
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · Book&Literature
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8 Chs


Aurion Targaryen

Age: 9

(291 AC)


Mother's room was always guarded by these two useless knights. 

I have tried to get her to adopt a Kingsguard as her protection, but she keeps refusing, saying that 'our' lives are more important. 

What a joke...you think 9-year-olds Targaryens can survive without their Mother? Hah...

Anyway, I knock twice and enter, paying no attention to the 'guards'. She looked like she was expecting me. 

"Welcome, Aurion. So, what is it?"

"...Hmm? How do you know that I'm going to ask something?" 

"Well, you haven't asked me to read you a book in over a year. And the only time you even talk to me is if you want to ask a question."

"...I'm sorry." I felt slightly guilty. It's not like I can control it, it's more of an unconscious thing.

"It's fine, I know you're just becoming more mature. So, are you going to get to the point." 

I really can't believe I'm asking this, but I couldn't find the answer in a book. "Do we have any other relatives that are still alive? The ones with white or silver hair."

"That's an unusual question." Her face said that I should already know the answer. I don't blame her, it's common knowledge after all. But I...I need to know for sure. Surprisingly, her face didn't turn sad while reminiscing, "As you know, after the war, the only Targaryens that were alive fled to Braavos, and you know all of them personally. There are some Velaryons still alive on Driftmark, however. And they have white hair."


I know for a fact that she was a Targaryen. 

The girl that I saw in that dream a few days ago...I know that she's real. That she's out there somewhere. My heart is telling me so. And I need to find her, to get answers. 

Why is my heart telling me that?

Why do I feel this empty void inside me, that will only be filled once I find her?

I don't like it.

I hate this feeling of hopelessness, of not knowing what something means. 

"I see. Thank you, Mother. I'll be on my way." 

She sighed and gave me a tired smile, used to my antics by now; leaving as soon as I had what I wanted. 

Anyway, it's time for a walk.

I often roam around the city with a cloak over my head. During this time, I remind myself of my recent readings, and make a note to not forget any important details. 

I have read almost all of the Conciliator's rule. I have already gone through King Viserys, the Dance of the Dragons and Aegon the Unworthy. 

All amusing and informative tales. 

That being said, I can't wait to read in depth about Aegon the Conqueror, and how he made Westeros kneel in his presence. 

After all, we have a similar ambition. 

He fled Valyria to make sure his blood didn't extinguish. He valued his family above all else.

I am the same. I want to make sure that Targaryens, living or forthcoming, can live in peace without the threat of imminent death. 

However, there is but one problem.


Everything I have read so far points to one conclusion; the Targaryens ruled without fear because they had Dragons. 

I mean, if Balerion the Dread flew over my head, I would most likely kneel as well...right?

Those beasts are fearful creatures for us. They can crush us, burn us, chew us, basically do anything they want to us, and our armies. Without them, we are vulnerable. And vulnerable tyrants will never survive for long.

Anyway, I don't have Dragons.




From time to time, I hear these whispers in my head. They sound like their mouth is touching my ear, and yet I also hear the voice from far away. It is nauseating. 

This time, it were the words spoken by that ruthless killer. 

Who the fuck is 'him'?! And why do I NEED to find him?!


Like I said...! I don't know any rui-...

I don't know...

I don't...




The doom of Valyria! Aegon! Ruins!

Of course! Of fucking course! How could I miss this?!

If he said ruins, and didn't specify any, then I should assume that he meant the most important ruins in the realm. 

Ugh...! But...! That place is a murder vortex! 

All stories I've heard about it are sickening. 

Fire Wyrms? Seriously? I don't want to go anywhere near that. 

But, I finally found a clue. 

Perhaps I should investigate more, with a different mindset.




Age: 11

(291 AC)


It's cold. 

Why is the night always cold?

Even though I'm sitting right by the fire...

Hah...the others are already asleep. 

And yet, I'm looking into the flames like I'm some sort of witch. 

Well, they can't blame! It's not my fault!

If you saw a boy this handsome, you wouldn't be able to look away either!

I don't know why, but every time I look into a fire, I see this boy. He's always doing something different, and I like watching him. 

This time, he is clashing swords with another girl his age. I see him holding his weapon with both hands. 

My hand went to clutch at my left arm, only to miss. Then it ventured above, and found the protruding, ugly bone from my shoulder. In other words, the remains of my limb. 

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, and I tried to hold them back.

No, not again.

Don't remember that pain!

Don't...fall asleep after crying again!

Don't...please don't...

It was useless. No matter how hard I tried, I always broke down. 

Someone...save me.

Please save me from this never ending fate. 

Please...save me.


Aurion Targaryen

Age: 9

(291 AC)


I had shut myself in my room a few hours ago. 

My breathing was abnormally quick, and my heartbeat was elevated. 

I had found another clue. 

No, not a clue. I had discovered the most obvious thing in the world. 


Who the fuck assumed that Dragons are extinct?!


The only Dragons that are dead are the ones that were held captive by my family. 

There were other branches of those beasts that existed in Valyria. They could've easily survived the Doom by escaping north-east. What proof do we have that they are extinct.

Okay, so let's assume that they didn't escape. 

Still, there are other Dragons...

Branchless, riderless, fearless...

Wild Dragons. 

We know they existed during the Dance of the Dragons. There was never any definitive number as to how many there were, and only three were identified. 

But, even assuming that those three were the only ones, one of them is unaccounted for. 

Unaccounted for, meaning not confirmed dead. 

Find 'him'.

Does 'him' have to be a person? 

No one said so. 

I knew what ruins meant, and there was a possibility that there was a 'him' there...

I almost forgot to breathe as I once again, realized the true depth of my thoughts. 

If this was real, then...

House Targaryen is far from finished. 



Red Temple


Age: ????

(291 AC)


Oh, Lord...

Why are the flames so restless?

I peer into the chalice, trying to discern the meaning of my Lord's message. 

He never sends a sign without a meaning. 

And it is up to us to learn what the meaning is. 

Recently, all my flames have been growing rampant. 

I am, for the first time since becoming a 'priest', having trouble gazing into the fire. 

And even when I can gaze, I do not see anything.

But today, I feel that today is different.

Something, something is going to appear. 

My eyes bleed as I force them to focus on the burning embers. 

I see a silhouette. A man, with a flaming sword. He is riding a beast, into battle I presume. 

Every light in the room extinguished before I could see more. 

Was that...


Hah...Oh, Lord, it took so long. 

But finally, he has arrived. 

And he won't escape from his destiny. 

That, I swear, as a servant of R'hllor, the Lord of Light.





Next 4 Chapters are already out on patre0n.com/Neil247

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