
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · Anime & Comics
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Music system in mcu 2/2

In an apartment complex in the heart of New York City, sat a chubby young man scrolling through YouTube late at night. In the deepest depths of his YouTube homepage; a particular video caught his attention. The thumbnail of the video was like nothing he had ever seen before.

A muscular character wearing an orange gi sat on a floating yellow cloud. On the man's lap was a child wearing a hat with a large golden orb with four stars.

Noticing the number of views the video had, the young man was taken aback. 'Why is a video with zero views in my recommended?'

Even more intrigued now, he quickly read the title before clicking the video.

[Okarun - Cha La Head Cha La (Official audio.)]

After loading for a few moments, the video began playing. As it continued to play, the young man found himself fully captivated by the energetic melody and infectious rhythm of the music. The lyrics, sung in a language he couldn't understand only added to the mystique and allure of the music.

Time seemed to halt as he silently listened to the song. Fully immersed in the world created by it.

Before he knew it, he found himself listening to the song for the third time. But now, singing along to a few lyrics he could understand. "Cha-la head-cha-la!"

-The Next Day-

It's been a month since I began working on my first release. Just last night I published it before heading off to bed. I don't expect much on the first night.

Getting out of bed, I began doing my morning routine. It consists of waking up 8 in the morning, before doing 10 minutes of stretches. Going to the bathroom to freshen up and then making a light breakfast. Today, it was a cheese and ham sandwich with a cup of coffee on the side.

As I was eating my breakfast, I opened my status screen.


[Name: Bruce Yamamoto

Rank: Beginner Musician

Abilities: None

SP: 130]

"What?" I couldn't help but perplexedly say as I noticed my SP. Just last night I had 50. Did I gain over 80 thousand views in just one night? That's preposterous.

Not believing what I was seeing, I quickly opened my channel page. Taken aback by the number of subscribers I had now. "584 subs. My God, that's absurd."

After a few moments of gawking at the number of subscribers, I clicked on the video which now had 81 thousand views. 81,324 to be more precise. And still rising.

Never in a million years did I expect my first video to blow up this quickly. In my past life, I did post a few here and there but they never got anything more than a thousand views at most. I would post song parodies, covers, and even some of my own.

Music has always been a passion of mine since young.

Music had gotten me through rough events in my life. Growing up Japanese-American with a western name in Japan was not easy. I was bullied a lot in my childhood. Music was my comfort. My therapy. My coping mechanism.

Shaking away the unpleasant memories, I sipped my coffee before clicking the comments. The video playing in the background. The top comment had over 5 thousand likes, a thousand more than the video itself.


Really cool song and video. Keep it up. :> Amazing voice btw.]

That made my heart flutter. Even though I didn't make the song, it was nice to get complimented for my voice. Hearting the comment, I replied with a simple, "thank you so very much ."

Feeling a lot better about myself, I continued to scroll through the comments for a little while longer.

After I finished my sandwich and coffee and headed straight for the studio. Even though I just released a song, I need to begin working on the next. I'm in desperate need of SP. All the way abilities available on the shop are sound based and are expensive as hell. The cheapest is at a thousand SP.

I have already decided what my next song will be. It's from one of my all time favorite series.

-3 Weeks Later-

Back at the apartment complex, the chubby young man was once again scrolling through YouTube. Attempting to find a video to watch while he ate.

"Ned!" An older woman's voice came from the kitchen. "Come throw out the trash."

"In a minute!" He shouted back.

Suddenly, there was a notification on his phone. Normally, he would ignore most of them and read them later but, he currently had nothing to do. Picking up the phone with his free hand, he halfheartedly read the context of the notification. Gasping in surprise once done, he nearly choked on his burger.

Coughing, he quickly drank the McDonald's sprite. After a few moments of chugging the liquid, he calmed down.

As he reread the notification, his excitement reached new heights with every passing second.

Like before, the thumbnail was what truly grasped his attention. On it was a handsome man with spiky blond hair. He held a strange stone mask near his face while staring at the camera with his piercing golden brown eyes. The man sat on a golden throne.

"Whoa," was all Ned could say. Nevertheless, not wasting another second he clicked on the video. Rereading the title one last time as the video loaded.

[Okarun - Sono Chi No Sadame (Official Audio)]