
Gods legacy

A god being bored cause a human to reach an unimaginable strength. —————————————————— This is my second fanfic. I know that the synopsis is rubbish but just have a read to see if you like it and feel free to give any ideas especially about the different worlds my mc should go to

Golden_Silver_King · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 6





Walking out of Gringotts, Ben went to go and get his school supplies from the shops in Diagon alley. The first one he went to was a store that sells trunks and bought himself the cheapest trunk and paid for an additional for a shrinking charm for a total of 7 galleons just so he can have a place to keep all of his items after he has bought them. Moving on, the next shop he went to was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and spent 8 galleons on the uniform that he is required to have. Ben was hoping to meet someone there like how Harry met Draco but there was no one of interest there. He then spent the next 30 minutes going into different shops to get his other equipment for a total of 12 galleons. He, again, didn't meet anyone noteworthy. The next shop Ben went into was Eeylops Owl Emporium and bought a snow owl (that wasn't Hedwig) and named her Em. He then bought Em a cage and treats for a total of 20 galleons. The second to last store and the second most anticipated store was Flourish and Blotts. Ben, excited at the idea of being able to preform magic ran up to the store clerk and asked

"Excuse me sir, do you have the books that are needed for my first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yes we do. We sell sets of each book necessary for each year" replied the store clerk

"Great, how much will it cost me?"

"10 galleons for all the first year books"

"Here's 10 galleons. I am going to look around for any more books to get." Said Ben as he handed the galleons over to the store clerk.

"I'll keep the books here while you look around"

Ben went of in search of any interesting books. He primarily looked for any books on enchanting, runes and even wandlore as he is interested in magic properties and how they can be used. He, unfortunately, didn't find books on enchanting and found 2 books for runes that are for beginners and 1 for wandlore. The books on runes was Ancient Runes Made Easy by Laurenzoo, which provided translations for twenty one thousand different runes and symbols, and Rune dictionary to help with translation and understanding runes. The book called An Introduction to Wandlore was just as the Title said an introduction to wandlore that provided detail of common woods and common cores. So Ben decided to do the only thing he can do in this situation and buy them of course.

Just before he went to buy the three books, he went looking for a book on some every day life spell and as he was focusing on looking at the book shelves, he bumped into someone who then fell on the ground. Looking at the bushy haired girl he bumped into he quickly said

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there"

"Don't worry, I didn't see you either"

" I was just so caught up looking at the books I wasn't aware of my surroundings. My names Ben. What's yours?" Said Ben as he helped her off the floor

"Hermione, nice to meet you. Are you a first year aswell?"

"I am, do you know what house you want to be in? I hope I'm in ravenclaw, it's said to be for the intellectuals."

"I haven't put much for thought in it but I have to run my parents are waiting for me" and then she said "Bye" and walked away.

During this incounter, Ben realised that Hermione is way cuter than portrayed in the movies. He quickly dismissed that thought after all he is an adult mentally even though he is a child physically.

Ben walked back to the counter and bought each book for 1 galleon each before he packed them all away in his trunk and left the store.

Now, for the most anticipated store, Ollivanders. A store that needs no introduction. Ben rushed inside but there was no one in there so he rang the bell. When a figure popped up from behind the counter scaring Ben.

"Most interesting" muttered the man as he appeared.

"Hello sir, I have come to get a wand" said Ben

"I'm sure you have. Just stand there whilst I take some important measurements. But first, what hand do you favour?"

"My right hand sir"

The next thing Ben knew, Mr Ollivander was wizzing around him taking some measurements. It was rather dizzying watching Mr Ollivander walking around him but he was able to recover when Garrick went and got a box of one of his selves.

"Alright then, try this. Apple wood with a phone-"

He didn't get to finish as Ben picked up the wand and waved it around when the wand suddenly shot out of his hand.

"That wouldn't do at all." Said Garrick as he picked the wand of the floor and put it back in its box.

"Hmm.. let's try… this"

The next wand was presented to Ben and it caused glass a nearby picture on a wall to shatter.

"No no, that doesn't work well for you."

What followed can only be called chaos as Ben spent the next hour trying all the wands in the shop due to Mr Ollivander being sure there was a wand right for him but as the last wand entered Bens hand it once again failed as it started to produce smoke.

"My god, you are probably the most difficult customer my family has ever dealt with. The only option now is for me to make you a custom wand which rarely happens as people normally bond with one of the wands in the boxes and they don't get a second unless absolute necessary. Follow me and I will take you to my workshop and you can choose the wood and core you are most comfortable with."

With that said Garrick lead Ben to the back of the shop to the workshop. As they entered the workshop, Ben could see there was a lot of different materials in the room with the wood being a the right side of the room and the cores to the left. There was a singular workbench in the middle against the back wall with a few wood cutting tools on it.

"Alright, go and pick up the wood first and I'll be at my workbench"

So Ben did just that and went over to the wood and to decide but as he looked at them the all felt like they were wrong for him. Ben then closed his eyes and tried to sense a wood and he did in the very far right corner layed a chunk of wood that felt right to him. So he picked it up and took it to Mr Ollivander.

"Ah. I had made a guess that you would pick up that wood. It's called Runewood. It's rarer than elder wood as it is from a singular tree that a wizard grew with runes and he was the only one successful in doing so but most of those that are aware of this wood tried to replicate it and failed because nobody expect the original wizard knew the right runes. Due to its connection with runes, it is the only wand where runes can be etched on it and it will still work with the additional effect the etched rune might have. It is a shame it's the only piece that I have but you are a difficult customer so I have no choice but to use it. Now go and get the core."

Ben walked over to the core and closed his eyes and he felt a core that felt right. It felt almost electric. It was a feather. So he took it back to Garrick and gave it to him.

"A thunderbird tail feather. A good choice, powerful but difficult to master and not something I normally work with. It has some unique properties when it is apart of a wand. It can sense and alert you of danger and fire curses at said danger on its own. This wand would be one of the greatest ever made. It woul normally cost you 80 galleons but as there is no other wand and I am most curious to see how you will use it, I'll give it to you for 40 galleons upfront and it will be ready in a weak, ok?"

"Yep, that's ok, here you go" Ben handed over the 40 galleons and left.

Ben then went to go back to his room at the Leaky cauldron and started reading his books.


There might not be a chapter tomorrow until about this time.