
Gods legacy

A god being bored cause a human to reach an unimaginable strength. —————————————————— This is my second fanfic. I know that the synopsis is rubbish but just have a read to see if you like it and feel free to give any ideas especially about the different worlds my mc should go to

Golden_Silver_King · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

Chapter 5





Arriving at the leaky cauldron, Ben quickly went inside and went straight up to the barman Tom.

"Hello sir, how much would it cost me to stay until the first of September"

"Kid, are you here by yourself?"

"Yeah, how much would it cost me?"

"Where are your parents?"

"Don't have any. Can you please answer my question?"

"*sigh* It will cost you a lot but I'll let you stay in a room for free if you do chores for me. How about that"

"I accept, which room will be mine?"

"Up the stairs, down the corridor ninth door on the left. Got it? And the names Tom"

"Yep got it ninth on the left. Names Ben. Thanks Tom."

"You're welcome Ben. You can start your chores tomorrow"

"Will do Tom. But before I do that, can you show me how to get to Diagon alley?"

"Yeah, I'll show you"

Tom lead Ben out of a door in the back of the Leaky cauldron which lead a small area inclosed by bricks.

"What this Ben" Tom said as he tapped a pattern on the opposing wall with his wand.

"Did you get that?" He continued

"Yes, Thank you" replied Ben as he walked trough the gap in the wall.

As he stepped through, he saw Diagon alley in all of its crooked glory. All the buildings looking uneven with multiple shops down the left and right side of the alley and Gringotts at the furthest point he could see. It was absolutely amazing to see this for the first time.

Ben wandered down the street, straight to Gringrotts. And after resisting the urge to enter every shop he went past. When he reached the steps of Gringotts he saw the words that he has always wanted to see with his own eyes engraved on the doors.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Without wasting anytime, Ben walked into Gringotts whilst trying to compose himself. And he was successful in doing so until he saw the goblins that he admitted where scarier than the movies protrayed them. So under the fear inducing stares of the goblins he made his way to goblin at the very end and spoke to them.

"Hello there Goblin, I was just wondering what services are offered here"

"We store money and convert money and that is all you need to know unless you pay for more information" said the goblin in gravely monotone voice

"Well I'll pay if it not it's not too expensive but if its like a Lord test or something I'm happy not paying. I already know I'm a Lord of Time HaHaHaHa" Ben chuckled to himself by quickly stopped by the shocked look on the goblin's face.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ben asked

"I need to take you to my king, follow me" said the goblin as he got up from the desk and began to speed away.

After Ben followed the goblin down some long corridors, he began to think he did something wrong or that the goblins somehow knew him. But his thoughts got cut off as they reached a massive door with guards stood outside it.

Quickly the goblin said to one of the guards "Tell the king that the one he was waiting for is here."

The guard made his way through the door and returned half a minute later and allowing the goblin and Ben to walk trough. Entering, Ben saw a massive gold throne with a goblin with a crown upon its head.

"Welcome Time Lord, my name is Ragnok, I have been waiting for you" said the crowned goblin now named Ragnok

"Why have you been waiting for me and how do you know who I am?" Asked Ben cautiously

"Every magical being, with the exception of witches and wizards, since the beginning of the decline of magic has a message of your arrival repeating in the very back of there heads and we haven't told a single human it so don't worry about that." replied Ragnok

"What does this message?" Asked Ben

"The message says: The Time Lord shall help revitalise magic." Said Ragnok

"But what does it mean?" Asked Ben

"You may or may not know by magic is slowly disappearing from this world and has weakened every magic being to the point that even the strongest of auror in todays world is about the level of the average magical prowess of a person before the decline of magic. So I think it means you will bring back the lost magic and make every magical being as strong or stronger than before the decline of magic."

"Wow that is a big task, it will take me ages for me to finish that but I will give a shot." Said Ben with confidence in his new abilities

"Gringotts is more than happy to help you in this endeavour as we, a once mighty warrior race, are not as strong as we once was and that disgusts me" Commented Ragnok.

"Well, I have to begin at hogwarts before I even think of starting going that route so I really need to go get my supplies especially my wand. I'll be back to discuss some more at a later date and the name is Ben, sorry for giving my name so late."

"I shall expect you again. Guard, show Ben the way out"

A guard in full armour walked Ben back to the entrance and Ben soon left Gringotts.


This took me about 4 hours to plan and write. I would have continued but I need sleep. I hope that you have had a good read so far and please leave a comment on who you think the soulmate should be but only one as I'm not going to make this a harem story and tell me what worlds you would like to see (and leave a comment about any potential soulmate from said world). Have a great day!