

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 7

" well, well, well, what a beauty we had here" a strong magnetic voice echoed on their ears.

Wang xian since the danger behind those word so he directly hide xiao yu behind him.

" Who are you people? As far as I Know we didn't do anything wrong and If you're a bandits then we don't have anything to give, so let us through." Wang xian said confidently.

" presumptuous! Who are you referring as a bandits? Are you tired of living already?" One of the black man answered.

" Is he their leader? But why should they do this to us hmm, they are being unreasonable. Don't even think that I can't kill you" thought xiao yu, who is still hiding behind of wang xian like a delicate maiden.

If these men would read xiao yu's mind they surely won't believe it. A delicate fragile maiden!? You must be joking.

" come and let's see If you have the capability to kill us" xiao yu retorted. He really don't like people bullying those people who are weak.

" did you really think that you're small boyfriend here would save you?" The man at the back spoke sending shivers down to their spine as he walk closely toward xiao yu while smirking. All the black men kneel down in unison which makes the only three of them left standing. Xiao Yu, Wang Xian and the black mask man!

" so this must be their leader, an arrogant bitch! Who does he think he is!" Xioa yu thought angrily.

" host I'll be taking my leave so I won't be able to guide you for the time being " lili said. She felt sorry for the both of them, she would like to accompany them but some strange phenomenon happen in the main system that needed to be fix.

" lili! How could you! Did you really think that I'll will going to die here? So you are escaping? Aren't you? Then let me tell you this, these weak human won't even touch the single strap of my hair." Xiao yu felt being betrayed. I mean who would not be? If you're in between life and death situation then your friends leave you alone, how would you feel?

" host I really do sorry but this is an urgent situation, I gotta go"

Xian yu don't have no other choice so he let him be it.

A loud bang stuttered xiao yu while he is on the deep thought. He saw wang xian who are already throwing punches and fire dragon towards the man who spoke earlier, who easily avoided all of those like it's just nothing at all. Xiao yu seems amazed by this man because those punches can already turn stone into pieces added by those fire dragon that can already turn the building into powder. But with this man it's useless, how powerful he is.

Those few person earlier just watch the fight as they're being told to so by their master.

Without his knowledge those two started fighting when he is about to be pulled by that man and attempted to remove his veil. So wang xian directly releases his fire dragon to create a distance between the two of them.

Of course the innocent xiao yu who know nothing even admired the stunning moves of their enemies.

The man seems tired avoiding Wang xian's attack, as he releases his spiritual qi directly to wang xian that makes wang xian press into the ground enable to move. after that he move his hand together creating a countless small sphere made by ice and directly throw it on wang xian.

Upon seeing this xiao yu directly back to his senses and hurriedly jump in front of wang xian. He can easily surpass this by creating a shield to counter attack the force but he would not dare to show up his cultivation level to avoid suspicion. He close his eyes ready to face the incoming agony.

The man whisk his hand when the beauty in front of him shielded his own body to wang xian , then those sphere directly vanished.

" how romantic" thought him. He can't avoid to smirk. He is getting more curious with this lady in front of him.

Wang xian open his eyes after a few minutes without feeling any pain . As he completely open his eyes the golden mask man are about an inches apart with him. Now that he see him clearly despite his mask that covered half of his face he do have a domineering aura and a majestic appeal, which greatly tell that this person is not just a somebody.

When the man raise his hand to touch xiao yu's veil. Wang xiang directly shouted " gege be careful " after hearing that xiao yu became stunned as how close could that be. This man would always make him lost into his mind.

As the hand of the man are about to touch him, a strong amount of force send him into a few meters away.

The man seems shocked about what happened. As he glance back to the two person in front of him earlier, they are all gone.

" your majesty should we go catch them?" The man in black who argued with wang xian earlier asked after seeing that their pray was all gone.

" no let them go, someday I will be able to lure them into our trap and they won't be able to escape again. " the man said triumphantly.