

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 8

Earlier , when the man was inch apart from Xiao Yu. Wang xian releases all his strength to push the man away from his gege, but sad to say it only send him a few meters backward.

Wang Xian was certain that this man would not be his match. So when the man lost its focus by the attack, he uses his teleportation techniques to escape.

The continuous used of qi drain all his remaining strength. Most especially that teleportation technique would consume too much strength and energy which might causes to dry his meridian qi storage .

Wang Xian was quite aware by this , so he didn't really used the teleportation skills, he just made both of their body into thin air to remain impalpable and invisible for the time being which was also use to prevent to detect their presence.

Though wang xian is already at the silver stage of cultivation at nine, he still didn't encounter a real fight so as a beginner his stamina really not that good, unlike those who are already veteran in the battlefield.

When the group of men retreated, both of their body slowly back to it's form. The exhausted wang xian spit a mouthful of blood and directly kneeled to the ground.

Xiao Yu was like being hit by a thunderbolts when blood was on his sight. He hurriedly held wang xian's wrist ang feel it's pulse. He sigh in relief when he discovered that he was just exhausted and his qi was not totally empty. If someone loses all it's qi inside his body, he will suffer from severe body pain, and will have a hard time to store it once again.

Xiao Yu travel his spiritual qi inside wang xian's body to sustain his already exhausted body. The prowess coming from Xiao Yu directly enter to his meridian storage and he felt a tingling sensation all over his body and felt much more better.

After ensuring that wang xian was now okay, that's the time he withdrew his force. " How strong that man would be, just releasing his spiritual qi and he can make wang xian became like this." He thought.

"I really need to find directly that Lee manor at this situation" he added.

Even if Xiao Yu teleport both of them to the lee brothel it's totally impossible, because you can only use teleportation technique if you already know where the place located and quite familiar to it.

Xiao Yu felt helpless again " not again" he puff after realizing that it's like a de javu.

The sky completely turn into dark and the moon slowly showed up it's power up high in the sky giving light to the already dark world. The star happily twinkling alternatively showing different colors. Beneath them was the homeless Xiao Yu and wang xian who finally recovered from Earlier.

Wang Xian recovered faster because Xiao Yu already gives him almost half of his energy, which will cost him a few weeks or even month to gain.

Even if he will give almost all of his energy to wang xian he is still willing to do so. The most important thing right now is to go to the lee brothel and have a long rest.

Wang Xian felt something was coming to their direction as he is about to raise an attack a white nine taled fox showed up.

The cuteness of the being directly melted both of their hearts.

" Young Childe(s) I'm mara, one of the Royal lineage of animal beast, I'm here to serve the moon prince." The cute fox stated.

" I know that you're wondering my prince how would I directly recognize you as my master, aren't you?"

The frozen two human who are still on the stage of disbelief, still can't able to speak so wang xian just nodded while still fixing his gaze to the creature in front of him.

" Your mother was the lost moon goddess, so basically speaking you're the prince, I was born at the time you're born and are linked with each other. If you won't believe me you can look for a mark in your body which looks like a crescent moon."

Xiao Yu remembered that he really do have that kind of mark at his back.

" So this guy is not lying " he thought.

" I'm telling the truth your highness, when you showed up at the complete angle of the pure moon light I was able to detect you. I was looking for you for almost a decade my prince but I can't able to locate you, I guess your mother put a barrier at your place but now, finally I found you." Mara said happily then landed on Xiao Yu's shoulder.

Xiao Yu who was now in a total comatose almost drop dead for too much information he received. He already neglected the thought that mara can read his mind.

" My prince I know you're looking for the lee manor, upon staying here for several years I'm quite familiar with the place here so I can guide you there."

" Thank goodness you're a blessing." Xiao Yu sigh in a thought that finally he can be able to rest.

Xiao Yu hold wang xian's hand and help him to stand. Mara give the data to Xiao Yu about how to go to the lee manor through mind link.

The information becomes vivid to Xiao Yu's mind and seems like he was already been there before.

He chanted the teleportation mantra and finally they arrive at the lee brothel.

Mara turn himself into invisible to avoid any possible suspicion.

They hurriedly book one room for them to the counter that easily showed their room after giving one piece of gold as a down payment.

They took a shower and then Xiao Yu generated his spiritual qi to guide wang xian's inner force.

Once they're all done they call it a day! A very exhausting day.