
Advice From Virgins

Minutes later, Y/n was the only one who entered the gift shop while Jin and Namjoon were talking seriously as they waited for her inside the car .

"Even if Shawn is here, you are not allowed to step outside the mansion until I return . Do you understand?"

Namjoon firmly said and Jin just nodded obediently .

"You too, old man . Listen to my words . If you let Jin leave the house, i'll kill you . "

He continued as he looked at the manly man in the driver's seat with a gaze filled with deadly warnings .

"I'm just four years older than you, don't call me old man . "

The man replied and Namjoon smirked as he talked .

"Oho . . . when did old man Shawn have the guts to talk back to me like this?"

He said with an evil smile and the man immediately replied .

"Its because you can't send me away no matter what I say . You need me right now . "

Shawn replied and Namjoon could only fell silent .

"Rest assured, I will protect him with my life . You finally have your own love life so go and enjoy your time with your fiancee . "

he continued and Namjoon almost choke because of his last sentence .

"I agree . You might find it difficult in the beginning but you'll be fine . If you need help, just call me . "

Jin also interjected in their conversation and Namjoon snapped .

"Oh hello, what are you trying to say?"

he asked while forcing a smile filled with disbelief when Jin just looked at him blankly .

"They said, she dislikes you and this is your first time being in relationship so don't hesitate to ask for help . "

Jin innocently said looking like a concerned big brother .

"I agree, boss Jin is already an experienced husband, so don't be shy and ask advice from your older brother . "

Shawn also said and Namjoon's veins just popped out simultaneously and violently as he forced an unpleasant laugh .

"Stop it you two . I don't need advices coming from virgins . "

Namjoon retorted and the two men looked at him with different expression .

Shawn was completely surprised and his mouth hanged open while Jin just blinked calmly .

"Who said I'm virgin?!"

Shawn blurted and Namjoon just smirked as he speaks .

"Who knows?"

he uttered when Jin also spoke .

"Namjoon, virginity have nothing to do with it . "

Jin said with an ever so serious expression but Namjoon didn't buy his words .

"Go and make a baby first Jin . I will only listen to deflowered me...n... "

Namjoon slowly clamped his mouth and something seemed to just broke inside him the moment he realized that the car's door was already opened and that the girl was already looking at them as she blinked .

"Miss, D-did you hear what I said just now?"

Namjoon asked hesitantly when Y/n just tilted her head a little .

"Just now? Aren't you talking about flowers?"

she said innocently and Namjoon coughed .

Cough, cough, thank God she didn't heard the 'de' . . . sigh . . . that was close . . .

Y/n's words made the troubled look in Namjoon's eyes immediately disappear and he smiled at her .

"Are we going home now Miss?"

he asked and Y/n entered the car before she replied .

"Mm, let's go home . "

She said and the car started moving .

"Uhm . . . Mr . Min, what time is your flight?"

she asked and Namjoon turned towards her .

"Six hours from now, Miss . Why?"

he replied and Y/n sighed in relief .

"I'm planning to wrap these presents myself so I'm glad I still have plenty of time to do it . "

Y/n replied and Namjoon smiled .

Time passed and they finally reached the Gray mansion . The three men went straight towards jin's study room while Y/n stayed at the living room to wrap the presents .

Y/n started working intently when the butler in disguise entered the living room after surveying a certain place .

He watched her for a while until a certain idea popped in his head .

"Where is Jin?"

he whispered to butler Gou and when the butler told him that they were upstairs, Mr . Park  immediately moved towards the stairs .

Upon reaching the door, the old man knocked . Jin was the one who opened the door while Namjoon and Shawn were immersed in their serious discussion .

"What are you doing here? Stop hiding inside this dark den of yours and go help your wife . She needed help from you . "

The old man said and Jin's eyes immediately widened .

"Did something happen? Where is she?"

he suddenly asked anxiously and the old man who was confused with his reaction could only reply immediately because of the sudden severe troubled look in his eyes .

"Downstairs . Why are you su---"

the old man couldn't finish his words .

Well, it was because, Jin instantly dashed away as though something bad just happened with his wife .

"The young master might have misunderstood what you mean sir . He might have thought that something bad happened and she needed his help . "

Butler Gou explained and Mr . Park asked again .

"Is he always like this?"

"Yes, he worry too much when it comes to her . "

The butler replied and the old man's eyes narrowed . His eyes were filled with determination and awe as he moved towards the stair to watch them in secret .

Well, the old man was still in his observation stage . He thought that he should observe them close so that he could see when is the right time for him to do the moves hidden in his sleeves .

Meanwhile, Y/n raised his head the moment she heard a noisy fast footsteps that seemed to be rushing towards her when suddenly, Jin was already in front of her and he held both of her shoulders .

"are you okay? Did something happen?!"

Jin asked with an extreme worry flashing across his eyes as he breathed heavily, causing Y/n to fell stunned for a bit .

"I-i'm fine . What's wrong?"

She replied and Jin scanned her body as though he was trying to ensure that she wasn't hurt anywhere .

Looking at how anxious he was, Y/n raised her hands and held his face to make him look at her .

"Jin . I'm alright and nothing happened, okay?"

she said earnestly and after a long while, Jin calmed and the next second, he hugged her tight .

"Jin, did something happened?"

Y/n asked as she caress his head gently when Jin pulled away and he stood .

He lifted his hand and landed it on his own shoulder as he talked .

"I think, I misunderstood something again . Sorry . "

He said as he picked the fallen ribbon on the floor .

Looking at his saddened expression, Y/n felt her heart being tugged the moment she realized he was being worried too much for her again .

That moment, y/n wanted to just lift his spirit up so she held his hand .

"Come, i'll teach you how to wrap a gift box . "

She said as she smiled brightly and Jin's unpleasant feelings slowly disappeared .

He was about to nod obediently but when his eyes fell towards a pink little box, wrapped beautifully and perfectly, he hesitated .

Noticing his gaze locked onto the small box, y/n chuckled softly . It was because, suddenly, jin's expression changed and he looked as though he already realize that making such thing might be impossible for him .

"Don't worry, i'll help you, lets wrap this one together . "

She said happily and Jin just couldn't decline her .

However, for some reason, Jin didn't like the idea of him wrapping a certain present for someone else when he didn't even wrapped a gift for his dear wife at all .

Thus, the next moment, straight as ever, Jin spoke .

"I will wrap a gift only if it's for you . "

he said with his usual honest gaze and y/n's nose almost bleed .