
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Music system in mcu 1/2

Synopsis: Some dude gets a music system and produces anime music in the mcu.

You might've noticed a lot these have something to do with the mcu, it's cuz I'm interested in the mcu currently.

Chapter 1

It's been a few days since I woke up in this strange world. Just a week ago, I was your run-of-the-mill music major. Last I remember, I was heading home after a party when I suddenly blacked out. When I came to, I was in a strange house in the middle of nowhere. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was a vast grassland. No other human structure insight.

As you may have guessed, I was terrified. I still am. Where am I? Was I kidnapped? Why? A stream of questions swirled in my head. But, they were left unanswered. Even now, they have yet to be answered. Still lurking on the back of my mind.

Currently, I was laying on the ground. Watching the clouds ever so slowly drift. Suddenly, a holographic screen popped to existence in front of my eyes. Caught off guard, I immediately got on my feet. My grandfather always said "it's better to face the unknown on your feet, then laying down."

On the screen was written "Synchronization Complete." I was perplexed, but also excited. 'Is this like those system novels I read in high school?' I wondered. Was I isekai'ed? That would certainly explain everything that happened so far.

[Welcome, Music Production System booting.]

"Oh my god!" I couldn't help but squeal. I have a system. A system. This is like a dream come true. But, music production? That's interesting. "System, tell me what you can do."


[The system allows you to create and publish any form of music. The system will take care of all the tiny details of the publication.]

[Every thousand views or streams will gain you one SP.]

[SP or System Points are in a sense currency. You can use SP to purchase anything from the shop. Ranging from simple clothes to logic defying powers.]

[You currently have 100 SP, please use them wisely to publish your first piece of music.]

Nodding vigorously, I couldn't hold in my excitement any longer and immediately opened the shop. A separate screen appeared next to the other one.


[Misc] +

[Artifacts] +

[Abilities] +

[Important] +

Ignoring the rest for now, I opened the important tab. A short list of different items were listed. The one that instantly grasped my attention was the Memory Capsule.

[Memory Capsule: 50 SP

Every purchase allows you to fully remember every last detail of a piece of music. Effects wear off after 8 hours.

Class: Consumable ]

Even though it costs half of my current budget, it's definitely worth it. This will save me so much time and effort. "System, where would I produce the music? Is there a studio in the house?"


[It's located on the second floor.]

"Do songs from my previous life exist in this world too?" I inquired as I headed towards the simple two story house.

[A majority of them are. Pieces made by famous musicians like Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, George Micheal, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, etc also exist in this universe.]

[And they are all just as beloved.]

I see, so I can't just make whatever song comes to mind. "Does anime music also exist here?"



[Anime doesn't exist in this universe.]

"What universe am I in?" I finally asked the most important question. A question where the answer will have a big impact in my life going forth.

[That is something you will have to figure out yourself.]

"Are you serious?" I asked dumbfounded.


Sighing, I entered the house. 'My future just became more uncertain.'

Left of the door was a small closet with a shoe and a coat rack. There was also misc. items like a soccer ball, baseball bat, etc.

Taking off my shoes, I headed to the second floor. The staircase was directly in front of the door. Just a mere 20 feet walk.

As I ascended the staircase, anticipation coursed through my veins. I couldn't wait to see the music studio that awaited me on the second floor. Each step brought me closer to realizing the full potential of the Music Production System and the opportunity to bring my creative visions to life.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I turned the corner and my eyes widened in awe. The studio before me was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was a perfect blend of modern technology and vintage charm. The walls were lined with soundproofing materials, and a sleek mixing console stood at the center of the room. An array of musical instruments adorned the space, inviting me to explore their melodic possibilities.

Excitement bubbled within me as I approached the mixing console. I ran my fingers over the smooth surface, feeling the power and potential beneath my touch. The memory of my past musical experiences surged forward, fueling my determination to create something truly remarkable.

With a deep breath, I sat down in front of the console and activated the Music Production System. The holographic interface materialized before me, presenting a vast array of tools and options. It was a musician's dream come true, a digital playground where I could sculpt sounds and craft melodies with precision.

After what like hours of me just playing around with the system and instruments, it was finally time to decide what song I would release first. This was the most important decision of my life so far. I hope the song will be, no, it must be successful. If I intend to grow in power in this unknown universe, this song has to succeed.

It has to be a very catchy and memorable song. A song that can grasp the emotions of the listeners. A song one can repeatedly listen to. After a very long time of contemplating, one song came to mind.

Not wasting another second, I bought the Memory Capsule and immediately got to work. As if possessed, my hands effortlessly glided through the keyboard. Writing down the lyrics on the computer connected to the mixing console.

To Be Continued…