

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 6

Time bleeds faster than the river and now they're preparing all the things that are necessary for their journey with reluctant evident on their faces.

As they put their things on the storage ring, which they acquired from Xiao yu's parents, xiao yu can't help sighing thinking what would happen next.

Wang xian always took glance at his gege having a strong feeling that he is being force to do so, finally took the courage to ask him to clarify his assumption. " gege aren't you the one who suggested to go to the capital? But why are you acting like you're going to a battle? Or are we?"

The series of questions is like a troubling volts of electricity that makes xiao yu awaken from his so called doom.

" wang xian we aren't going to any battle okey, so just relax your ass. And also I'm just thinking about random things so stop worrying it is so visible in your face I'll explain everything when we arrived at the capital okey."

The two figure appears in the pitch blossoms tree. They both look like a celestial being.

The two figure then float up In the sky like a fairy. One is so muscular and undeniably handsome that ladies would voluntarily kneel their legs upon him. While the other one that wear the pitch veil do have a very slender waist and despite the veil on its face, it can't hide the person's ethereal beauty.

Wang xian want to just teleport there directly but xiao yu want to stroll around watching how beautiful the forest is.

After a few minutes they finally landed in a remote area of the capital and then they use some spell to hide both of their cultivation before mingling into the crowd. They hide their cultivation in order to avoid any attention especially that both of them amazingly have a high stage already. But their appearance completely didn't cooperate with them, they always stand among the crowd especially xiao yu that is wearing a veil which added the fuel to the peoples curiosity on what is the beauty behind those veil.

Their first goal right now is to look for a place to stay for how knows how long.

The down went fast and unfortunately they haven't found any good place to stay. Actually they found some rental room earlier but didn't past on their evaluation so they just walked passed through it. They want to stay on a quiet place as they're used with that kind of atmosphere and away from people as much as possible.

On their way of losing hope they meet an old man on the road as they're still keep on strolling, because they don't have choice either.

" Great lord can we ask if there's a place here where we can rent, which is not quite known to the people or in a remote area?" Wang xian take the initiative to ask, he can't let his gege talk when random strangers he's a little bit over protected in comes about his gege. His the only person he have right now so he's willing to protect him with all his life.

" young dande, there're are only some place here that perfectly suited your preference, you can try at the Lee brothel though it's a brothel but it's quite calm and peaceful there." The man smiled after, then his gaze cross from wang xian and xiao yu.

" Young dande she must be your wife" while staring at xiao yu who are about to throw the man away.

" yes great lord, anyway thank you for answering our questions so we must take our leave now to settle ourself " wang xian replied politely .

Both wang xian and xiao yu then turn their back to the old man, but as they are about a feet apart the man then called wang xian " young dande be careful on your way there you must protect your wife "

" don't worry great lord I'll protect here at all cost" what a weird man said xiao yu at himself.

After they're finally gone from the sight of that old man and they are finally alone the furious xiao yu who are holding his range from the start until now finally exploded.

" wang xian! Why didn't you defend me? Why did you just let that man harassed me huh? Why didn't you explain to him that I'm also a fucking man ?" Xiao yu breathed spontaneously.

The poor wang xiang can't just help to chuckle and rub the back of his head " gege I just want to escape from that old man so don't bother with that okey? What's important right now is to get there at the Lee manor."

Xiao yu just nodded and continue walking. As they are about to take a few steps, xiao yu directly flew backwards while the flying daggers directly landed at his previous location.

Wang xian directly switch into a fighting mode as well as xiao yu.

Several man in black appears surrounding wang xian and xiao yu. Wang xian let his spiritual qi check the cultivation stage of these men but failed to detect.

" gege I can't able to detect their prowess it's bad, this guys must have a higher cultivation than mine or just using some invisibility spell."

After knowing that wang xian faild xiao yu release his spiritual power directly, then he notice that only one of these men is in a gold stage at five which beyond him. Xiao yu calculated that without this man this few person would become easily defeated but with this guy here it's impossible, and most importantly he didn't know which of this man is that one.

" well, well, well, what a beauty!" a strong magnetic voice echoed on their ears.