
Heavenly Demonic Divinity

This tells the tale of a young boy with boundless potential who was abandoned by his parents, he works hard in his cultivation and travels the world in search of them.

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6 Chs

Chapter 3 King of The Ring

"Song Jia wins." the regulations elder voice rang out in the hall, "Next."

Qin Wentian's battle robe lit up, "I guess its my turn." Qin Wentian mumbled as he hopped onto the stage. Meanwhile in the crowd, Jiang Feng smiled as he saw who else's robe lit up, 'I'll kill this bastard, no one takes this young master's woman away from him', Jiang Feng giggled evilly before making his way towards the stage.

On the stage, Qin Wentian looked at his opponent, his opponent was handsome and had a well proportioned body, his hands clasped around his dual daggers, as he stared at Qin Wentian with the intention to kill.


As soon as the Regulations elder sounded out for the start of the match, Jiang Feng dove right in, he twisted his wrist and sent a dagger flying towards Qin Wentian at full speed, he followed up with a thrust of his hand aiming his other dagger at Qin Wentian's throat, it was obvious he wanted Qin Wentian dead.

Qin Wentian was dumbfounded,'why does this guy hate me so much?, I haven't even met you before.' Qin Wentian stepped back rapidly while taking out his sword, he swung it towards Jiang Feng's dagger which was thrown at him.


The sound of Jiang Feng's dagger being cut in half resounded throughout the hall, leaving the audience dumbfounded.

"He must come from a major family to possess a sword like that."

"Yeah, he's so skilled and strong, the kid's got a bright future."

The crowd went wild, they discussed actively about where this young man might have come from.

Meanwhile on the battle platform, Jiang Feng was left dumbfounded, he couldn't believe his eyes.'This guy, if I can't kill you now I'll kill you latter, no matter who you are.'Jiang Feng was over his trance as soon as it started with a satisfactory thought in his mind.

He stopped his thrusted dagger midway and retreated, he then took out another dagger and sprinted towards Qin Wentian, he aimed his daggers at Qin Wentian's eyes and the other was aimed at his heart.

Qin Wentian was startled by this guys decisiveness, 'looks like this guy wants me to dead, those that want me dead will die instead.'Qin Wentian was pissed, he did not retreat, instead he charged at Jiang Feng with his long sword pointing at Jiang Feng's head, when they almost collided Qin Wentian jumped high into the air and over Jiang Feng, he was now behind Jiang Feng, he used his elbow to hit back of Jiang Feng's head pushing him to the floor as he held his sword against the back of Jiang Feng's neck.

"Qin Wentian wins"

The battles continued and Qin Wentian won all his matches but not as smoothly as the battle he had with Jiang Feng, Song Jia only lost one battle, and Jiang Feng lost 3 battles and was almost eliminated, and like that only 20 people remained.

"The remaining top 20 participants are admitted into The Blazing Sun Sect as outer disciples, while the remaining 30 are admitted as working disciples, as a working disciple if you cannot become an outer disciple in a year you will be removed from the Sect. That being said, congratulations to the top 50 for Joining our esteemed Sect, follow me I will take you to your living courters, all you need is already there." The regulation elder spoke with a satisfactory smile.


A normal small looking building was what came into Qin Wentian's sight as soon as he stepped into his shabby old courtyard it was dirty,old and looked like it needed a good cleaning, it wasn't only him that was disappointed about being 'blessed' to live in such a 'castle', in fact everyone who saw this kind of building was extremely disappointed, the Blazing Sun Sect motivated their disciples through benefits, inner disciples get a better building, better resources and a better teacher from the sect, while core disciples get the best resources, houses and they even get the elders of the sect to be their teachers so the higher your position the higher your treatment.

'Pant', Qin Wentian was currently holding a bucket filled with dirty water,sweat flowed like the river down his face as he panted uncontrollably, "It took me 2 hours but am finally done cleaning this shit hole." Qin Wentian mumbled to himself with a satisfied grin as he poured the water and went straight to bed, He had a good night sleep.

Waking up the next morning Qin Wentian found that last night's sleep was the best sleep he had gotten in days, he stood up did his morning exercise and sat down in a crossed leg position to cultivate. He absorbed the abundant Heaven and earth yuan Qi in the surrounding and stored them in his datain, previously he was at the peak of the 3rd stage of the Body Refinement realm and was infinitely close the 4th stage so he could feel a breakthrough, as he guided the abundant Qi he absorbed into his datain.


"Father you are in charge of delegating missions this matter isn't something you can't handle, right?". In a lush green courtyard, A young man with handsome features kneeled before a slightly old man.

"Fool!, am I meant to drag him from his living courters and force him to take up a hard mission, do you know the implications of your plan? unfilial son, you are such and idiot, out of my sight!"

"Yes father, Jiang Feng will no longer bother you." Jiang Feng bowed and then turned around and walked out of the courtyard,'This is not over, I'll get you Qin Wentian.'

Sorry guys something came up so I was unable to continue writing.

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