
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Red and Vision(s)

Aurion Targaryen

Age: 8

(290 AC)


I've been training daily with Arthur. 

But I haven't stopped reading books. My interest has shifted from history, to books on war.

I don't know why, but I haven't asked Mother to read them to me. I just sit down on my own. 

Dany sticks to my side even more than before. But she doesn't talk as much. In fact, she stays silent if I'm not there. I don't blame her for her change, she went through a very traumatic experience. 

Visenya, on the other hand, has warmed up to me a lot. Before, she would insist on staying with Lyanna, and would often insult my hobbies. But now, well, she regards me as her real brother. 

I did meet with Viserys, but only once. His time in the brothels has increased, and he has completely forgot about the incident already. Even his previously lazy training is now non-existent. 

But my main focus is on getting stronger. I haven't been able to replicate the miracle. But that's fine, I don't want to rely on something like that to protect my family. 

I guess, my biggest problem so far has been trying to get my sisters to train with me. 

Visenya has been very vocal, and very active. Her muscles are still weak but her talent with the sword might be greater than mine. And the way she moves during training, it is so elegant that one of the servants suggested getting a Dancing Master for her instead of a Knight. I'm supporting that suggestion.

My twin, on the other hand...

"Dany, you should at least learn the basics and carry around a dagger. Defending yourself in peril is-"

"I don't need to. You will always be there with me, Aurion, and you'll defend me."

This is her response, every single time.

I just sigh and decide to return to my training. Dany won't be watching me this time as she needs to nap.

Arthur is busy today, and Ser Barristan is on guard duty so I have to do drills by myself. 

I pick up the wooden sword, which is slowly becoming an extension of my limbs, and begin to train. Raising it above my head, I bring it down in a quick motion, nearly resting the hilt on my abdomen. Both my hands are gripping it, yet I do not get the same feeling. I'm thankful for that, I won't accidentally exhaust myself when we're not in an emergency. 

"The sun is brutal today..." a murmur left my lips as I wiped the sweat off my face after just a few practice swings.

Looking up towards the sky, the sun was indeed fiercer today. 

Huh...that's weird.

My eyes don't hurt even though I'm staring right at it. 

Instead, it's almost as if I can't look away...

I can see the sun getting closer, and the intense heat fading away. 

The glare dissipated, and a ball of fire revealed itself. Flames crashing against each other, creating sparks that travelled through the air like electricity.

It got so big, that I thought it would swallow me whole. 

But just as it got close enough to lick my nose, I blinked. And everything was back to normal.

What the hell was that?

"I think I should take a walk to clear my head." My 'toy' was discarded and I left the house, free to roam the streets.

Contrary to my expectations, the restrictions on my leaving the safety of our house had been lifted rather than being enforced harder. I guess Mother trusted me more now.

Anyway, I took a long walk, just wandering aimlessly. But as I was about to turn around, I saw a red temple. 

The bricks had been dyed, but it didn't take away from the intricate designs. Although, I thought red bricks were reserved for places like brothels, so I was a bit surprised. 

Peeking inside, I didn't see anyone. There was just an empty courtyard with a burning flame in the center. 

Once again, my eyes locked onto the embers, unwilling to part. 

But this time, the burning heat was intense, even though I was several feet away. It was intense, threatening to burn my skin, yet it never did. 

I saw the flames rush towards me and engulf me in a storm. 

I raised my arms to protect myself, but they also blocked my vision. I let them back down when I felt the storm pass, but the sight surprised me. 

Bravos was nowhere to be seen, and I was standing in a battlefield. 

Although, was it truly a battle?

Soldiers lay on the ground, their protruding bones charred and turned to black. Their skin welded together with heat, their weapons melted onto their face. 

They all wore the same colors. 

It was a one-sided massacre. 


I heard the sound of wind being torn through behind me, so I turned around.

Large, black wings sliced the air and made way for a huge Dragon to fly. 

It was big, too big. A shadow was cast on the battlefield and the sun's rays were blocked out. 

The beast landed near me, almost crushing me with his teeth. His skin reminded me of coal, and his green eyes seemed to be looking into my soul, judging me. His teeth were sharp and long, revealed when let out a deafening roar.

I stumbled backwards and fell onto my hips with a thud. 

But my eyes stayed on the beast, or rather, on the human figure revealing itself from its back.

He was wearing the battle attire of House Targaryen. Black scaled armor and a red cape. 

His silver hair reached his neck, but parted to show his face. 

It was a scowl, a sad one. 

I knew in that moment that he had done this, he had killed all these people. And he loathed every second of it. 

More wings flapped, and I looked above to see five more dragons roaming the sky. Some of them had riders, some didn't. They looked like normal birds compared to the size of the Dragon in front of me though.

I thought the sun was being blocked by just their wings, I was wrong. Dark clouds soon spread everywhere, and poured down with rain droplets the size of swords. 

My body was being crushed by the heavy water, but I persevered. Because something was happening to the tall man in front of me. 

The water coming from the sky should've been clean, yet he was being covered in mud. 

Then from his hands, blood began to flow. 

How that red liquid managed to color the entire ground in a few seconds, I do not know. 

But I do know that it wasn't his blood. 

It was the blood of his enemies. Both innocent, and guilty. 

"...do it...."

I heard him speak.

His voice was coarse, tired. He wanted to rest, but couldn't.

"Do it. Because if you don't..."

My heart raced, beating harder than ever. 

"...then they will die."

"No! No!" I screamed. "I don't want them to die."

What was I saying...? 

Why am I having a conversation with this weird-ass dude?

"Then find him."

"I don't understand! Find who?! Where?!"

"He's waiting in the ruins, waiting for someone to claim him."

"Ruins?! Where the hell are those?!"

"Where it all began."


I returned back to reality, and fell to the ground panting for breath.

The people around me looked at me with weird looks. I didn't dare to look inside the red temple again. 

Instead, like a scared child, I ran back to our house. 


Next Three Chapters are already out on the Patre0n! (patre0n.com/Neil247)


