will always be the reason for their smile every time they will see a Ferris wheel for the rest of their lives.

By the time Y/n and Jin stepped on the ground, Little Yoon was already asleep so Shawn had called Jin minutes ago and told him that he will bring the boy to the car.

"Little Yoon is asleep?" Y/n asked as they walked and Jin nodded.

"Mm. I guess the little guy finally got tired. He was full of energy the entire day. " Jin replied.

They were holding each other's hands as they walked in the middle of the crowd, effortlessly making heads turn toward them.

"Jin ... I'll go to the comfort room first. " Y/n said and the two of them walked towards the restroom.

When Y/n entered, Jin called his bodyguard to bring him something to fix his hair. And in no time, a man walked closer to him and followed him inside.

Jin removed his pink headband and started fixing his hair to its usual style. Well, apart from the need to drop by his company tonight, he promised Y/n to show his cute side only to her made him abide. He only wanted to please her in any way he could.

"Is it alright now?" Jin asked, and the man beside him cleared his throat.

"Boss, I'm sorry but you have zero skill in fixing your hair. " He replied and somehow Jin stared at himself in the mirror and his face darkened.

"S-should I go call the Miss to help you?" The man continued as he staggered when Jin breathed deep as he speaks.

"No need. " He said as he raised his hand.

"Then, shall I call your profession---"

"No need. Because the pro is here. " Someone suddenly cut the bodyguard's words and Jin just glanced at the man walking closer to him.

"How cold. This subject of yours just came back after a year and the only thing you did is give me a cold single glance?!" He complained but Jin didn't even turn and look at him.

"Ron... shut up and come fix my hair. " Jin coldly ordered and when Ron tilted his head to look at Jin's hair, the man bit his lip to stop him from bursting out loud.

(Ron is the bodyguard of Y/n whom Haru met on the day of his accident I don't remember if I gave him some name or not. Please tell me if you remember.)

"Oh well, this is the only skill the heavens didn't bestow upon you so I suggest that don't even try fixing your hair again, Jin. The whole world will experience a great quake if they see you like this, although, I bet your wife will see you as cute..."

"Shut up and just quickly fix it. " Jin cut through his blabbering and the man just laughed.

After some moments, the three men finally stepped out of the comfort room. Jin ordered his men to stay away from him and they could only abide.

Leaving him standing alone, leaning on a post just in front of the comfort room.

However, it was just a few seconds when suddenly, people started noticing him.

"Hey, isn't that man... oh my God, that's... that's the gorgeous and ultrarich Kim Seokjin, right?!"

"W-what? What are you saying, how could that God be here?"

"Are you an idiot? Are you saying that that man is his doppelganger?!"

"Well... wait, it's him. But those clothes..."

"Idiot, he might be disguising. Oh my God, this is the first time I saw him in person and my nose is already bleeding!"

"Yeah, damn, he's so cool. His aura is majestic even though he is wearing just a t-shirt. "

"Anyway, we need to confirm if it's him. Let's take a photo. "

"Hey, are you serious? Don't you know the rumor that he hated the media? All the entertainment paparazzi won't dare take a photo of him without his permission, you know?"

"Well but... that's too late, you idiot. Look, everyone is already taking photos of him. "

Jin's brows started creasing hard. The crowd started to thicken and by the time he decided to move away, his eyes widened upon seeing that the crowd already surrounded him.

The girls started to scream and flashes from cameras irritated him.

The situation went out of control. It was as if a certain superstar suddenly appeared and it started rocking the park in no time.

Thankfully, the well-trained undercover bodyguards were quick enough and they manage to surround him before the crowd began to mob him.

Jin's men were scattered around the park and some were watching outside so he was suddenly short of men.

The incident was completely unexpected and the guards were taken aback. Although, they were elite bodyguards that were trained to protect him from any kind of danger, the fact that they couldn't just hurt these people who wanted to be near Jin made their job a pain.

"Don't worry boss. The others are on the way here. " A man said as they continued pushing back the crowd.

Jin was still leaning nonchalantly on the post but his face was sour.

That moment, Y/n finally stepped out of the comfort room, and upon seeing Jin in the middle of a wild crowd, Y/n's heartbeat was palpitated. She stood on the steps quietly. However, her eyes began to blaze.

Y4's feet started moving when someone suddenly stopped her. Y/n was about to ignore him when she recognized him.

"Ron?" She uttered and the man smiled.

"Yep. Long time no see miss. " He replied when the screams went even louder.

  Y/n creased her forehead and decided to move again when Ron spread his hands and blocked her path.

"Uhm... Miss... please stay here. Don't worry, the guards will do their job. " Ron said but  Y/n wasn't convinced.

Something dangerous blazed in her eyes and Ron was shocked. He never saw this person in this state before. She was still the beautiful Goddess and angel-like lady he knew, but now, there was something different in her.

He could feel the deadly aura that was exuding from her and the next words she said jolted Ron and an extremely chilling shiver run down his spine.

"Ron... give me a gun. " She said with a serious and fiery gaze and Ron's eyes widened.