
God of Artifacts - Marvel

Reborn as a son of Hephaestus and Aphrodite, his mother is a divine whore and his father a joke all over Olympus, Nero possesses the same deity as his father, the forge, but decided to use it only for himself and destroy all the gods that humiliate your father.

dogassnetorare · ภาพยนตร์
6 Chs

Righteous Daughter Necklace

Athena used her power to bring Medusa into her presence.

Before long, a small woman in a miserable state appeared.

She was only 1.50 m tall, a very beautiful but thin body showing clear signs of malnutrition, her hair was long and black but without a doubt her light blue eyes are the most attractive part of this woman, unfortunately her eyes now only have sadness

Nero, Hephaestus and Athena looked at the poor woman and all 3 gods felt sorry for the woman

Medusa looked up and saw the 3 gods, she felt enormous fear without end, after suffering with poseidon she was still cursed by Athena, her body was injured but the worst damage was to her soul

Even his gaze at Athena no longer contained faith, but fear.

Nero watched Medusa, her black hair was slowly losing its black color and turning greenish, the curse was already taking effect

"Calz, bring some Mithril and also a unicorn heart" Nero

Unicorns are pure beings and their hearts can contain any curse, of course they were not killed by Nero but are treasures given by other gods to Hephaestus

Uru Metal is the best metal to make weapons, but it doesn't have the ability to maintain the purity of certain mythological animals, as Mithril can contain the purity and become the best metal in that sense.

Hephaestus didn't care, all his treasure is his and his son's, he never denied Nero anything

Nero approached Medusa, he is very big and strong and even though he is handsome that didn't stop Medusa from feeling afraid.

"Don't be afraid, come here and eat, you're hungry" Nero

Nero took some ambrosia and served it to Medusa, ambrosia is the delicacy of the gods and the favorite candy of all Olympus, if a mortal steals and eats some ambrosia he will no doubt die, but if a god offers some to a mortal man, then the candy will heal all wounds and make the person almost immortal

Medusa was scared but she was also hungry, she was just a poor woman who hadn't had a proper meal for days and that's exactly why she went to pray faithfully to her goddess Athena

Medusa took the candy and took it to her mouth, started eating non-stop, it's the most delicious food she's ever tasted, she didn't even notice that her wounds started to heal

In a way Medusa is now an immortal, she will not age and her body will gain a self-healing ability, of course this is just false immortality as she can still be erased from existence or killed by a powerful being.

Athena looked at Medusa with a little guilt but she didn't apologize after all a god can never apologize to mortals, however gods can curse but also bless, Athena gave a gift mark making Medusa almost a demigoddess

Soon the honest Cyclops Calz returned with all the materials

"thank you Calz" Nero

Nero decided to create a necklace, something good for a woman to wear all the time after all not all women are like Athena who wears armor even to sleep

Nero activated volcano divine fire, now 8 years later his divine power is stronger than before

Nero activated the volcano's divine fire, now 8 years later his divine power is stronger than before, using his God Breaker Nero started to forge the metal of Mithril

Mithril metal and unicorn heart are the main materials, but he also brought emeralds to be the jewelry of the necklace and a little gold to make the base along with the Mithril.

The base structure of the necklace is simple and in a few hours with the help of divine fire and divine power, Nero finished

The effect on the necklace is made to improve control and filter the powers of the curse, Nero decided not to contain 100% of the curse but to help Medusa to control them, with this necklace she will keep her mind sane and can start her curse

Now is the hardest part, time to name the artifact

Nero lifted the beautiful necklace up

"My second artifact created, the one made to resolve injustice, I Nero, the god of the forge, named this necklace the Righteous Daughter" Nero

Small purple rays permeate the necklace, Nero looked good on the outside but only he knew his body was sore, even with training it is still difficult to create artifacts with effects

Medusa watched Nero for hours working, she didn't say anything at all but she is by no means stupid, she knew that that unknown god was trying hard for her

Nero resisted fatigue, took the necklace and approached Medusa, the woman was having the curse contained thanks to the divine candy but her black hair no longer existed, now it was green and had small scary eyes appearing, snakes were being born

"You can no longer stay in the mortal world or you will become the target of certain people, Medusa will now be part of Hephaestus' house" Nero

Medusa held the necklace, her mind finally fully regained its sanity, her curse and powers were controlled, since then a new demigoddess was born.
