
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

LightWork · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

Jacob meets Amaris

Today, was the day, I have decided to open the shop officially, I turned the open sign to indicate the opening of YUSHA'S STORE, I had placed signs outside display the discounts and objects on sale, hopefully people will come, I had placed a compulsion, I saw in one of my father's old books, it was useful, so i secretly casted it on the shop, am sure it would attract customers,was it right? Maybe. Do I care? No.

My parents were supposed to help and be here with me today but their job required them, of course they didn't want to go, but I insisted, I really wanted to do it on my own, although I would appreciate their help nonetheless.

Sitting behind the front desk, waiting, after about 10 minutes later, about five people walked in, probably curious about the newly opened shop, their faces displayed surprised at the interior, after all the inside was larger than that of the outside part.

A mother and her daughter, searched browsing through the females section, the other three were separated to the magazine section and books.

Soon the woman and her child came up front, she seemed surprised to see a child running the shop, it assumed he was, she had gotten 3 dresses for herself and 2 kids gowns for her daughter, they also want to buy a teddy bear, and 3 wooly socks. Smiling at the woman, I told her the amount

" That would be 27 gallons and 13 sickles, miss" I said with a smile, she smiled back, surprised at the cheap price, " Discounts.." i said due to her confusion, she nodded kindly and after pack her purchase in a bag, it will automatically shirk the items placed in it. She thanked me and left with her child, I politely told them to come back soon.

The other three were males, one was reading a magazine I have personally made, I was proud of it, I made sure the covers were a neutral tone, and the content were arranged in a way that seem classy, with pictures of contents related to the topics. The other two were browsing through the shop, I didn't stop, that but still kept a watchful eyes on everyone.

The magazine one, bought three magazines,

" Sorry to bother you, but I would like to say we here at Yusha store, provide services like private delivery and special services, for a suitable price of course, if you would like to sign up to our delivery system, here is a book to sign in too, if you are interested, you could also subscribe to our daily or weekly posts,. Same goes for books too."

I had officially caught their interest, two out of three signed and subscriptions for daily post and delivery, the latter signed up for delivery alone, they had put down their name in the book, there were required to pay.

In the end, it was successful! I had done it!, I made about 40 galleons and 67 sickles, it was a good, the progress was showing, soon I will dominate Diagon alley. Since it was still July I have some time left before my departure to Hogwarts.

After this place has gotten some solid foundation, I'm thinking of opening a cafe next door,... I will going big.

Anyways, it was noon, I was bored, I placed one of my journals on the table and mindlessly brainstorm ideas, '💡 ding~!' instead of waiting for the people to come here, I will bring them here!, how? Advertising,' Advertising on The daily prophet, would work, I seem I would have to call the muggleborn employee, I have found, his name was Jacob Aldean, he was about 21 years old, it seems the Britain wizardry world didn't treat him...well.

He had curly dirt blonde hair with dark blue eyes, a slender but firm built, and a calm voice, he also doesn't seem to mind being bossed around by an 11 years old, bonus if you asked me, he was in a word- handsome, one of the reasons I hired him, to attract hoes to buy my products to please the old Jacob, he was in a ride full of surprises~! Cackles~

AnyhOe, Jacob arrived has requested,

"Hello, boss..." Jacob greeted me in a calm tone,

"What can I do? .., you said you would call for me when you need me." Jacob said has he looked at the boss and owner of the shop he was currently working in, he was impressed to see a child have such ambitions.

Grinning I said" yes..yes, I did say that, well the reason I ask you to come here, is to be the face of the shop and stand outside to attract customers,". I said rather bluntly, why should I hide my true motion, I would make everything easier.

" Me, the face of the store?.., really? I doubt someone like you will allow that.." Jacob responsed confused and cautious,

" Well, sacrifices are to be made, and this sacrifice will definitely not be a flop, here.." I handed him some new clothes to wear, although he was handsome, he was dirty and looked like a beggar,

"Get dressed in the back and when you look presentable, come out, I want you to stay out and interact with people to draw their attention and to also display the products and explain our services.

"Okay..." Jacob was now heading to the back.

"Oh. Jacob..." I called out to him

"Yes boss?" He sent a questioning gaze at me.

"Don't disappoint me..." I smiled Coldly...
