
Heavenly Demonic Divinity

This tells the tale of a young boy with boundless potential who was abandoned by his parents, he works hard in his cultivation and travels the world in search of them.

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6 Chs

Little Dragon girls

Qin Wentian stood there stunned speechless as he gazed at the cage in amazement.

Inside the cage were two naked young girls, they had perfectly matching beautiful features and very long hair, their hair reached their legs.their only difference was that one had green jade like eyes while the other had deep blue eyes. These two girls looked grieved and hatred gleamed in their eyes as they stared at Qin Wentian.

"Wh...who...who are you?" Qin Wentian stammered from shock. The girl with green eyes the looked more friendly so he turned to her for an answer.

The girls stared at him for a while before the green eyed girl spoke, "I am Qing'er and this is my sister Ming'er, who might you be mister? ." Ming'er stared at her sister with her blue eyes, on her face was a look of contemplation.

Qin Wentian found them to be very adorable so he started to relax around them although he could still feel the dreadful aura coming from them, "Qin Wentian, do you want to leave this place? I can sneak you out."

"Ah... Thank you Sir Qin." Qing'er and Ming'er nodded profusely as tears gleamed in their eyes, finally they couldn't hold it anymore tears fell from their eyes. Their dreadful aura suddenly disappeared and they now looked like helpless kids.

For the original Qin Wentian who still had his cultivation base these stage one body refiners would be as harmless as ants before him, but now he was normal. And it was already amazing that such young talents existed, when he was 5 he hadn't even started to cultivate.

"Its no problem, aren't you girls cold? I got some extra pairs in this room, right?." Qin Wentian looked around for a while before he was finally able to find a room stacked with light blue casual robes, he put a pair on each girl and let them out of the cage.

Two small figures where now walking around in his room with large blue robes on their smallish figures. Qin Wentian laughed at this sight, somehow meeting these girls had cheered him a little.

As they interacted and got to know each other, Qin Wentian found out that these two where actually cultivators from the dragon race but that was all they remembered, and that they where lost in a realm in which these people found them. At first Qin Wentian found this unbelievable and just laughed it off but when he saw their serious expression he became stunned.

The dragon race was a force to be reckoned with in the cultivation world, they possessed immense power and influence and do not interact with the outside world to often and now two of their descendants where being held captive by a mere sect of the human race, if the dragon race was to ever find out about this they would definitely level this place to the ground.

"Brother Qin will you take us back home?" The two dragons in human form where staring at Qin Wentian with hope sparking in their beautiful faces.

"I...guess so." Qin Wentian was a little hesitant because it was too troublesome to go about finding where the dragon race was, "It looks like you will be accompanying me on my journey." He came to a conclusion that they would have to follow him for a while

Qin Wentian guessed that the sect had no good intentions for putting a cripple as a division leader so he decided to sneak out and leave this place with the twins as soon as possible.


Qin Wentian lived a leisure life these past few days, all he did was eat, sleep, read and exercise, even though he wasn't a cultivator he put in all the effort he once put into cultivation into studying Runes and inscriptions, he also learnt a lot about battle tactics and his book smarts was upgraded to a whole new level.

During the six months that passed by, nothing special happened, except for the fact that the twins fast cultivation stunned him, he got to know them better and they we're now extremely close as they spend almost every minute together.

Currently, Qing'er was playing around with Ming'er in their elegant courtyard while Qin Wentian was busy painting with a focused expression, it was a peaceful scene.

The courtyard was elegantly designed and well arranged, finely trimmed grass covered the ground as they swayed lightly with the wind, beautiful flowers of different types and colors where placed in strategic spots, the small statue of a proud dragon stood fiercely in the middle of this beautiful scene adding a bit of elegance and authority to the air around the courtyard.


Suddenly the door to this courtyard was violently swung open, the peaceful scene interrupted by the pretty invaders who came charging right at Qin Wentian. In their hands we're dirty robes and underwear they threw their dirty underwear right at Qin Wentian's face that was turned around to look at them. His face remained calm and collected as if he was unperturbed by their actions but his cold eyes said otherwise.

"You slaves are here to use your disgusting undies to charm me? Well you have to think of better tactics than that." Qin Wentian was used to this happening once in a while, these slaves actually had the guts to boss around their master.

"Shameless as always little bastard." The speakers where none other than the ladies who received him on his first day here, they we're the only servants who bothered about him they couldn't hurt him since it was against the rules so they resorted to words, he too couldn't hurt them so he acted shamelessly whenever they we're around.

"Oh really? If you come closer I'll show you just how shameless I can be." Qin Wentian's eyes roamed around their bodies as he spoke while standing up and moving closer to them.

"Ahhh...! Get away." The ladies screamed and ran away, as soon as they left the courtyard, Qin Wentian's expression became cold as ice he turned around to look at the twins who had stopped playing and said solemnly, "Get ready we leave tonight!"