

The 17-year-old girl with a heart of ice and blue but dull eyes, why does she have a heart of ice? Why don't His eyes have any more light? hides so much suffering? what happened? but something changes when she meets him His same blue eyes a weird guy full of tattoos will get along the two of them are opposites to each other, share some pain together? Will it be hate or love between them? Isabel: I say goodbye you have to live without me, this is your journey, your path, you are your support, you are the story of tomorrow, believe in yourself. criss 19-year-old boy handsome to death blue eyes and lots of tattoos, he is scary the question and why? Criss: Has anyone finally accepted me? I have found new emotions which gives moments of peace to the soul. she lights up my life she makes me forget my pain, she is teaching me to live again. why does this heart have to remain alone? Why do I feel broken? i was in the dark and you brought me to the light now i came back alive as an incomplete being i am a punishment for myself.

iuby2010 · Teen
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11 Chs

I miss him

In the morning I'm alone again I don't understand why he doesn't wake me up when he goes, he's getting on my nerves, I get dressed immediately and go to the bathroom, after a shower I get dressed and then I go to the terrace where my uncle is.

Uncle: good morning how are you?

Isa: good morning not bad, listen uncle but Andrea that in the end I don't see her in the room anymore and these days she hasn't come to work.

Do you know something?

She has two weeks off and left with her boyfriend I don't know where.

Isa: I understand okay how are you?

I hear voices outside my uncle goes to see what happens I hear too many noises and I hear my uncle screaming I go immediately to see my uncle holds good criss who wants to go towards a man older than my uncle.

Uncle: stay still do not stoop to this level stop. Criss: Get out of my sight go away I hear criss screams but the man doesn't want to know and gets even closer.

Man: you tell me to go away because who are you? You are nobody you are just a brat you are a mole dad you don't have the balls to do anything.

Criss: Shut up,

I see him getting angry more and more I get closer to them

The man: you know better that he is not here to see you as you came to live with a stranger and of ..... She .....

I don't understand anything anymore but I see that a punch starts there, my uncle stops him again but if he keeps it like this he doesn't do anything I decide to get in the way.

I hold criss by the hands and I put my body as a shield in front of him I do not look at myself his eyes are full of anger and blood I have never seen him like this.

Isa: please calm down you will hurt my uncle and calm down too.

He looks at me and takes my hands in his and squeezes them it hurts a lot but I let him do it I look at my wrists and then I look at him looking at this man, I turn my face towards the man.

Isa,: please go away criss doesn't want you here and neither do we so kindly go away. Man: girl why don't you mind your own business?

Isa: sir, you'd better go otherwise he won't calm down

Man: You don't know who you're talking to girl Isa: I don't care to know now if you're done veterinary because I'm out of patience, strength and respect.

Man: it doesn't stop there criss and you little girl don't talk to me that way I know or her father owes me respect.

I look at him and smile

Isa: I bring respect only to those who deserve it and now go away from here.

He's gone criss is trembling my uncle hugs him he hasn't calmed down at all.

Criss: Shouldn't he mention her, shouldn't he have to because he always has to remind me?

He pushes my uncle and goes to his car Uncle: Isa don't leave him alone don't make him go crazy.

I run like crazy and get in the car with him, put my seat belt on and wait for him to leave. Criss: Get off

He squeezes the steering wheel and doesn't look at me Isa: remember the pact I will help you pass over I will be close to you I don't care what I have to do I have where I have to go.

Criss: isa please I want to be alone I don't want me to tell you something bad please come down I don't want you to be afraid of me

Isa: I won't be afraid of you He gets out of the car and goes into the room I am behind him he lies down on the bed and I sit next to him on the ground,

I look at my wrists and I see that I am already made black.

He is face up and one arm over his face. Criss: I shouldn't have hit him but ...

Isa: if you didn't do it you did it me and your father yes but .....

Criss: You already know they look a lot like us Isa: I don't think so

Criss: You say this because you don't know me you don't know anything about me.

After a while he gets up and I too takes my hand and we go to the terrace where my uncle is.

Uncle: are you okay?

Criss: no He sits down and looks out Uncle: Everything will be fine

Criss: It won't be all right it won't stop I know him very well

Uncle: yes it's true but you don't have to give up ok?

I hear the voices of his friends We go outside and see it again

Man: see criss Your dear friends can't do shit you see them they have to give me some money

Criss: You don't need their money

Man: well I want them all one by one or else you know what to do right?

A and mo I forgot today I was to visit them you know I remember well that evening because of you theirs ...

Criss: Don't tell me it was my fault because you have more personal faults and you know it very well.

The man leaves and his friends are close to them.

Criss: How the fuck did you get into debt to him

Boby: You didn't come anymore and so we .....

Criss: You did it without me, didn't you? Robyn: What were we supposed to apologize for? Being behind you is .....

Criss: The fuck is there tonight?

Robyn: Yes and there is a lot at stake

Criss: ok see you guys tonight

Boby: you come too Isa isn't it?

Criss: she is not real is not part of that world and better if not see it.

He goes to the terrace then I run after them Isa: hei what's wrong with you now, what's wrong with me?

He doesn't answer me and goes away I don't know where.

I sit in the chair and wait for him to come back he has to give me some answers.