
A girl, not you ?

By the time Namjoon felt the cellphone in his hand kept vibrating non-stop, he could only sigh and decided to break the silence enveloping the dining room .

He cleared out his throat and as soon as the sound he made reached their ears, the girl turned towards him .

"Sorry for the intrusion . . . your husband need to answer this call so . . . "

Namjoon said as he smiled forcefully at her when Y/n immediately replied .

"No, it's fine . "

She said and she's about to stand and leave when the man stopped her .

"No, no, you don't need to leave . This is not confidential or anything . "

he said and Y/n sat back .

Namjoon then moved towards Jin and reached out the cellphone in front of him .

"They wanted to talk to you . They've been calling nonstop now . "

He said and Jin could only took the phone with an uninterested expression .

He answered the call and listened quietly .

"hello? Jin?"

the voice of their adoptive mother rang and Jin just replied with an "Mm . "

"You see, your little brother's fiancee will celebrate her birth day tomorrow evening and your grandfather kept nagging me to make him come home and attend her party . You know he won't come if you stay there so, can you both come home today?"

she pleaded and Jin looked at Namjoon who was looking at the foods on the table with sparkling eyes, before he replied .

"Mm . I'll tell him . "

he said before he ended the call .

"What did they say?"

Namjoon then asked the moment Jin gave back the cellphone to him .

"They want you to go home . "

Jin said and Namjoon just raised his brow .

"They said you need to attend your fiancee's birthday . "

he continued and Namjoon almost choked .

Y/n on the hand excitedly joined the conversation the moment she heard that Mr . Min actually have a fiancee .

"Mr . Min, you have fiancee?!"

she exclaimed and the two men turned towards her .

"Mm . He has . Her birthday is tomorrow . "

Jin was the one who answered her and Y/n gasped .

"Wow, I thought you are single . Congrats Mr . Min . "

She said with wide smile and Namjoon could only scratch the back of his neck while forcing a soft laugh .

"Wait, tomorrow? What a coincidence . My best friend's birthday is also tomorrow . "

She continued and sweat drops fell from NamJoon's forehead as he murmured deep within him .

Err . . . that's no coincidence actually Miss, because your best friend and my fiancee are the same person . . .

While Jin was lost for words to say, Jin spoke .

"You go . Shawn is here so you don't have to worry . "

Jin said and Namjoon's eyes widened a bit before he suddenly turned towards Y/n as though he didn't hear him .

"Miss, you're not going to attend your best friend's birth day party?"

he asked and the girl pursed her lips .

"She's always inviting me every year as well as now but this time, she celebrated it somewhere very far so . . . "

She replied when Jin who saw how she cutely pursed her lips suddenly spoke .

"Far? Where?"

he asked and Y/n immediately answered .

"Abroad . "

She replied and Jin looked at her with a gaze indicating that he wanted to help her attend the party no matter how far it was .

Namjoon on the other hand just looked at then until the girl continued talking .

"Jin, why don't we go buy a gift for Mr . Min's fiancee?"

she asked lively as ever and the man just agreed without a single second of hesitation .

"Mm . Let's buy gift for your best friend too . "

Jin said and y/n smiled brightly .

Looking at her bright face, Jin's expression also brightened miraculously as though he was the mirror reflecting her every emotion .

That moment, Namjoon got pretty confused .

"Err . . . aren't you two fighting just now?"

he uttered and the couple both looked at him with the same clueless expression .

"Huh? Who's fighting?"

They both asked and Namjoon could only facepalm .

. . .

After their meal, Y/n went to the kitchen while Jin and Namjoon were left in the table .

Namjoon's palm was on his stomach as he talked .

"Ahh . . . I'm so full . Anyway, Jin, you're planning to help her attend her friend's birthday tomorrow, right?"

He asked and Jin just glanced at him before he replied .

"Mm . I want her to be happy . "

"So? What are you planning to do? Are you still telling me to go back home alone?"

Namjoon asked when Jin spoke .

"You don't need to worry, Shawn is here and i'll stay here until you're back, so just go . "

Jin replied and Namjoon stood .

"Then, you're going to let her attend her friend's birthday alone?"

Namjoon asked again and Jin's brows knitted .

Looking at the change in his expression, Namjoon moved towards him and put his arm on his shoulder as he spoke softly .

"Actually, my fiancee and her best friend are the same person . "

Namjoon said and Jin's eyes widened .

"Well, you can stay here then . Don't worry, i'll take care of your wife . "

He continued as he walked away when Jin's voice rang loudly .

"We . . . the three of us will go . "

He said and Namjoon grinned with a victorious mischievous smile .

Namjoon who was leaning on the car's window and lazily waiting for the couple straightened the moment he received a message that Jin's grandfather, Mr .Park , was about to reach the Gray mansion .

"Ahh . . . . what a bad timing . I wonder what he came here for . "

Namjoon murmured to himself and after just some few minutes, a black car arrived finally arrived .

The old man with majestic aura stepped out of the car and Namjoon immediately went and greeted him .

The old man was wearing his butler disguise and he totally nailed it .

"Oh, young man . About to leave?"

The old man asked and Namjoon nodded .

"Yes sir . "

He replied when Mr . Park put his hand on his shoulder as he told Namjoon to follow him .

The two then walked towards a bench behind a thick green bushes . They both sat before the old man began to talk .

"I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore Namjoon, did you two already know something about the mysterious background Jin's wife?"

Mr . Park asked and Namjoon's eyes widened for a moment .

