
Gluttony: Devour

... Hunger. The only reason I’m here. To consume everything. I must... this place shall be eaten... it is my duty. To eat. To consume. To create space so they can create the world anew. To create the universe anew. To do that, I must... F E E D. [Author here! The main character has no gender, for starters, as I do not know how to write the fuk time properly. Secondly, the mc may or may not be a self insert. Thirdly, the updating schedule may be absolute shit because I can sleep for 24hrs at a time. I hope you can enjoy this small project as much as I do!]

SquirrelFlyTree · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

In the beginning

In the womb of the universe and the eternal dark, there was a beast akin to the serpent of envy Leviathan, as the angler-whale-dragonfish titan, Them. Without a mind to call their own as to not let the devoured ones seek revenge on their mind, they are mindlessly devouring anything within their path to purify or to convert them. Their body neutralizes all attacks, lest that planet's natives try to kill it or attempt any harm onto it due to Mother's negligence once, which granted them a serious injury.

They were scarred and lost half their body, yet Mother used Leviathan's body to repair them and keep them alive. She then put many spells, enchantments, and curses as to not let them get hurt again, as They were her first child to live through the trials of Father's wrath and the outer entities' judgments.

It's mother watches, to make sure they don't fail their duty or encounter a tear in the fabrics of reality not made by her, and to scour for Father, if he ever emerges from the Eternal Light again, to rejoin his wife in the endless dark of the beginning.

In one moment and one decision, reality tore in half to open a path to another universe. Their mother pitied Them, wanted them to have a better life, as most mothers do. She loved them, and regretted not being able to fawn, coddle, or spoil them as per the rules of the high council of foreign entities and to Them's lack of mind and cognitive ability.

She let them keep their power so they would thrive and sent them to a place full of power and energies for them to feast on in that universe, so full of darkness and energy seeds simultaneously. A place where not having one of those seeds was rare, pitied, and despised. MHA.world, a wild and dark place full of corruption and chaos due to lesser being's greed.

A suitable world for a devourer, both energy-filled and deserving of consumption. Purelight beings on that planet, though unwilling, would be transported back into Them's main universe after they're done feeding to be rehabilitated. Mother would take good care of them, treating them like the most precious youngest child of the family and taking care of them until their souls fade away into light matter.

The impure ones, though, shall be devoured and turned back into dark energy, so that their universe could restart fresher, purer, and better. The Puredark, though, shall be trapped in their body and sent to Father, a being with no mercy, restrain, or lack of power to be punished and purified to be unable to reincarnate unless they confess their sins and do five centuries worth of suffering.

The royal tree of Yg blesses Them, in empty hopes that They would return with some of its family members lost to the void of time, forgotten and old. The remaining royals, Yerbanora and her husband, the king, Huntrbion (previously Huckleberry) awaits Their return with Huntr's brother, Daggerwasp, a resurrected assassin that even Mother knows not where he was sent.

They, however, shall now start their story, as a child given up for a better life and a body claimed as a vessel for Their new existence as a sentient and powerful being, apathetic to the death of others not deserving of care, their friends, their family, as they are not Them's true blood family of origin and will never be, and if the family members or friends decide to hurt Them or a purelight, it would warrant immediate consumption and transfer to Father's realm.

The first chapter is written in stone and metal, signifying the birth of a new God.

Anyways, here’s the first chapter of this book! Let’s hope I can actually power through this time.

SquirrelFlyTreecreators' thoughts