
Frozen Heart Burning Love: Decision Of Love Or Leave

Y/N was living a happy sweet day with her Mom and Dad Mr. Kim Hyunwoo and Mrs. Hyunwoo, owner of one of the most famous mobile industries in Seoul, South Korea. Until she was bonded with the son of the CEO of Seoul's famous Car Industry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, living with his 6 deadly so-called brothers (half of them worked under the forces of the nation) including their parents Mr. Kook and Mrs. Kook. let's see if Y/N can bear with this cold CEO for a contract of 1 year. Will this go till the end? Or she would find another?

Woozastories · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
12 Chs

Episode #10

Later, when everyone went to their rooms. You and Kook went upstairs. Your head was aching badly. you thought that it was because of sleep but it worsened.

you kept awake at 1:30 you couldn't control the pain. you started looking for the pills in the room, bedside tables, and dressing drawers. then you slightly closed the door and went downstairs to check out for the pills. you didn't know where to find all the pills. You got confused and got back to your room. while coming upstairs. JK opened the door drying his hair with a towel and looking at you confused

"What were you doing downstairs this time??"

"uh...I was looking for...painkillers. I couldn't find them." You hesitated

He made a done face

"Aren't they on your side table?"


"huh. Wait" he went inside his room and brought painkillers

"Here. Take this and stop roaming later this hour. Pabo..." he shut the door

This was not making you happy on the first night. you quietly went to your room and closed the door. you wept, hugging your pillow.

Your Pov*

Oh God! Why was this supposed to happen to me? Mom, Dad. This isn't fair. He can't reject the agreement! How can he be like that?! He promised me to get through this...I won't let you forget it, Mr.Jeon.

The following day you woke up early but got JK nowhere in his room. you got ready, feeling alone and hesitant. you went downstairs and greeted spouses and mother-in-law.

"Morning..." you smiled

"Morningggg" Your mother-in-law hugged you and cupped your face as you looked good.

"Wait with them, breakfast will be ready soon," said Mrs. Kook

"Where's Everyone?" you asked catching eyes around the house

"Jhope, Suga, RM, and Jin went with JK to the department, and Your dad went with Jimin and Tae to the office..."


"You'll get to see this every morning. haha" said Si-U

"I'm used to it" you chuckled

You chatted with your in-laws and ate breakfast

"Did you sleep well?"


"I saw you roaming downstairs. Was everything okay?"

"yep. I just got a headache so I was looking for painkillers."

"How's your ache now?? Did you take medicine? Mrs.Choi-"

"I'm ok. I took painkillers. It's fine now" you smiled

You helped your in-laws and did the chores. Mrs. Kook stopped you but you wanted to do it

"Ah! Y/N, leave it they will do it themselves."

"Umma, I can do it. However, I have free time so I can do the chores along with them. right?"

"Alright. But don't get too tired. Take rest when needed"

"By the way, there's nothing to do much. we are enough to do the chores. There are maids but it is better to take care of things yourself" said Yu Jun

"Right..." you agreed

"You know, JK did all the chores himself. He never let anyone touch his room and belongings," said Seo-Ah

"Not even the maid?"


Mrs. Kook and the spouses did a code language with eyes then Mrs. Kook said

"Ah, Y/N! Did you clean JK's room? It would be messy FR"

"uh..." you confused "But he-"

"You're his spouse. It's your priority to take care of your husband and his belongings"

Your Pov*

Aghhh what situation is this now? He will chop me out If I touched his belongings God save me...

"Y/N," Ji-Hye clicked their fingers to get your attention "What are you thinking? Go ahead" Everyone was anxious to send you to JK's room


You went upstairs to JK's room

"Umma, you know JK will get angry when he pops up with the idea that Y/N went into his room...why did you send her there?" Asked Jiwoo

"JK will be pleased to see that Y/N cares for him. won't he?" Mrs. Kook expected and smiled widely

"It can go wrong. We can't assure that he reacts the same way we're thinking..." said Si-U


You went upstairs to his room

"Aish...Everything is tidied up. What do I have to do with it?- Huh...Look at this room, it's so dull! looks like ghosts are living here"

There were JK's clothes and the bedsheet was all crumpled. You changed the bedsheet, washed it, and let it dry. You took a new bedsheet out and made all the room so pretty.

"Now it looks like someone lives here..."

*knock *knock

You turned back

"Y/N-ah. I-" Mrs.Kook was shocked and her jaw dropped


"um. Is it looking bad?"

"No no no no! It's very very pretty! Well done" She cupped your face and patted you.

"Actually he never made his room so well-looking. But I hope you can make it more colorful" Said Mrs. Kook

Your pov*

I hope as well that he doesn't get mad...

You were sitting in the garden with spouses eating cheese cake. you looked around at the plants.

"Your dad loves plants too much. It may look like a jungle right now but it's really beautiful."

"Doesn't anyone take care of them?"