"I received an information that she lost her memory when she's nine . So I asked Daniel to investigate what happened to her but he found completely nothing, as if the girl did not exist in this world not until she turned nine . Now tell me, is this Jin's doing? Did Jin blocked any information about her?"

The old man continued and Namjoon could only scratch the back of his neck before he replied him .

"Sir, are you getting suspicious of her?"

Namjoon said and the old man fell silent for a while .

"This is not about suspicion, this old man was just curious about anything concerning the mother of his future grandchildren . "

Mr . Park answered as he sighed when all of a sudden his voice was turned energized again .

"So? How's my daughter in law? Is she already pregnant?"

the lively old man asked and sweat drops just fell on Namjoon's forehead .

"Er . . . I don't think that will happen anytime soon, as of now . "

He said and the liveliness on the old man's face disappeared .

His aura blazed as he glares coldly at Namjoon .

"Explain what you mean by those words of yours . "

He ordered and Namjoon could only sigh . Well, he knew that the old man will never leave him alone until he talks so he can't even have any choice at all but answer him .

"Well, you know just how deep his love to her . He will never put her into danger and he will never want to hurt her . Actually, he already decided not to touch her until he could reveal himself to her . And that man, we both know that he will never take back his words . Things has been changing, I think he's starting to lose control but I don't think his will will waver anytime soon . What happened yesterday also scared him quite legally so I don't think he will compromise . I think he's even planning to leave her soon to settle everything first . "

Namjoon honestly said and the old man's face turned unbelievably gloomy .

"Until he could reveal himself to her? So he's trying to clear his name first before giving me a grandchild?! Ridiculous! How long would that take to happen? A year or more? Is he going to wait for my death first?"

Mr . Park's voice gone wild, causing Namjoon to only whack his brain and find a way to coax him .

"Er, please calm down sir . I know this frustrates you but, we both know how willful and stubborn Jin is . And he really loves her too much to the extent that she's more important to him than his own life . He was ready to go through anything for her so I don't think there's nothing that could change his mind . "

Namjoon said and the old man breathed deep multiple times .

"I understand his intention and just what kind of human being he is, however, I don't think this is good . Especially that he is thinking to leave her . If I don't do anything now, I might leave this world without even seeing my great grandchild . "

The old man replied with intense determination in his eyes and Namjoon could only feel his sweat drops falling again .

"Er . . . what are you trying to do?"

he hesitantly asked and the old man clenched his hands into determined fists .

"Leave this to me young man . This old man will do everything, if using underhanded tricks are needed, so be it . "

Mr . Park said with a serious but somewhat mischievous look and Namjoon could only start imagining the troublesome and relentless storm of tricks coming towards Jin .

Looks like, the current 35% chance of having a little niece soon now jumped into 80% huh . Hmm . Now this is getting interesting . . . Hehehe . . . old man, I'm rooting for your success!

By the time Namjoon and the butler-in-disguise returned, the couple were already waiting for them outside the house .

Upon seeing the old man, Y/n 's eyes widened .

"Ahh! Grandpa!"

she yelled and she immediately ran towards him . Leaving both Namjoon and Jin speechless and astonished, looking at each other as though they were both repeating the word, 'grandpa?' in their heads .

"Oh, it's been a long time Young Miss . How have you been?"

the old man asked with a pleasant smile, as though in an instant, he just became a completely different person from his usual domineering self .

Looking at the old man's expression and his amazingly kind way of talking to her, the two men just looked at each other again .

But of course, the one who was surprised the most was Jin. It was because he didn't expect that his old man was already this close with his wife that she's now calling him grandpa .

"Grandpa, are you going to be the substitute butler again?"

Y/n asked and the old man nodded politely .

"Yes . From today, I will stay here and help you water the plants again . "

He replied and the two continued talking as if they have the most genuine grandfather and granddaughter relationship .

While Namjoon and Jin's gazes were focused on them, Namjoon's cellphone vibrated and as soon as he saw the message, his brows knitted .

He then walked away and made a brief call before he walked back closer to Jin .

"It's no good Jin . She can't go with us . The only way for her not to appear suspicious is she will travel alone and take a passenger plane . "

Namjoon said softly and as expected, Jin's expression darkened .

That moment, Namjoon started weighing things out and he realized that going to country H with her was after all, a bad idea . Thus, the next moment, Namjoon immediately made a decision .

"Jin, I'll go alone, you both will stay here . "

Namjoon said and Jin just looked at him with a not so good expression .

"Don't worry, I think telling her that I can deliver her present is enough to make her happy . Besides, i believe, she'll be happier if she spends the day with you here . "

Namjoon continued and Jin's face instantly brightened .

Causing Namjoon to just look at him with disbelief .

Ahh... I can't believe I just discovered the easiest way to coax this man . So sweet talking him about his wife is this powerful, huh .

"Mm, we will stay here then . "

Jin instantly agreed and after some moments, the three of them were now heading towards a certain gift shop .

"Jin, do you have an idea on what we should buy for Mr . Min's fiancée?"

Y/n asked and Jin just stared at her with a look that was telling her he had no idea at all .

"Okay, hmm, let's put it this way . If you're going to buy a present for a girl, what will you buy?"

She curiously asked again and Jin stared at her as he talked .

"A girl? Not you?"

he asked and Y/n nodded .

"I won't give any present to any other girl so I don't know what to buy . But if it's you, it's a different story . "

He continued and Y/n instantly went red .

Jin was just answering her honestly, looking as though all the words that were coming out of his mouth were normal and that there's nothing out of ordinary with them .

He looked completely unaware just how impactful and cheesy his words were, no knowing that his words were causing Y/n's rhythm to be thrown off rendering her speechless.