Choosing from the Worm CYOA V1 our MC chose: To reincarnate World Breaker Power Manipulation Inspired/Innovative inventor Shattered limiter Perk x2: First World: Naruto Believing that with it alone he should be fine, with the Complication of the cycle begins anew and marked by every single organisation in the settings including the Endbringers. Content with his choice he awaited his reincarnation only to discover he wasn’t reincarnated into the world of Worm but instead into the Naruto world, and what is this, he is a sapling?! And all these people have red hair?
Content with my choice I click enter, looking through this email that was sent to me I couldn't help but remember all those hours discussing about what power combinations that would be the best in a world like Worm. I never understood those who chose the lower end powers, realistically their characters would probably have died in the first few months if things happened as they wrote.
Letting out a laugh Paul moved to his bed as he suddenly felt tired, looking at the time he saw it was approaching midnight and knowing he has an assessment for his new job in the morning he jumped right into bed.
Consciousness returned as Paul tried to stretch his body, 'I hadn't felt this good in ages' he thought as he felt energy coursing through him, this feeling lasted a few seconds until he realised he couldn't see. Not only could he not see but he couldn't feel his limbs, none of his limbs are responding to him and he starts panicking.
"What the hell is going on?!" He tries to scream but he didn't have a mouth, feat tried to settle in but his new body doesn't have the chemical makeup to fully panic. Here he is, stuck in a weird limbo of forced calmness by his biology compared to the part of him, an esoteric part of him he doesn't comprehend.
Soon enough he calms down, 'ok, the last thing I remember was filling out a Worm CYOA... What the hell!', remembering what he did the night before he realised what possible situation he was in. 'Wait shouldn't I be waking up as Taylor Hebert then? Am I a baby in the womb?'
'Okay just relax, chill, now let's remember what powers I chose before anything. So I chose To Reincarnate, if that's so then check. So glad I chose World Breaker, now if I remember this allowed me to have 12 points to spend on abilities. Then for my first ability I chose Power Manipulation which gives me the ability to effect other peoples power, either steal, nullify, edit, remove or outright give powers. Each day I have a set number of charges, I think it was about five.
Then I chose Innovative inventor which makes Tony Start look like an Elementary School Child, each day I once again have a set number of charges I can invest in whatever field of knowledge I want, with about five charges which are stackable as well so that's good.
Finally I chose the perk Blank so that means no Thinker bs and no preconditions can effect me, my future or past can't be observed. Also Shattered limiter Perk twice which basically tripled my abilities so my charges should be about fifteen for both power manipulation and Inspired inventor daily.'
Letting out a sigh of relief or at least he tried but with now body it was a bit challenging. 'Alright what complications did I choose, I remember choosing Marked which means that select organisations will be gunning after me, either trying to recruit me or just want me dead and six feet under. That's easy to deal with considering the abilities I have but then I went and foolishly chose every single organisation in the setting that was ever mentioned to be gunning for me including all the Endbringers. Why did I do that?!'
If he has a body he'd be on the beginning stages of depression at this point, 'I know I love a good curb stomp, but I also know I'm lazy'. 'At least let me check out what my abilities look like', Paul tried remembering what other characters did to access theirs so he tried the same. Going into a state of meditation he was quickly pulled into a space, in it were what could be describe as pearls the size of a two story house. There were two of them, one was golden whole the other was silver. Focusing on the golden pearl he felt fifteen different slots, instinctively he knew it was the power manipulation ability, 'those must be my charges and it seems like I was right, shattered limiter for the win!'
His focus shifted to the silver pearl and similar to the golden pearl he instinctively knew it was innovative inventor. He felt fifteen charges that could be used to gain any knowledge he seeks. 'It's a good thing each charge can be stacked so if I chose cybernetics, with probably three charges I could recreate a full cyborg'.
Relaxing to enjoy the peace of mind he was currently feeling knowing that whatever gets thrown at him, he'd be able to handle it as long as he played smart. 'I want to enjoy this life I'm given, but I guess my body isn't developed enough as I know I would be freaking out by now, but with no chemical makeup to effect me, I'm fine so let me use this period to orientate myself.'
Time passed as he fell into a slumber, the energy he received was on the cusp of euphoria as he couldn't help but bask in it. Day after day passed as time trickled on, when the seasons changed he was awoken as he felt something constantly colliding with him, 'what the hell, who keeps hitting me?' Noticing he still couldn't see he thought he was still in the womb, 'is someone attacking my mother?'
Quickly focusing on his power manipulation he was shocked to see that there were countless numbers of charges '270' his powers helpfully supplied, 'wait so I was asleep for 18 days?' Refocusing on what was happening outside as the hits grew in frequency.
~ Spatial awareness x4 ~ [266]
Investing four charges into Spatial awareness his senses exploded outwards, no longer trapped in the confines of his body he could see up to 800 meters around him, his soul ground to a halt. What he was greeted with was rocks and sparse vegetation 'wha.. what the hell', his soul shook as he noticed it was raining but he wasn't feeling the cold he expect, shifting his awareness towards his body he would have cried if he could.
'I'm a sapling?'