"Your dad takes care. He never let anyone touch them. huh...so the maids never made it."

"Can I clean...them?"

"Huh? Ya...You just came in the house-"

"It would be fun. I don't mind it"

"O-Ok but don't get hurt."


You went to the plants and saw the rose bush. You got excited and plucked a rose to give it to JK to make a comfortable space.

you cleaned the plants a bit, watered them, and waited for JK to come.

But things didn't work for you. JK was supposed to come home happily after planning but he was boiling up

Mr.Kook and Taemin were already home

JK slammed the door when entered and tried to control his anger

"How was it?" asked Mr.Kook sitting on the sofa, crossed legs, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper

JK didn't reply and sat on sofa, removing his coat and tie. Everyone stopped speaking. Oppas came in making a confused face. Everyone was just looking at each other's face to figure out what happened

Mrs. Kook broke the silence

"Ah, Jungkookah! how was your day?"

"Fine," he said while taking off his watch and taking all the stuff to go upstairs. he was cold.

Mrs.Kook looked at Mr.Kook then Mr.Kook looked at the boys They shrugged that they didn't know what happened

"Jungkook-ah! I everything fine?" Asked Mr. Kook

"hm." He stood up

"Ah, you go and get fresh we'll set up the dinner," said Mrs.Kook

JK left the hall and went upstairs. Si-U tapped you and told you to go after him


"uh-huh! go"


"go! Go!"

You went after him quickly he was standing in the room seeing all the weird changes.

"Umma!! Umma!!"

"J-Jungkookah" you hesitated, rose in your hand behind your back

He turned to you and came closer to you

"Who did this?!"

"Um..." your heart sank knowing that he's not liking it

"I said who did this??!" the yelling can be heard in the whole mansion

"I-" Tears started forming as you couldn't explain what happened

"You did this?"


"Don't say my name! just shut up! Who do you think you are? You're just a pass by so stay away from my life!!"

You crushed the rose so hard behind that the thorns caused intense bleeding. Your tears ran from your eyes. You looked at your hand, blood dripping on the floor

His anger faded and tried to take a look at your wound but you brushed his hand and ran into your room. Mrs.Kook came up and saw that you went to your room crying.

"Ya! What have you said to her??"

"I told her not to touch my belongings but she ruined the whole room"

"I told her to do that. She didn't do it on purpose!"

"Who else it can be..." he humphed and walked away.

Mrs.Kook thought to knock on your door but she gave you some space. Jk went out for a walk to release the depression

You went into the room, threw away the rose, looked at the thorns one or two went deep.


"Y/N..." said Ji Hye

you opened the door

"Come and have dinner?" she asked softly

"Coming." You closed the doors and looked at your injured hand. You sat on the bed trying to figure out how to remove the thorns

*At the dinner table

"It's understandable that he's angry but there's no point in scolding anyone like this," said Mr.Kook

"But he won't do that on purpose. He's not ill-mannered we all know that." Said Seo-Jun

"Hm...Noona is right. He was all ok the whole day. But after the break, he was pissed off" complaint Suga

Mrs.Kook came upstairs to give you dinner

You were not eating because you couldn't hold the chopsticks with an injured hand

"Y/N-ah Eat something. You'll get your health unstable. at least eat some."

"I'm not hungry yet" You kept looking down

"Don't be stubborn..."

"Alright. I'll eat it. You should rest now, it's too late"


"promise" you smiled

Mrs. Kook left so you wanted to sleep. You took the tray and went downstairs to put the food into the fridge. You were looking for a band-aid or something to cure the wound

SeokJin came out and found you looking for pills in cabinets


you stood straight


"What are you doing here this hour??"

"Um...finishing my food"

"Is the food in that cabinet?" you realized and sat on the table counter to eat the food but you can't eat in front of him. You were waiting for him to leave so you could treat your wound secretly

"You said you're about to eat." He suspected your glum face


"Show me your hand..." he was getting angry as he knew something was wrong


He looked at you with a done face

Everything was quiet. He was focusing on removing the thorn. he applied disinfectant and wrapped your pal in warm crepe bandages to get relief from the swelling. your tears were running frequently

"You shouldn't let this do to yourself. I know it's a bit hard to keep yourself quiet in this kind of situation but trust me, patience is a key that leads to wonderful destinations."

"I wasn't supposed to hurt him." you weeped

"its okay it happens" he wiped your tears and cheered you up

"Whatever happens, never lose hope, and call me anytime, anywhere for help. I will be there" he smiled and patted your face

He fed you the meal and washed the dishes

"Don't let it go under and don't grab too hard on anything, ok?"


"You had the painkiller?"


"Good. now go and take some rest"

You were going but turned back and said



"Please don't let anyone know that I was hurt by the thorns..."

"Panda!" He chuckled

You smiled and went upstairs. Jk came back home drunk and looked at your room where you were sleeping, thought of the fight, and went to his room to sleep