
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
8 Chs

A Normal Prodigy

Daenerys Targaryen

Age: 9

(291 AC)


It's been nearly a year since the incident. 

You would think that we would all experience a significant change after that, owing to the resulting trauma. 

But the only one who truly changed was Aurion. 

It was surprisingly gradual, instead of sudden. So gradual that most people didn't even notice, and assumed it was just him growing up. But I knew that wasn't the case.

He stopped reading the books he liked, and instead picked up books on fighting, on war. I know that because I would always go look at them once he was done reading. They were graphic, too graphic for me to get past a certain point. But he never showed any expressions while reading them.

Then, he began training. Not playing with swords like a normal kid, but actually training. 

I used to be the one who wanted to swing a sword. But after we got ambushed, I was too scared to even touch one. I wouldn't admit this to anyone, but I was scared to become like Aurion. Before I passed out that day, I had seen a glimpse of how it was to actually cut someone. I didn't want that. I didn't want to be skilled with the sword, because then I would be forced to go into a battlefield. And then, I would have to kill people, or maybe even get killed. I didn't want that. What I wanted instead was, to spend my life peacefully, alongside my brother, supporting him in whatever he does. 

Is it embarrassing? Yes, but no one can hear my thoughts. 

Anyway, I have been staying away from all that now. The most I do is watch Aurion and Visenya train. 


How do I say this, but she has really grown out of her shell. She hasn't really changed, no. But it's as if her true personality is showing itself. She is a prodigy in the art of combat. The dancing master that we hired for her, Liera, tells us so. Technically, Visenya would be my niece, but I just call her my cousin because we are so close in age. Anyway, my cousin picks up anything Liera teaches her in a couple of days at most. Liera has been a dancing master for 20 years, and she has never seen anyone as talented as Visenya. Obviously, she has her small body limiting her, but she is only a child. I am proud of her. 

Aurion, on the other hand, can be called normal. Well, looking at his first 8 namedays, no one would expect him to be skilled with the sword. And he wasn't. But he was putting in a lot more effort than he should. If he's not sleeping or reading, then he is working out. I could see him gaining more and more muscle as the days went by. Ser Barristan told me that while Aurion definitely has a talent to be a knight, he isn't anything spectacular. I think Ser Barristan is full of shit. How can you judge someone's ability when they are still only 9 namedays old? Besides, the one training Aurion is Ser Arthur. 

Speaking of which, we are currently watching a training session. By we, I mean me, Elia, Lyanna, Mother and Visenya are watching Aurion train. 

He is sparring with Ser Arthur with wooden swords. It may look like he's pushing the knight back, but it's more like the knight is constantly shifting positions to facilitate the training. 

We were all mesmerized by the way they were moving. I have no idea how they weren't tired. 

"Hmm..." Visenya broke the silence. "I want to spar with him!" 

"Visenya?!" I tried to stop her, but she had already run off with her own wooden sword. 

Within seconds, she was by Aurion's side, interrupting his training with her request. 

"I would reprimand her, but she is doing the exact same as I would do when I was younger..." Lyanna murmured. 

"Ain't that right! She sure is a free spirit. But don't worry, I think Aurion will like sparring with someone his age instead of a weary old man." Elia replied.

"I'm not an old man..." said Arthur as he walked towards us, ready to watch the two kids spar. 

"I'm quite interested in how it's gonna go." Ser Barristan showed unusual interest. 


I like Visenya, but...

"Kick her ass, Aurion!" I screamed, cheering my brother on. 

My Mother sighed, but patted my head to tell me to keep going. 

Lyanna gave a playful smile and countered me, "Show him what you're capable of, Visenya!"

"Who do you think will win?" Mother asked Ser Barristan, likely setting her expectations.

"I believe it should be a close bout, with Princess Visenya narrowly taking the win." One thing I've noticed is that the half-old man never talks about any 'facts'. He always makes it a point to say that what he's saying is merely his own opinion. 

Anyway, I still don't like him. Aurion will never lose!

He won't lose...right?

Ugh, you better not prove your sister wrong!

They both took a stand. Visenya had one hand behind her back, while Aurion had both hands on the sword. 

There was no starting signal, and they just simply crashed. I saw their swords scrub against each other for a few seconds. 

And then suddenly, it looked like Aurion had stabbed Visenya's foot, as she fell onto her knees and my brother pointed his sword at her head, signaling the end.

Huh? Wasn't that...too fast?

He helped her stand up, and they started again. This time, Visenya's sword was hit so hard that she spin around, and Aurion touched his tip to her back. 

