
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Strange phenomenon

Headmaster called out the names "Charles Robinson and Vane Roosevelt" Both of them walked up to the stage. Robinson shaking and his steps wavering. While vane had a confident look on the outside, but Tom could see the signs of underlying nervousness in his gait.

"Are both the duelers ready?" Dumbledore said. They nodded and Then sparks shot out of dumbledore's wand signifying that the match had begun.

Vane whipped out his wand pointing at the chest of Robinson and fires a knockback jinx. At this stage, knockback jinx was something of a topper's spell, so when vane used it there were some 'oohs' from the crowd.

But to his dismay, Robinson was not willing to be a sitting duck and he hurriedly stepped to the side thereby avoiding the spell. The spell reached a certain distance and then it hit a transparent wall which became translucent when the spell hit it.

Before Robinson could readjust his posture vane sent a levicorpus at him.

The spell went cracking with a yellowish light. Tom was surprised as Robinson dropped down to the wooden base. It seemed like he had fallen, but in actuality, it was a fairly unused move in dueling, unused but still effective against a first year.

As soon as Robinson touched the wooden floor he sent an expelliarmus at Vane. Vane's wand flew out of his hand into the air and fell to the floor with a 'cling'.

Half of the first years were astonished as expelliarmus was a second-year spell. But the clapping soon started from the Gryffindor side by Sam Wilson. Both the duelers exited the stage and went to their seats.

Tom noticed that Robinson went to Wilson and Wilson clapped him on the back.

As if feeling someone's eye on him, Sam turned to meet Tom's gaze from across the hall and smirked at him. That smirk conveyed feelings of satisfaction and challenge.

Tom just looked away nonchalantly as if he didn't even care, but they both knew that he did.

"What a wonderful duel by Mr. Robinson the scores are given by the headmaster 6/10 to Mr. Robinson and 4/10 to Mr. Roosevelt". dumbledore announced.

"Next duel is between Ms. Minerva Mcgonagall and Mr. Sam Wilson".

They both walk up to the stage. Minerva had some nervousness, but she had it in control. On the other hand, Sam walked up the stage like he was sure of his victory.

He was gonna get the shock of his life. When the sparks shot out of Dumbledore's wand Minerva whipped her wand and sent a levicorpus at Sam. He masterfully evaded it and sent an expelliarmus at Minerva. On her part, she countered it mid-way by a knockback jinx.

As both the spells were placed in the same category they canceled out each other.

By this time Sam should have guessed the estimate of Minerva's power, but he continued to play with her by sending lax but well-placed expelliarmus.

Frustrated by Sam's antics Minerva thought it was enough and sent a Bombarda at his feet. It was aimed and fairly fast in speed. Overall, it was a good Bombarda deserving respect of even seventh years. There was some 'wow' from the crowd Dippet leaned forward focusing on the outcome. As it was a very fast-paced duel between 2 extra achievers.

At this moment something happened. To Tom, it felt like the time had stopped. He saw everything in slow motion. He saw Sam's iris turn red and a black comma-like symbol appearing in them. Sam's eyes moved at normal speed as he looked at bombarda. His eyes widen a little at the speed at which it was coming even in slow motion. He narrowed his eyes and carefully predicted where it would land and prepared his leg muscle to work as he stretched his legs and jumped in the air and sent an expelliarmus at Minerva not intending to drag this any longer.

When the normal time flow resumed for Tom he saw what he predicted. Sam jumped in the air avoiding the spell's impact and simultaneously sent an expelliarmus which directly disarmed a now-shocked Minerva.

The crowd stood shocked. Some enthusiasts even standing from their seats in the thrill of the moment. Dumbledore looking impressed and a little shocked, Dippet's face had a look of realization. And Tom...

Tom had a blank face. A face which he had while killing a person. A face which only displayed cruelty and the drive to achieve his goal. And his goal now was to decipher the threat named Sam Wilson.