

The 17-year-old girl with a heart of ice and blue but dull eyes, why does she have a heart of ice? Why don't His eyes have any more light? hides so much suffering? what happened? but something changes when she meets him His same blue eyes a weird guy full of tattoos will get along the two of them are opposites to each other, share some pain together? Will it be hate or love between them? Isabel: I say goodbye you have to live without me, this is your journey, your path, you are your support, you are the story of tomorrow, believe in yourself. criss 19-year-old boy handsome to death blue eyes and lots of tattoos, he is scary the question and why? Criss: Has anyone finally accepted me? I have found new emotions which gives moments of peace to the soul. she lights up my life she makes me forget my pain, she is teaching me to live again. why does this heart have to remain alone? Why do I feel broken? i was in the dark and you brought me to the light now i came back alive as an incomplete being i am a punishment for myself.

iuby2010 · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

dark heart

I don't understand it criss misses knows a week I don't know where he is every night I also go to the disco so I ask his friends but they say they don't healthy they gave me his number but he never answered, I sent messages but nothing nothing.

Message for criss "It's been a week and you still haven't answered, please tell me you're fine my uncle is going crazy and I don't know where to look for you anymore what should I do? As soon as I see you I'll break your nose." Uncle: to answered?

Isa: no yet nothing but what happened because what fate has disappeared .....

Criss: I know why he disappeared he always does it when he is named by his father but this time it is different it was missing 2, 3 days but now it is a week.

We are silent then I hear myself called I go outside and find criss' friends

Robyn: listen to Isa before I break a few hands tell you where is ok? I nod and engrave him to speak

Robyn: We didn't say anything because we needed it because he hasn't come since you came and I needed him, I know we have been selfish. Isa: are you okay?

Boby: let's say yes but it's not true he is risking too much and we do not allow it the beauty that we no longer hear us you are the only one who can stop him.

Isa: more details?

Cristian: Well let's say he has to do something very dangerous and we don't want to but he doesn't understand it.

Robyn: Come with us and you will understand. I went with them we were close to the meeting point they told me that they do clandestine competitions I do not judge them because every one does what he wants but tonight criss risks too much he is pushing himself too far to the bottom.

I look around then I see his car and he too does a lap first on the track and then gets into position I run to him I signal them to lower the window but he looks at me dazed.

Isa: open this fucking glass or even get out of this car now

But he does nothing, the girl in front of him starts the start and he leaves me there as a fool too Isa: and no my dear you don't do what you want no more from now on.

I take a motto and run inside him

I arrive and I signal them to stop, it seems that it happens to me because he slows down as soon as I stop I run into his car I put on my seat belt and look at him.

Isa: now go

Criss: What are you doing here? How did you get there as you know?

Isa: I know and now I'm here go now if not you lose the race.

He starts at high speed it's scary but I can't tell them anything I have to be strong, it seems the race is over we stop his friends run to me

Robyn: Are you okay?

Boby: why did it? You could have risked big, you know, right ?.

Isa: yes I know but if he was well deserved he could not do anything stupid with me in the car even if it doesn't seem like it but he cares about me so it was the only solution.

He looks at me and smiles, I look at him I get out of the car he too comes up to me and hugs me tightly I also miss me seriously I'm a boy we are interrupted by a girl

Girl: hey bitch move away leave my criss alone I detach myself from the embrace and look at her she looks like a slut as she is dressed and made up.

Isa: excuse me?

Girl: You felt good hands off my criss

Isa: not this sentence the other sentence what did you call me?

He walks up to me and puts his hand on me Isa: point one, I won't allow you to offend me, point two, take your hands off me I'll break them, understand?

Girl: are you threatening me? Isa: I don't see anyone else around me Girl: listen zoc ..... Robyn: I don't think it suits you ..... Criss: Irina don't allow you to go away. Girl: you tell me to go away to me for this one? Criss: yes go away I'm busy. Girl: you're busy now until last night you weren't busy now yeah? And then for whom? Can't you see how she is dressed she looks like a smudge and then she is ugly and a slut .... I don't see them anymore and I slap them she looks at me with big eyes Isa: disappear before I beat you up and hopefully I'll never see you again Criss: Irina go away ..... Irina: do you choose her in my place? Criss: I have never made a choice there has always been her there is no need for me to say no I tell you I understand and Irina is better dressed as a male than a whore. He turns and gestures for me to get in the car, he too gets into the parking lot at home, I look at him, he takes me by the hand and we go to my rock, we lie down on our stomachs and look at the stars.

Criss: I'm sorry I know I want to hit myself because I worried your uncle and you too but when I remember what happened I lose my mind. What is he talking about.

Criss: My mom is my sister I'm talking about they died in a car accident and it's all my fault.

I look for their hand and I find it I squeeze it tightly I do not ask for anything else that it hurts to lose someone I know very well.

Isa: you also know I tell myself that I have many faults and thinking it is not right to hurt us but if they do not do us we do not remember, but I can guarantee you that they will see us from there and they are not happy you know he looks at us even now.

Criss: I'm a mess Isa: a beautiful disaster Criss: love sucks doesn't it?

Isa: hmmmmm yes

Cris: you, ..... This is what I want to say ... I didn't ask you but you .....

Did I have a boyfriend?

Isa: I don't have a boyfriend but yes I did Criss: important stories?

Isa: yes very important the first was my first love I was little but I was burned the same it is said that the first love is never forgotten and it's true, then the second story that I had was my fate to see that you can always love just that ... he too .....

Criss: Let me understand they left you? Isa: and yes I know it's strange but yes, the first time we were small but I suffered so much maybe if he didn't betray me maybe it was better but betrayed and my heart broke not once in that year I always broke it but me I did not want to know it was all for me, then my betrayed but not as you think just a kiss but that kiss seen by me closed with him forever I loved him so much and maybe even now but my pride was too much.

After a while something happened that I did not expect I was so bad that I did not understand anything and then he arrived who was close to me without asking for anything from me

loved for who I was not for the money not for the beauty of the outside but the inner one was special and made me feel good made me see how to love again but then ...

Criss: He left you alone too .....

How the fuck do I apologize?

It's not fair you didn't deserve it.

Isa?: Time has already happened, I can't change it.

Criss: Do you still believe in love what do you think you can ever love again?

Isa: I don't know maybe yes but I'm afraid a strong fear I don't want to hurt myself once I had my heart broken and the second time I was dead my heart didn't beat anymore when ..... I don't want to feel that cold inside I would no longer be able to pass beyond it will be my ruin forever.

Criss: that's why you don't make up anymore that's why your clothes that's why you hide you don't want to give hope to anyone and you don't want anything from anyone.

Isa,: you have already arrived.

Does he get up and extends his hand to me. Shall we take a bath? He does not make me answer that he throws me into the water and the rock is very high but I was not afraid I knew it would be him, I emerge out of the water and I panic I start screaming he hears me and runs immediately I hug him tightly like a koala to the his body.