They kept continuing, but we fell into conversation. 

"But...how? What's happening right now is the complete opposite of what everyone's been saying!" Elia snarked.

Lyanna, contrary to my expectations, didn't look sad that her daughter was being beaten. But rather, she looked curious, "This is...unexpected."

"Just as I thought." Ser Arthur said after releasing a long held sigh. 

"Hmm? What do you mean, Arthur?" The leader of the Kingsguard asked him.

"Prince Aurion is average; that is what anyone would think while watching him train. His technique and talent, both are nothing special. And even though he puts in a lot of effort, no one would bet on him in a tourney. However, the truth is, it is nigh impossible to defeat the Prince in an actual fight." 

I was about to shout at him, but then he ended with that. 

"Why do you think that is so?" Mother asked what everyone was thinking.

"I thought it was just my imagination, but watching him spar with the Princess just proved my theory. He knows exactly what to do, and when to do it. Not a single one of his movements is unnecessary. This ability...it's like he's watching the battle from a third-person's perspective."

"You mean, he has eyes in the sky or something?" Lyanna commented, trying to make sense of his eulogy.

"If we talk about eyes, then having a pair in the sky doesn't do him justice. A more appropriate comparison would be to say that him and his opponent are trapped in an enclosed room, and the walls are covered by Prince Aurion's eyes."

"Woah...creepy!" Elia with her useless input. 

"I see. In other words, I guess the Prince can be called 'A Normal Prodigy'." Ser Barristan ended his own question.

The others kept talking, but my eyes went back to the open square where they were sparring. 

I don't really get what Arthur said, but...it means that my brother is the strongest. 

A blush crept onto my face, and I struggled to fight the urge to cheer him even further. 



Jamie Lannister

(291 AC)


"This horse really needs to be put down!"

"A horse that doesn't like you isn't a horse that's unsuitable for riding." I corrected my sister's comment.

We were currently going to visit Casterly Rock. I am escorting the Queen, aka my sister. That being said, I'm sure it's a plot from her to get us some alone time. 

Haa...she's insatiable. I really wish she would stop this, but I am powerless in front of Cersei. 

"Ser! I think you should see this!" 

A rider came to fetch me, and we halted the escort while I went to take a look. 

It was a woman and two children, both girls. One of the girls was missing an arm. 

"And...what is this?"

"Well, they were in the area. They say they were just traveling through here, but..."

"But what? You can't expect me to say 'Good job, this helpless family might be assassins', can you?" I said in frustration, as our time was being wasted.

"N-No! I'm sorry, Ser."

I turned towards the trio. They looked weary, with tattered clothes. Likely beggars who were changing towns. "Apologies, miss, you can be on your way with your children." 

"Ah, haha, it's not a problem. Thank you so much, Ser." The elder woman replied, and ushered her children to start walking. 

One of them, a girl around 12, the one missing an arm was trembling. Was she scared?

This was likely the first time she had seen a man in armor, can't really blame her. 

I tried to smile at her to assure her, but she turned her head away in a hurry. I didn't even get a proper look at her face. 


As she walked away, I saw a couple strands of silvery-white hair intermingled with her black head. A child's hair won't be turning white, would it...?

Maybe she's trying to dye it white.

Anyway, not wasting anymore time, I returned to Cersei's side and we resumed our journey. 


Aurion Targaryen

Age: 9

(291 AC)


I was so tired from sparring and training all day, that I fell asleep as soon as I touched the bed. 


So that should mean that I'm dreaming right now. 

But this feels so realistic that I'm starting doubt my own conscience. Ah, maybe it's similar to that vision with the Dragons. 

I've been seeing that again and again in my sleep. 

Only this time, I wasn't in a battlefield but rather an open grass plains.

And there was a tree. 

I looked down, and my legs looked longer than normal. I glanced at my arms, and sure enough, I was in an adult's body. 

I walked towards the tree, and noticed the silhouette of a woman. 

She had long, white hair that flowed in the wind like the waves of the Narrow Sea. 

As soon as she spotted me, she stood up and began running. Gripping her skirt, she was running like her life depended on it. 

As she got closer, I noticed that her face was missing. It wasn't hollow, but there was a curtain over her face that prevented me from seeing what she looked like. 

I didn't know who she was, but I knew she was someone dear to me. 

And when I woke up, I needed to find her. 

I ran towards her, and we extended our arms to grab the other even a second sooner.

But before we could touch, the scene faded and I fell back into a deep slumber.





Next 4 Chapters are already out on patre0n.com/Neil247!!!!!!!!!!!!!
