
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Sekiro(?) with Bloody Finger Hunter Yura body in mcu

Just like the title sounds, what if an ancient samurai found himself in the middle of nowhere?

Just beat Sekiro Shadow's Die Twice and was feeling inspired.

Chapter 1

Deep in the vast desert of Puento Antiguo, New Mexico, where the bright light of the full moon lit the darkness of the night. There, a wounded figure in old damaged samurai armor laid unconscious.

The figure's fingers slowly twitched, bit by bit regaining consciousness. Attempting to sit up, he groaned in pain. Immediately grasping his side. Gasping for air, he removed the heavy iron Kasa and oni-shaped mask off his head. His bearded face drenched in dry blood and sweat. His long black hair sticking to his face.

Regulating his breath after a few moments, the man ripped off his armor chest piece to bandage his still fresh wounds. Tearing off the last piece of the bandage with a hidden blade from his prosthetic arm.

A little while later, the man got to his feet, sighing, 'nevertheless, I must make haste,' he thought. 'I have to find shelter.'

Picking up his two beloved Katanas, Nagakiba and Kusabimaru, the man tied his head and chest pieces behind his back before weakly limping towards the north. In an attempt to find civilization.


The unnamed samurai had walked for what felt like hours. Still no civilization in sight. He was thirsty, hungry, and worst of all lost too much blood already. He was barely standing on just pure willpower, unfortunately, even that had its limits. The man fell to his knees, quickly losing consciousness once more. He had already accepted his inevitable fate.


The man slowly opened his eyes, staring at a strange white ceiling. It was like something he has never seen before. So clear and beautiful. 'How majestic.'

"Is this heaven?" He said, surprising the young nurse replacing his IV Fluids.

Gasping in a language foreign to the samurai, the nurse abruptly rushed out the room. The sudden sound of the door slamming caused the man to immediately take a fighting stance. Ready to cut down anyone who entered the room.

The man's fierce gaze turned to confusion when he realized he wasn't holding his beloved blade, Kusabimaru. Neither his weapons nor armor were in sight. He now only wore a strange soft robe. Its texture was nothing like he had ever felt before.

'What in God's name is happening?' he thought, overwhelmed by everything he was seeing. "What is this sorcery?!" He muttered seeing the lines moving through the patient monitor.

'Has that damned bastard been hiding…this? This sorcery?'

'How long did he have it?'

'I must inform the master. The Shogun is in cahoots with a Yokai.' He thought.

Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Before he could react, the door was opened, revealing a beautiful woman with long curly red hair. She wore a simple black one piece dress and a black purse.

Caught off guard, the man quickly took out his hidden blade. Dashing towards the women, he grasped her neck, slamming her against the wall. The blade pressed on her neck. "Who are you?" He interrogated, his tone dark.

Gasping for air, the woman struggled to get her words out. Her every breath felt weaker than the last. Once she finally did speak, it was in a language the man couldn't understand.

"What are you saying? Do you not speak the common tongue?"