
Heavenly Demonic Divinity

This tells the tale of a young boy with boundless potential who was abandoned by his parents, he works hard in his cultivation and travels the world in search of them.

Kidexx · อื่นๆ
6 Chs



Meanwhile Qin Wentian was diligently absorbing Qi from the heaven and earth when he suddenly felt his flesh tightening ,it was moving, intertwining, becoming tougher, this was a sign that he had broken through.


The pain he felt was remarkable, he was in so much pain, a normal person would wish for death when faced with such torment, but Qin Wentian didn't find it as painful as the pain he felt inside, he lost all his kin overnight and was now all alone in this world, he was devastated the only thing he had was a map left by his father.


Black sticky substances started to seep out of his pores, and then he smelt something, something strong, almost like a gas, suddenly his vision becoming blurry as his consciousness faded gradually, he was knocked out cold the last thing he saw was someone walking into his room and feeding his almost unconscious body some pills.

"Hahahaha Qin Wentian, I, Jiang Feng am not someone a peasant like you can mess with. Such bad luck you have, Hahahaha."


Qin Wentian woke up in an unfamiliar environment, it was almost as if he was in a confinement room. In the room was a single mat which he was lying on and all over the room was covered in white stones, above him was a gap and he could see an eye looking through it, his consciousness was hazy, he couldn't think straight but he was sure he heard some voices and foot steps coming his way, he suddenly fell unconscious.

When he woke up the next time, he was sitting across from an old man with a furious out look and this time he was not light headed he was completely conscious and he couldn't care less about the the old man in front of him cause what he saw was beyond his scoop of comprehension, his meridians where ruptured they where useless, in his datain he could see cracks, he used his inner vision to see the rest of his body and he confirmed it, at first he thought it was a hallucination but now he was sure, he was crippled he was no longer a cultivator.

"For failing to accept sect missions and staying locked up in your courters for 2 months without permission, You are here by expelled from the sect as a disciple..." When Qin Wentian heard that part of the statement he was at loss, he was starting to feel numb in his heart, his expression was turning colder by the minute, but the rest of the statement left confused, "... you are hereby reinstated into the sect as a special force leader, you are in charge of the Azure Dragon division

'isn't this supposed to be a punishment? why dose it sound like a promotion'Qin Wentian was confused this didn't sound like a punishment, and besides what use will the sect have for a cripple? something about this didn't seem right to him.

The old man suddenly waved his hand and a token and uniform suddenly appeared, on the token was the engraving of an ferocious yet beautiful blue Dragon with the words "Azure Dragon" under it and behind the token a crown was engraved, the uniform on the other hand was a luxurious light blue robe which looked elegant and refined on the right chest was an Azure Dragon which bared its fangs, the robe was simply breathtaking."The details will be explained by your servant's in your new living courters."

Stepping out in the sunlight after two months of confinement Qin Wentian somehow found a way to make the beautiful day look and feel depressing. He slowly walked towards his new courters. When his house was in sight he just ignored it because he was looking for his real house the house in front of him was too big and luxurious but as he was just about to pass by, the doors of the house swung open and two gorgeous ladies stepped out, "Welcome Young Master Qin."

Qin Wentian turned around to see who they where talking to but there was no one behind him then it hit him, his last name was Qin, and these two beauties where smiling and waving at him, although they tried to his their disappointment in was evident to Qin Wentian, they where disappointed to see him.

They walked over and led him in reluctantly,"No, I can walk on my own." As soon as Qin Wentian finished his statement they stopped feigning civility and directly left him.

"Who do you think you are? just because you are the division leader of a suicide group you think you can talk to us without respect? you are unworthy to even see us talk more of taking to us you are nothing." After the two ladies finished taunting him, they pushed him to the floor and left, he had fast reflexes so he didn't fall, he used his had to support himself as he made a flip from the floor, by now the servants had already disappeared into the mansion.

"Even slaves can insult and taunt me, such a pitiful life I live." Qin Wentian lamented for a while. He looked up to the sky and tears fell uncontrollably as he thought about his misfortunes and how sad his life was. He walked into the mansion with a serious and chilling expression on his face. Walking into the house, he saw almost 10 more servant's who didn't even spar him a second glance. he sighed as he walked towards a room with the character "Qin" on it, 'how can a sect treat a cripple with such importance, even more important than their disciples, something is wrong, very wrong.'

He entered the room and found it neatly arranged with a large king sized bed, beside this bed was a cage and one could tell something was in it from the constant thumping coming from it, Qin Wentian went closer and opened the lock with a key he found on the bed and what he saw inside shocked him.