

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Hagetaka vs Liu

Everybody's eyes in the building were fixated upon the battlefield where recently Liu's blade had pierced Hagetaka's neck.

Or it seemed like so,the sword had pierced Hagetaka's hand which was bleeding profoundly while Hagetaka held it off.

"Ughh-"Hagetaka was struggling to speak with his sword placed in his mouth.

"YOU BASTARD!!"Liu shot at Hagetaka while he pushed the sword out of his hand and attempted to kick Liu who had jumped towards to the opposite side.

"You just refuse to die bastard,don't you?"

Meanwhile,Hagetaka took the sword in his right hand which was still bleeding and than looked towards his left arm which had regenerated upto its hand.

"Just a little more..than I'll turn the tables on you oldman,don't you worry about that".

Meanwhile,Liu had noticed Hagetaka's arm had regenerated and shifted to a fighting stance and so did Hagetaka.

"There is no point in defending anymore,if I have to win I've gotta go for the offensive"the same thought ran through both their minds.

Just like before in an instant Liu had appeared behind Hagetaka about to strike his neck again.

"I know where you are gonna aim,you damn geezer"Hagetaka aimed to deflect his attack but once again he felt his left arm been cut off in a slash.

"Did you really think I'd do the same trick twice-"Hagetaka pulled him down towards the ground aiming his sword at the middle of head which he barely dodged.

"That was a close one-"his thought was interrupted by Hagetaka's voice in his left ear.

"What-" it took him a moment to realize his left eye was pierced by Hagetaka's sword.

"WHAT THE FUCK!"shoving Hagetaka to the side he jumped back but before he could even realize Hagetaka had pushed him down again and this time gouged his other eye out.

Liu couldn't see anything and that headache and burning sensation in his eye wasn't helping him otherwise.

"It'll go away soon,just will take a moment to heal yes"he held both his hands towards where his eyes were once.

"No,they won't regenerate if that's what you are thinking"he heard Hagetaka's sound at his left.

He attempted to strike with his sword at the source of sound but failed and soon realized he didn't even have it in hand.

"Looking for this?"he heard Hagetaka's voice realizing he had his sword at that moment.

"Wait,I forgot you can't even see right now can you?"Hagetaka shot with a hint of sarcasm.

"Bastard!Give it back!You have no idea what iam gonna do once my eyes regenerate!"

"I said they aren't gonna regenerate or have you lost your hearing as well?"this time he said with a hint of irritation.

"Huh,what the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Guess what did I pierce your left eye with?"Hagetaka asked with a hint of excitement.

"What are you-"then realization hit him"Don't fkin tell me u pierced my eye with my own sword.."

"When did you even get a hold of it...?"Liu wasn't even asking Hagetaka at this point but was just mumbling to himself.

"Well,if you thought I'd really fallen for that trick than Iam already disappointed in you Liu..you are in no way like Liu Be" at mention of this name he seemed to have regained his senses"He would've noticee something like this but I just simply swapped the swords when you striked at my arm in an instant"Hagetaka talked as if it were nothing.

"You gambled it all on that?"he asked surprised.

Hagetaka apparently came close to his ear so he could hear him clearly.

"This is not even one third of my power or else you'd all be lying flat over here right now,you get it?"

At that point,he didn't even have to look at Hagetaka's face.

He could already imagine how horrible it was at that moment with disgust on his face.

"Now"Hagetaka whispered silently in her ear"Lets get to the interesting part,shall we?"

Meanwhile,Sora and the rest were observing from afar what was happening.

As far as they were concerned,the tables had been turned on them and there was no chance Hagetaka was going to let any them go without a fight.

"The only option you guys is have to either for all of you to step onto the battlefield or for the leader to go over there on his own"Ahihito looked at Sora again expecting him to take some action but it seemed like he was in shock.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!"another scream came from the battlefield where Hagetaka had started breaking every joint of Liu's body and his regeneration abilities didn't make it any better.

"How did this even get to this..."Sora was mumbling to himself while Ahihito was trying to get what he was saying.

"Boss,boss!"one of Sora's men was shouting at him to bring him back from whatever he was thinking.

"What the hell do you want?"Sora shouted back at him.

His men were pointing towards the battlefield where Hagetaka had finished with Liu and had started to move towards them.

"Well,who's next?"Hagetaka shouted from below with excitement in his voice.

But at that moment nobody was paying attention to Hagetaka rather they were looking at the standing figure behind him.

Noticing there surprised looks,Hagetaka also turned back to have a look at what everyone was looking at.

"Oh shit.."he clicked his tongue"this idiots's performed soul activation,hasn't he?"

So just updatin ya guys dis arc will be ending soon and story will be movin forward pretty forwards soon thanks for reading.

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts