
Winning without spells

The tournament continued with duels becoming more and more boring. Till dumbledore announced the next name which was Hillary Danny vs Adam Billiard.

Now Tom was interested to watch the duel between his future destined minion and a future probable minion. He was sure when he will reinvoke "The knights" Adam will surely join. Now he just had to watch if Hillary had what it takes to be in his army despite being mud blood.

If not then he will have to unleash basilisk on her for wasting his time.

Sparks were fired and the duel started. Adam chose to overpower Hillary by sending charms and spells in her direction hoping that it will result in his early and easy victory. but alas his luck was not so good as she was very nimble and dodged his every attempt of cursing her and the ones she couldn't she just fired her spells to neutralize them.

This looked like a stalemate, but anyone with a little brain would understand that she was tiring out and Adam's reserves were nearly bottomed. believe me or not it was very intense any second could be the last and victory was a very fragile concept in this kind of duels with both the contestants so nearly matched and with opposite advantages. The thing which was needed was something extraordinary or a feint.

In both cases, if a dueler either fired a new spell in between the regular ones the opponent was more likely to not react and lose. But in Adams's case, it was not likely as he had used all the known spells and he didn't have any reserves to try out new spells which also had a probability to fail.

Onto the next a 'feint'. This was the only way Hillary could win. Tom watched as she accidentally slipped and fell onto the ground. Her face showed shock and reluctance, she probably had prepared a lot for this. Adam sure of his victory sent a stunner. The stunner flew towards her. Tom felt something was about to happen. Call it a fighter's intuition or decade of experience he knew that she will not go down so easily. She still had a fire in her eyes Fire to prove herself.

All watched as she raised the wand and deflected it. The stunner which was flying in her direction now smashed into the shields. With the agility of a snake, she threw an expelliarmus at him.

Gaping like a fish he stood there, looking just as bewildered as the rest of us. It seemed like we had an underdog in Hogwarts.

Tom grins maniacally. A creepy and sort of lustful grin. A lust for power, a lust for control.

There were loud cheers even from the seventh year's. It was one close duel See, it was things like these that captivated people's minds and souls.

Hillary offered her hand for a handshake, but he slapped it away and walked from the stage. There were some boos from Gryffindor but that was it. No teacher took action on seeing this repulsive attitude.

Dippet scored a 7/10 for Adam and an 8/10 for Hillary.

After a few more duels between mobs, it was Tom's turn. He was called upon the stage. Tom walked with a calm smile that creeped out his opponent.

His opponent another mob in Tom's eyes walked up in fright and stood opposing to him. Tom smiled a sweet smile that garnered a few "aw's" from fifth-year girls.

Tom looked at his opponent in the eye and said "Don't be afraid I won't hurt you". 'yet'

Hearing his kind and soothing voice his opponent relaxed a little hoping for a smooth ride to victory. That gullible first year thought Tom will go easy on him and when he will defeat Tom, he will become something more than just a mob.

Alas, it was just his wishful thinking because as soon as the sparks flew out Tom moved like a snake and within seconds he had his wand placed tightly on his opponent's neck. He whispered in low voice "Surrender or I shall make your life miserable".

The mob was so frightened that he peed in his pants. The whole school laughed. Dippet was confused as to how he should score this set of duelers because there was no spell used and the first and foremost criteria were the spell use and power. This was a peculiar case that intrigued him. Never in his life had he seen a first-year duel ending like this. It could be one of the fastest duels in Hogwarts history.

Dippet looked in dumbledore's direction and raised an eyebrow asking his opinion on the matter. Dumbledore gave him a watery smile. Dippet nearly laughed at his and dumbledore's predicament.

But still, as he had to show a grade he gave The mob a 3/10 and Tom a 7/10. Now, many of the students may be unsatisfied with the results and some even vocalized their thoughts but, in Tom's eyes lt didn't matter.

He had to show everyone that he was different from others that he was made to rule and they were made to serve him.

If Hitler had met Tom they would have instantly hit off.

There were only some duels left after which the first round for first years ended. Dippet announced the end of today's quota and instructed us to retire to our common rooms. Everybody was exhausted.

Next chapter