
Blushing Jin

Jin who was in the middle of thinking about what happened last night suddenly snapped back to the present the moment Y/n gently touched his cheek.

"Are you alright? Aren't you're skin a bit too reddish?"

she asked as she looked at him with curious eyes when Jin immediately spoke somewhat defensively.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm alright. "

He replied and y/n could only tilt her head as she kept staring at him.

Well, at that moment, Y/n felt something a bit different from him since she woke up.

It was because Jin suddenly kept averting his gaze away from her like a little shy teenage boy.

Of course, Y/n found his shy expression cute, however, she somehow felt strange that jin who always kept gazing at her eyes now seemed to be avoiding eye contact

Y/n couldn't help but felt that there might be something that was bothering him, however, she could only shake her head.