

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · แฟนตาซี
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39 Chs

Old Foe

"Have you forgotten me,Hagetaka?"

The voice came from the only person who was left within there.

Hagetaka stared at the man for a moment looking for something which may remind him of knowing him somewhere.

After a while,he spoke"Nopes,I ain't got any idea who you are".

"So that's how it is,huh?"the person sighed with an annoyed expression.

"If that's the case,I'll make you remember who Iam Hagetaka!"he charged roaringly towards Hagetaka and in an instant he had disappeared.

"He's fast"Hagetaka quickly noticed he was different from the other too"Is he using the flash step too no doesnt seem like it-"before he knew it they was crossing swords with him both of them trying to find even one single opening.

"Ok,I've gotten the gist of it"he had been observin his pattern for a moment"As Iam right now,I can't hold out for much longer so I'll deal with him over here in this final blow".

Meanwhile,Sora was observing the fight with huge concentration.

"They both are on equal level but I doubt that Hagetaka's gonna hold out any longer considering the wounds he's getting any longer".

It was actually true because a while ago Hagetaka had slowed down and had started enduring more wounds than before.

"That might not be the case,though"a voice came from his left side.

Sora shifted to his left to find Ahihito mumbling to himself.

"What was that?"Sora questioned him irritated.

"Oh,sorry about that please continue your conversation don't mind me"Ahihito than shifted his attention back to the battle that was taking place infront of them.

Sora didn't pay much attention and turned to look back at the battle.

Meanwhile,Ahihito was noticing something completely different.

"The way he's started to change his posture and started to endure wounds Iam sure he could've continued with how he was doing it before but what is he even trying to do?"

"Don't tell me he is-"a roar came from the battlefield and Hagetaka had finally managed to cut his whole left arm.

"Shit!I was aiming for the head but I'll get him this time"he swinged his sword as fast he could at his nape cutting it an instant but he disappeared in a flash.

"What the-"he turned to look towards his back expecting he might be there but he was nowhere to be found.

In an instant,his left arm had been cut off and had barely managed to save his right arm from being cut off.

"Bastard"Hagetaka dropped to his knees vomiting blood instantly and than realization hit him.

"I didn't take this seriously.Wait..don't tell me he is Liu of the Liao clan".

He knew him but what the hell was he even doing even here in the first place,multiple thoughts were running through his head at that point.

"So its you Liu?"Hagetaka blurted with apparent disgust in his voice.

"At this point,does it even matter?Iam about to kill you right now"in a flash he appeared before him and held his sword at Hagetaka's nape.

"Just you wait,you bastard-"he attempted to stand with his left hand but instead he fell down on the ground.

"What the fuck!"he looked towards his left arm and it hadn't regenerated even one bit.

Liu held the sword up in a flash about to cut Hagetaka's head off.

"If you are a devil so Iam too one Hagetaka".

The only sound that was heard next was the sound of a blade swinging and a head being slashed upon.

sorry for uploading dis late i'll try to speed up the story its been stuck like dis for a yr but just want u guys to know yep iam dedicated and I have the whole plot in mind and will execute it perfectly and got loads of surprised in store for ya so pls keep reading and thank you

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts